Response 242223638

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Local Authority run services

1. Is there anything which should be set out in guidance that Local Transport Authority's must have regard to in exercising their new functions for running their own bus services? Please explain your answer.

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Yes. We are heading towards zero emissions and it is important that buses are upgraded to take into account this as soon as possible. As petrol and diesel are being phased out and there are new laws continually being brought in for car drivers, if there is a bus available for people to use then I feel people would use them. It takes away the problem of transport users having to find an electrical point to charge their vehicle. It reduces the number of vehicles on the road and makes the roads safer for everyone.

2. What further information and resources would be helpful for an Local Transport Authority considering providing local bus services? Please explain your answer.

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At the moment there is no buses at all for residents in the more rural parts of the country. Even in some parts of cities it is hard for residents to get to hospitals to visit their friends and family in the evening. It is shocking. It is time for bus companies to wake up and see how poor their services are and provide a proper service to their customers. Learn when shops are open, hospital visiting times are, etc. Stop leaving the countries residents cut off from others.

Bus Service Improvement Partnerships plans and schemes

3. Do you have any further comments in relation to the form and content of plans and schemes?

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Set an example to vehicles like cars by reducing emissions.

Bus Service Improvement Partnerships procedures

4. Do you have any additional comments relating to the procedures for the preparation, making, postponement, variation and revocation of plans and schemes? Please include any comments on matters that may be helpful to consider for inclusion in secondary legislation.

Please add your comments in the text box below
I don't know if this is the right place for this, but I know that vehicles are now having to use E10 petrol and diesel will be getting phased out. Is E10 coming in from abroad? If it is then why not change the law to make all vehicles electric sooner then we don't have to rely on E10 petrol? Make the UK more self sufficient sooner rather later. It's better for the environment as well and local authorities could make some cash from the owners of vehicles who choose to drive E10 and diesel.

Bus Service Improvement Partnerships variation and revocation

5. Do you consider any conditions are necessary for the variation or revocation of a scheme (where the scheme itself makes bespoke provision for this)?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

Bus Service Improvement Partnerships facilities and measures

7. Do you agree or disagree with the above definition of facilities?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Neither agree or disagree

8. Do you agree or disagree with the above definition of measures?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Neither agree or disagree

Bus Service Improvement Partnerships facilities and measures (continued)

9. Should existing facilities form a part of a partnership plan and/ or scheme?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

Bus Service Improvement Partnerships exempt services

10. Do you consider any further services may or must be exempted from the service standards of the scheme (beyond services under section 22 of the 1985 Act as detailed above)?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

Bus Service Improvement Partnerships qualifying local services and qualifying time

11. Do you agree or disagree with the above definition of “qualifying local service”?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Neither agree or disagree

12. Do you consider any services should be excluded from voting (for example excursions or interurban services)?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

12A. Please explain your answer.

Please add your comments in the text box below
It is important for buses to provide a service to residents and visitors alike so they can get to their place of work, home, go shopping, get to a hospital and all the other places we take for granted. Residents pay their council tax and use other services across Scotland. We should be providing a bus service that lets them be part of Scotland.

13. Do you agree or disagree with the definition of “qualifying time” as set out above?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Neither agree or disagree

Bus Service Improvement Partnerships voting mechanism

14. Do you agree or disagree with the voting mechanism as proposed above? (either of the options within the model can be adopted by the Bus Service Improvement Partnership).

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Ticked Neither agree or disagree

14A. Please explain your answer.

Please add your comments in the text box below
Residents in the more rural areas must be included in the more rural areas and in certain parts of cities because poor bus levels left residents no choice except to go out and buy cars. They must include how many people actually live in the area and low residency levels must not be left out. Bus companies must not be allowed to exclude these passengers. After deregulation of the buses people got used being forgotten about despite being tax payers. They were left with no option except to go out and buy cars because there were no buses to get them to their place of work, hospitals, shops, etc. Bus companies say they reduce bus levels because of poor customer numbers, but if there are no buses then what choice do residents have except to buy vehicles. As people live longer insurance costs are rising, electricity and gas prices are rising, furlough is ending, Universal Credit is being cut, food prices are rising. The list is endless. If there was a proper bus service then vehicle numbers on the road would fall, emission levels would fall and people would feel connected again.

Bus Service Improvement Partnerships multi-operator travel cards

15. Do you agree or disagree with the proposed definition of a “multi-operator travel card”?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Neither agree or disagree

15A. Please explain your answer.

Please add your comments in the text box below
It is so much simpler to have a card that you can use on different travel companies.

Bus Service Improvement Partnerships reviews and reports

16. Do you agree or disagree with the proposed content of reviews and reports on the operation of a plan or scheme to be outlined in guidance?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Neither agree or disagree

About you

Are you responding as an individual or an organisation?

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