Response 577903897

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Part One - Inclusive Engagement for Street Design

1. Please give us any comments relating to Principle 1 and what it is trying to achieve

Please give us your views
We strongly believe that the need to engage with relevant organisations and individuals concerning the planning of town centres etc is absolutely crucial to the planning process. It is imperative that Scotland values local democracy and in order to achieve that everyone needs to be included in discussions and considerations. It is always beneficial to be anticipatory instead of responsive to difficulties and in order to anticipate any potential problems, viewpoints from people of all abilities must be considered.

There needs to be more clarification as to how private organisations funded by public bodies would be held accountable and truly engaging in meaningful consultation with the community. For example, there is no requirement for private bodies funded by public money to respond to FOIs. There is also no indication as to how they would be held to account if they didn’t engage with communities.
Engagement should be long-term, honest, and transparent.

2. Please give us any comments relating to Principle 2 and what it is trying to achieve

Please give us your views
We agree with Principle 2. The earlier planners begin the process of engagement and participation, will provide more time for them to plan what forms of engagement to deploy.
At the earliest opportunity planning should be engaging with the community, this will give a better insight into the needs of the space and what it is used for. It will indeed provide a longer timeline to consider problems and how to overcome them. The earlier engagement can be made the more chance there is of building trust in communities and coming to an agreed upon solution.
Engagement should continue post completion. For example, new street designs to incorporate cycle paths into the centre of Glasgow were criticised by groups campaigning for visually impaired people. They believed the design was dangerous. This would be a prime example of why engaging after completion could help with future projects and help planners to rectify issues.

3. Please give us any comments relating to Principle 3 and what it is trying to achieve

Please give us your views
We agree with Principle 3 that engagement with communities should at all times be accessible. This should include all abilities, such as visual impairment, learning disabilities and motor difficulties. Information should be easily accessible in an online form and there should be one-stop-shop for all to obtain any information about proposed plans in their communities.
Information should always be jargon free and easily digestible for everyone, no matter what their previous knowledge on a certain subject. There should be clear and engaging design, so information can be accessed without much difficulty.
Information should be upfront and transparent, there should be a requirement for planners to willingly provide communities with as much information as possible. When private companies are involved they too should be forthcoming with planning and information
Although an easily accessible online format is essential, engagement should be more than just an online presence.

4. Please give us any comments relating to Principle 4 and what it is trying to achieve

Please give us your views
We agree that the scope of who can contribute to and influence decisions should be large. No one should feel excluded when it comes to an area that they have visited, live in, work in, and have invested interest. As previously stated the more people/organisations consult in planning decisions should strengthen local democracy and increase chances of planning outcomes becoming successful.
Groups that can represent citizens with more diverse needs should be included in order to make sure those needs are heard loud and clear and considered. It is important that their knowledge is taken into consideration, so all areas are accessible to all abilities. Additionally, timelines should consider the breadth of opinions, organisations and individuals who should be consulted before planning begins.
It is important that all planning is transparent and forthcoming, so everyone feels that they are able to offer their opinion and become involved in the planning process.

5. Please give us any comments relating to Principle 5 and what it is trying to achieve

Please give us your views
We agree that engagement should be accessible wherever it is taking place. As previously stated implementing a user-friendly online presence so people can engage is crucial and also online or virtual meetings are extremely useful. Yet it should be strongly encouraged that face-to-face engagement is strived for in a place that is central and accessible to all who are engaged with the planning. Provisions for those unable to attend in person meetings should always be made.
However, all communities are different and will therefore have different preferences, remote towns are different to city centres and travel should be considered. If planners are effectively and honestly engaging with a community it will become clear what avenue is best.