Response 899395710

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1. Which of the following best describes your current role in relation to road works?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Operative
Radio button: Unticked Supervisor
Radio button: Unticked Administrator
Radio button: Unticked Manager (includes senior manager)
Radio button: Ticked Other, please use the box below to provide details of your answer
Please use the box to provide additional comments if useful
Network management Officer

2. In terms of your experience of working on sites, in which sector have you mainly worked in (in any capacity)?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Utility
Radio button: Ticked Road Authority
Radio button: Unticked Other, please use the box below to provide details of your answer
Radio button: Unticked I don't work onsite

3. Have you worked directly on site in the last 5 years?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No


4. Thinking about your most recent experience with site work, can you tell us how you read the plans onsite when carrying out an excavation?

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked I am not site based/I do not need plans to carry out my role
Checkbox: Unticked A printed out version of the plans on paper
Checkbox: Unticked Electronic plans (not accessed through an app)
Checkbox: Unticked An app which allows you to view underground apparatus plan e.g. The Vault app
Checkbox: Unticked Other/mixture of the above (please specify, please use the box below to provide details of your answer

5. If you use an electronic device which allows you to view apparatus information (such as email, the vault app etc.) Can you tell us how you access this whilst on site?

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked Mobile telephone
Checkbox: Ticked Tablet
Checkbox: Unticked Laptop
Checkbox: Unticked I do not use an electronic device
Checkbox: Unticked Other please specify, please use the box below to provide details of your answer

6. Is the device you use to access the plans a company issued device or your own personal device?

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked Company used device
Checkbox: Unticked Personal device
Checkbox: Unticked I do not use an electronic device


7. When using electronic plans, do you use ‘filters’ that allow you to switch layers on and off?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked The electronic plan I use do not have filter functions
Radio button: Unticked I do not use electronic plans

8. When using electronic apparatus information, would you prefer to click on/select individual objects to read more information about them in a separate box, or would you prefer all the information (size, owner, pressure etc) regarding the apparatus to be on screen by default?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Separate box to pop up when you select/click an item
Radio button: Unticked All the information on screen by default
Radio button: Unticked Neither
Radio button: Unticked I do not use electronic plans

9. What specific information do you think is key to be able to carry out a road excavation safely?

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked Ownership (the body that owns the asset)
Checkbox: Ticked Supplier (the person who submitted the data)
Checkbox: Ticked Type of asset e.g. pipe, cable, cabinet etc.
Checkbox: Ticked Material of asset
Checkbox: Ticked Voltage and/or Pressure
Checkbox: Ticked Depth (from the surface level to the crown of the apparatus)
Checkbox: Ticked Asset Diameter
Checkbox: Ticked Location (line shown on a map with background showing lateral position)
Checkbox: Ticked Position in the road e.g. under the footway, carriageway, verge
Checkbox: Ticked Position of apparatus when laid within other apparatus
Checkbox: Ticked Age of asset
Checkbox: Ticked Colour of asset
Checkbox: Ticked Identifier code
Checkbox: Unticked Other not mentioned above, please specify in the box below

10a. Is the traditional measure of 500 mm an appropriate degree of accuracy for you to feel safe when excavating?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Please provide details of your answer in the box below.
Utility company should also use the 500mm rule as when we report a defective apparatus using the tablet it is not always 100% accurate and utility companies decline inspections without visiting the site.

10b. In your experience, how common are asset strikes, both minor and serious during site work?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Frequently
Radio button: Unticked Now and again
Radio button: Ticked Rarely

11. Do you think service connections should be included in the plans?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

Streetworks qualification questions

12b. Do you have any views on training (for the “Street Works Card”?) or any changes you would make to this?

Please use the box below to provide your answer
I think the 5 years resit is a bit to stringent and 10 year may be more adequate with regular training alongside to keep knowledge base updated.

13. Do you hold a “Street Works card” (any level)?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

14. Is it important for you to be able to work anywhere in the UK with your Street Works card?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

15. Are there any other comments you want to make in relation to the road works sector and wish for us to consider in the future?

If yes, please use the box below to provide details.
When using the new VAULT System, all Roads Authority apparatus is now located alongside utility apparatus. For example Street lighting comes under power and drainage come under Water.

This is causing an issue as when someone applies for a section 109 or a section 56 we cannot issue plans for our apparatus as we cannot send out information that relates to utility apparatus ,

Can this be changed back ?

About you

18. Are you responding as an individual or an organisation?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Individual
Radio button: Ticked Organisation

19. What is your organisation?

Stirling Council