Response 276319598

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Part Two - Physical Design Measures for Inclusive Design

7. Please give us any comments relating to Principle 7 and what it is trying to achieve

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These schemes while well intentioned, fail to address the maintenance of traffic flow and the need for emergency vehicles to get through. The need for people to access north / south. Lawless cyclists crashing red lights. The need for old or disabled to drive. Difficulties to get Blue Badge.

8. Please give us any comments relating to Principle 8 and what it is trying to achieve

Please give us your views
Pedex crossings stop cars too suddenly. Cars take time to stop. Driver reaction time plus mechanical braking time. Risk not stopping in time. Time needs lengthening. Also taking turns with traffic would increase traffic flow and relieve congestion.

9. Please give us any comments relating to Principle 9 and what it is trying to achieve

Please give us your views
The edges of paving causes falls if it is not smooth to the next slab and narrow drain covers dislodge causing trip hazard. Roads which have potholes are a hazard to pedestrians and cyclists. Writing reports is one thing. Action is urgently required.

10. Please give us any comments relating to Principle 10 and what it is trying to achieve

Please give us your views
All this dictatorial stuff about street furniture could kill off cafe culture, the hospitality industry and any creativity for businesses and is very ‘nanny state’ Most disabled people would prefer to be able to use street cafes. The main trip hazards are the paving.

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