Response 97231378

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East Dunbartonshire and Lanarkshire Regional Network of Registered Tenant Organisations
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Part One

1. Is the proposed time limit of 30 days appropriate for a party to submit an application for permission to appeal a decision of the First-tier Tribunal or Upper Tribunal?

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Yes time limit is reasonable.

2. Do you have any comments on the draft rules of procedure?

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The party appealing a decision should appeal directly to the Upper Tribunal in the first instance within 30 days of the decision reached by the First-tier’s decision.

3. In particular, are there any additional rules of procedure that you would wish to see prescribed?

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As detailed in Q2

4. In particular, do you consider that any of the proposed rules of procedure are not relevant to the Upper Tribunal?

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Part Two

1. Do you have any comments on the draft regulations creating offences in relation to proceedings before the Scottish Tribunals?

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Would like the regulations to state that people are liable to criminal prosecution

2. Are there any additional offences in relation to proceedings that you would like to see added?

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3. Would you like to see any of the proposed offences omitted?

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4. Do you have any views on the penalties proposed for committing these offences?

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Penalties are sufficient.