1. The development of relevant Scottish Government mainstream policies should consider the effect upon the Rural Economic Strategy and its consequent policies.
• How should policy makers in Government make sure that the economic needs of rural Scotland are taken into account?
There should be a requirement for each policy or piece of legislation to consider the particular implications of any policy for those living in rural areas.
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2. Create quality job opportunities (that are well paid, flexible, and purposeful) to promote skills and opportunities, but also deal with inequalities in the rural labour market (such as the gender pay gap).
What employment opportunities do we need to meet the current and future needs of our changing rural economy? Where should these be? (either by location and/or sector)
This is a huge question and an answer needs appropriate research. More opportunities for home working, proper services for rural based businesses including broadband, Post Office and Banking service and grants to encourage businesses to locate in rural areas, public transport subsidies to reduce car use, are among the things that need to be considered.
• How do we tackle the inequalities we face in rural Scotland? i.e. challenges faced due to age, gender, socio-economic, educational and ethnic background
Access to transport and employment opportunities and help for small businesses.
3. Build on existing work to gather evidence and data to measure the true value of the rural economy and monitor its growth.
Going beyond the economic contribution of rural businesses, what positive examples of social (i.e. community cohesion), cultural (i.e. protection of heritage and traditions) and environmental (i.e. carbon reducing) impacts of rural businesses can you think of?
VIllages, such as Blackford in Perthshire, where I live, have a large number of community based organisations run by volunteers which support social cohesion.
Evidence from grants given to rural communities for development, such as eg Stanley Mills, will presumably give evidence of local support for cultural heritage.
It is unrealistic to expect rural communities to necessarily have the capacity to do all that is required themselves on a voluntary basis. With underfunding of local government, communities are expected to do more and more on a voluntary basis.
Community cohesion is probably the most important thing and is best served by voluntary effort. It is probably the most challenging. Voluntary effort in protection of heritage and tradition needs professional support.
Carbon reduction requires investment eg transport and broadband to change behaviour and shift people from dependence on car use. Green Tourism Business Scheme is a well designed challenge to tourism businesses, but exposes deficiencies in rural transport networks.
There is still a need to encourage investment in local sources of renewable energy.
Evidence from grants given to rural communities for development, such as eg Stanley Mills, will presumably give evidence of local support for cultural heritage.
It is unrealistic to expect rural communities to necessarily have the capacity to do all that is required themselves on a voluntary basis. With underfunding of local government, communities are expected to do more and more on a voluntary basis.
Community cohesion is probably the most important thing and is best served by voluntary effort. It is probably the most challenging. Voluntary effort in protection of heritage and tradition needs professional support.
Carbon reduction requires investment eg transport and broadband to change behaviour and shift people from dependence on car use. Green Tourism Business Scheme is a well designed challenge to tourism businesses, but exposes deficiencies in rural transport networks.
There is still a need to encourage investment in local sources of renewable energy.
• What specific outcomes of rural businesses should be the measured and why?
Different types of businesses have different challenges and impacts
The range of policies supporting carbon reduction and increasing employment are key impacts which should be measured.
The range of policies supporting carbon reduction and increasing employment are key impacts which should be measured.
4. Encourage future entrepreneurship by ensuring the Scottish Government’s rural skills action plan meets the needs of the Rural Economic Strategy.
What skills are required to have a vibrant rural economy?
Not sure why skills needed in rural areas should be different to anywhere else. Perhaps the issue is that rural businesses such as tourism and agriculture, as well as services such as care, all depend on low paid work which is traditionally considered unskilled.
If such work continues to be low paid and possibly seasonal, then sector specific approaches make sense.
"Care at home"services struggle because of higher travel times and overheads and need a rural subsidy.
Tourism needs seasonal work. There will be a problem if Brexit goes ahead. The opportunity which the EU provides for people from EU countries to come to Scotland to look for work is useful to the rural economy, especially smaller businesses which cannot be expected to go direct to potential sources of labour mobility to look for workers.
Access to support for rural business development is crucial.
The new Fruit and Veg Strategy looks like a good way forward
If such work continues to be low paid and possibly seasonal, then sector specific approaches make sense.
"Care at home"services struggle because of higher travel times and overheads and need a rural subsidy.
Tourism needs seasonal work. There will be a problem if Brexit goes ahead. The opportunity which the EU provides for people from EU countries to come to Scotland to look for work is useful to the rural economy, especially smaller businesses which cannot be expected to go direct to potential sources of labour mobility to look for workers.
Access to support for rural business development is crucial.
The new Fruit and Veg Strategy looks like a good way forward
How do we best ensure that people of all ages, genders, areas, socio-economic, educational and ethnic backgrounds receive appropriate support?
Access to support for advice has additional costs in rural areas. Need for grants for individuals to access business support.
6. Create communities of interest (digital, physical) where businesses and people can come together to solve problems, share ideas and understand opportunities.
Is there any place that you can think of in your community where people already do this? Can you please tell us about it?
What might be the benefits of this approach?
Online at home. Saves time and travel
What things would your local community need to help people in your local area come together?
All the voluntary groups are quite busy.
Difficult to get office bearers for Community Council.
