Response 785273389

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Whiteinch & Scotstoun Housing Association
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1 Northinch Court
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G14 0UG
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1. Is it a problem that Local Authorities (LAs) use different ways to decide whether or not a Scottish Welfare Fund (SWF) applicant is on a low income to check that they are eligible for an award?

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Radio button: Ticked No
Please explain your answer.
It is not a "decision" whether someone is on a low income, they either are or are not.

2. What is the best way for an LA to decide that a SWF applicant is on a low income? Please tick one.

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Radio button: Unticked Other - please give details.
Please tell us why you have chosen this option and explain the advantages and disadvantages.
It would lead to more consistency of decision making and make use of "means tested" information already available.

3. What do you think the consequences would be if we limited crisis grant (CG) awards to three per household per year?

What do you think the consequences would be if we limited crisis grant (CG) awards to three per household per year?
Probable increased hardship, potential increased homelessness and restrict Decision Makers from using judgement as to whether a CG is only means to avoid crisis or help in crisis situations.

4. What do you think the consequences would be if we limited community care grant (CCG) awards to three per household per year?

What do you think the consequences would be if we limited community care grant (CCG) awards to three per household per year?
As above, plus all claims should be decided on the merits of the claim not on whether help has previously been granted (eg A fourth claim may be the most crucial)

5. Do you think that there should be a limit on the number of times that a CCG can be given for the same item in a set period?

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Radio button: Unticked No
If so, what should the limits be?
This depends on the item and the situation/circumstances of the claim.

6. Do you agree that families facing exceptional pressure should be given priority in decisions on CG applications as well as CCGs?

Please explain your answer.
This is difficult to agree to, it could be said most families on low incomes or in poverty face "exceptional pressure" but is it exceptional if most families are facing these pressures. Also would this discriminate against a vulnerable single person who may be coming out of long term care in terms of prioritising

7. Which sorts of payment do you think are a cash equivalent that LAs should be able to use to pay SWF grants. You can choose as many as you like:

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked Paypoint or alternative electronic transfer
Checkbox: Ticked Allpay (without restrictions) or other loaded store card
Checkbox: Ticked Fuel Cards
Checkbox: Ticked High Street vouchers accepted at a number of outlets e.g for clothing
Checkbox: Ticked Travel tickets, bought on behalf of the applicant.

8. How can LAs make sure that the way they are making the award ie in cash or by paying a cash equivalent, is the best one for the applicant?

How can LAs make sure that the way they are making the award ie in cash or by paying a cash equivalent, is the best one for the applicant?
By agreement

10. Do you agree with the draft statutory guidance on timescales for processing CGs. i.e. that:

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Radio button: Unticked No

10. Do you agree that substantial improvements to private property should be added to the list of excluded items at Annex A of the draft statutory guidance?

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Radio button: Unticked No

11. Do you agree that repatriation costs should be added to the list of excluded items at Annex A of the draft statutory guidance?

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Radio button: Unticked No

12. Do you think there should be any other items added to the list of excluded items in Annex A of the draft statutory guidance?

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Radio button: Ticked No

13. Do you think there should be any other items taken off the list of excluded items in Annex A of the draft statutory guidance?

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Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

14. Is there anything on the list of vulnerabilities at Annex C to the draft statutory guidance that you don’t think should be there?

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Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

15. Is there anything that you think should be added to the list of vulnerabilities at Annex C to the draft statutory guidance?

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Radio button: Ticked No


17. Do you think that the draft regulations will have the effects that we have listed at section 2 of the consultation paper?

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Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No


20. Should the application form for the permanent SWF be:

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked A combined CG and CCG application form
Radio button: Unticked 2 separate application forms