Consultation towards Scotland’s Rail Freight Strategy

Closed 22 Jan 2016

Opened 22 Oct 2015

Feedback updated 5 Apr 2016

We asked

For your views on the development of a Rail Freight Strategy for Scotland.  This included the opportunity to comment on the draft vision for the rail freight sector as well as a number of draft proposals aimed at supporting the sector to achieve its potential in a manner consistent with the Scottish Government’s transport and broader economic, social and environmental objectives.

You said

We received 46 responses, many of which were supportive of the broad principles and approach and agreed with the representation of the key challenges and opportunities for the rail freight sector as set out.  Accordingly, the draft vision, objectives and broad actions that were trailed in the consultation document have been retained in the final Strategy.  There were comments on how the Strategy could be strengthened, areas of focus prioritised, and timescales for actions accelerated.

We did

The evidence collected both through the consultation process and the supplementary stakeholder workshops was comprehensively assessed and informed the publication of “Delivering the Goods, Scotland’s Rail Freight Strategy”.  The Strategy sets out how we will work in partnership with the rail freight industry and others to realise our vision for rail freight through the four core levers of: innovation, facilitation, promotion and investment.  An Analysis Report (summarising the consultation responses) and note of discussion was published alongside the Strategy on the Transport Scotland website.

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


The Scottish Government’s vision is for a competitive, sustainable rail freight sector playing an increasing role in Scotland’s economic growth by providing a safer, greener, and more efficient way of transporting products and materials.

We are consulting on a range of issues towards the development of a high level strategy on rail freight in Scotland.  The consultation paper primarily focusses on the opportunities and actions for growth in new and existing rail freight markets, the four core levers of innovation, facilitation, promotion and investment, and makes clear the positive contribution that the industry makes to Scotland’s economic growth and social wellbeing.  It also places an emphasis on the need for the rail freight industry, its partners, customers and the Scottish Government to work together to create the right environment for a sustainable, vibrant future for the industry.

We strongly urge the rail industry in particular and all other interested parties to respond to this consultation.  Don’t feel constrained by the questions; they are simply meant as a guide.  We would welcome as wide a range of views as possible on the things that are important to the on-going success and growth of the rail freight industry.

The consultation period will run until Friday 22 January 2016.  Following this we shall undertake an analysis of the responses and then publish a final version of the rail freight strategy shortly thereafter.

Please read through the whole consultation paper and then respond below:


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  • Transport