Too much currently expected of Community Councils who are all volunteers with cuts in local government spending.
Local Councillors are busy too, but do know what is needed locally.
Need for more resources at local government level to allow time of staff to give support locally according to locally identified need.
It is unrealistic to expect volunteers to do everything.
Difficult to get office bearers for Community Council.
Too much currently expected of Community Councils who are all volunteers with cuts in local government spending.
Local Councillors are busy too, but do know what is needed locally.
Need for more resources at local government level to allow time of staff to give support locally according to locally identified need.
It is unrealistic to expect volunteers to do everything.
7. Help ensure there are the same opportunities and access to services between urban and rural areas.
For people living and working in rural areas there are often big differences compared to urban areas in what services might be available (things like broadband, childcare, transport, community development etc.).. What do you need to enable you to choose to live and work in rural Scotland?
Public transport subsidies
Professional support through local authority which is easier to access. Due to pressure of time of local authority staff, it is difficult to get through on phone. Council staff are under pressure and threat of redundancy.
More funding within local authority to support things that should be done by the Council. eg road resurfacing , repairs to potholes, lack of suitable safe cycling routes for active travel to work.
Less expectation on the part of Scottish Government that things will be funded through voluntary effort in making funding applications. Responsibility for eg transport and travel, sustainable development and carbon reduction in rural areas should be responsibility of statutory bodies eg government and local government not volunteers.
Professional support through local authority which is easier to access. Due to pressure of time of local authority staff, it is difficult to get through on phone. Council staff are under pressure and threat of redundancy.
More funding within local authority to support things that should be done by the Council. eg road resurfacing , repairs to potholes, lack of suitable safe cycling routes for active travel to work.
Less expectation on the part of Scottish Government that things will be funded through voluntary effort in making funding applications. Responsibility for eg transport and travel, sustainable development and carbon reduction in rural areas should be responsibility of statutory bodies eg government and local government not volunteers.
8. Make sure Government policies, regulations, planning and support mechanisms help local businesses.
What types of policies, regulations, planning and business support need to be strengthened or removed to help a wide variety of small and micro businesses in rural areas?
Small business Bonus Scheme needs to continue.
Access for business development advice needs additional support in rural areas.
If small self-catering businesses are to continue, there should be no more additional bureaucratic requirements. please.
Access for business development advice needs additional support in rural areas.
If small self-catering businesses are to continue, there should be no more additional bureaucratic requirements. please.
Can you think of any problems in transport, housing, social care and digital infrastructure that prevent economic growth for your industry sector, business or community?
Need for a safe improved upgraded junction on the A9 to serve Blackford which is a unique small village with a major water bottling factory and a distillery, as well a new rail yard under development, no passenger station and no safe routes for walking or cycling out of the village to nearby Auchterarder and Gleneagles or the countryside .
This inhibits the development of other businesses, eg tourism businesses in the village.
This inhibits the development of other businesses, eg tourism businesses in the village.
9. Make sure that community resources that contribute to our economy (like tourist attractions) also deliver benefits to their communities.
Are there examples of attractions in your community that you would like to promote? What could help you do this?
There are lots of potential opportunities for tourist attractions which could be developed, but they need investment. It is unrealistic to expect private investment without infrastructure. Need for subsidy to encourage development and protection of heritage sites as tourist attractions, This cannot be done with voluntary effort, and most importantly cannot be done without a safer junction on the A9 as it would be irresponsible to encourage more traffic turning across dual carriageway.
No safe cycle route is available. In spite of Tactran and CCF funded report , no route identified. Landowner consent still being sought a year after research identified potential route using core paths.
No safe cycle route is available. In spite of Tactran and CCF funded report , no route identified. Landowner consent still being sought a year after research identified potential route using core paths.
10. Please tell us below if there are any key issues you believe we may have missed.
Please tell us below if there are any key issues you believe we may have missed
There is currently too much emphasis on voluntary effort and community effort and finding funding sources to apply for to provide things that ought to be the responsibility of local government.
We elect three local Councillors who know our communities well. We pay Council Tax to employ well trained staff to deliver the services we need. These people are all under pressure from lack of sufficient resources to do their jobs and more is being expected of Community Councils and local voluntary groups.
There is a real risk that supposed attempts to encourage local democracy will force us back to the past, to the way things before properly resourced, democratically elected Councils brought an economy of scale, professionally trained staff and a serious minded approach to making sure that everyone has access to the same services.
This will happen if we cannot resource local government properly. Council staff are responsive, willing to engage and understand community needs but there are too few of them, and in some areas they are under threat of redundancy.
We elect three local Councillors who know our communities well. We pay Council Tax to employ well trained staff to deliver the services we need. These people are all under pressure from lack of sufficient resources to do their jobs and more is being expected of Community Councils and local voluntary groups.
There is a real risk that supposed attempts to encourage local democracy will force us back to the past, to the way things before properly resourced, democratically elected Councils brought an economy of scale, professionally trained staff and a serious minded approach to making sure that everyone has access to the same services.
This will happen if we cannot resource local government properly. Council staff are responsive, willing to engage and understand community needs but there are too few of them, and in some areas they are under threat of redundancy.
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Janet Law
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