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915 results

  • A consultation on the Scottish Government's preferred policy position on unconventional oil and gas (UOG), the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Environmental Report, and partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA)

    The Scottish Government is currently finalising its policy position on the development of unconventional oil and gas in Scotland. As part of that process we are inviting views on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and partial Business, Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) of our preferred policy position, that the Scottish Government does not support the development of unconventional oil and gas in Scotland. These assessments are necessary before the policy position... More
    Opened 23 October 2018
  • Consultation on the use of narrow trenching in Scotland's roads

    This consultation seeks opinion on a proposed revision to the code which is made under Section 130 of the New Road and Street Works Act 1991(“NRSWA”). The Scottish Government believe a revision to the code is now necessary to take into account the increasing use of narrow trenching as a method of installing new apparatus – particularly broadband apparatus throughout Scotland. More
    Opened 19 October 2018
  • Consultation on draft Noise Action Plans

    The European Noise Directive (END) was adopted in 2004 and requires member states to bring about measures which are intended to avoid, prevent or reduce, on a prioritised area basis, the harmful effects, including annoyance due to the exposure to environmental noise. The Directive was transposed through the Environmental Noise (Scotland) Regulations 2006. More
    Opened 15 October 2018
  • Review of Endometrial Cancer Quality Performance Indicators

    Under the auspices of the Scottish Cancer Taskforce, National Cancer Quality Performance Indicators (QPIs) were developed to drive continuous quality improvement in cancer care across NHSScotland. In October 2014, Endometrial Cancer QPIs were published, and following 3 years of national comparative data, these have now been subject to formal review. In order to ensure success of the National Cancer QPIs in driving quality improvement it is critical that QPIs continue to be clinically... More
    Opened 12 October 2018
  • Review of Cervical Cancer Quality Performance Indicators

    Under the auspices of the Scottish Cancer Taskforce, National Cancer Quality Performance Indicators (QPIs) were developed to drive continuous quality improvement in cancer care across NHSScotland. In October 2014, Cervical Cancer QPIs were published, and following 3 years of national comparative data, these have now been subject to formal review. In order to ensure success of the National Cancer QPIs in driving quality improvement it is critical that QPIs continue to be clinically relevant and... More
    Opened 12 October 2018
  • Proposals for reform of the annual canvass

    Following pilots of four different models for conducting the annual canvass of electors in 2016 and 2017 across the UK, we are publishing this joint policy statement setting out detailed proposals for the modernisation of the annual canvass in England, Scotland and Wales and requesting feedback on some important questions. Our intention is to amend legislation governing the annual canvass during 2019, with the desire for the whole of Great Britain to benefit from these... More
    Opened 5 October 2018
  • Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Bill: Consultation

    The Scottish Government has made a commitment to strengthen the existing legislative framework for the protection of women and girls from Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), a form of gender based violence. This consultation seeks views on this, and also seeks views on additional provisions including anonymity for victims of FGM; creation of an offence of failure to protect from FGM; and creation of a duty to notify Police of FGM. It also seeks views on prevalence of vaginal elongation and... More
    Opened 4 October 2018
  • Reducing health harms of foods high in fat, sugar or salt

    Too many of us in Scotland have a poor diet and an unhealthy weight, which can have a negative impact on our health and wellbeing. This is in part because we generally consume too many calories and too much fat, sugar and salt. In seeking to reduce population-level intakes of calories, fat, saturated fat, free sugar and salt, we are seeking views on restricting the promotion and marketing of food and drink high in fat, sugar or salt with little or no beneficial nutritional value where... More
    Opened 2 October 2018
  • The future of civil partnership in Scotland

    The consultation sets out two options for the future of civil partnership in Scotland. The first involves closure of civil partnership to new relationships from a specific date in the future. The second involves making civil partnership available to opposite sex couples. More
    Opened 28 September 2018
  • Transferring cost of BSE sample taking from Scottish Government to farming industry

    Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) are fatal brain diseases that includes Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle and scrapie in sheep and goats. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has advised that BSE is the only animal TSE that has been shown to be a risk to human health. To establish national incidences of BSE, it is an EU requirement that all EU-born cattle (excluding those born in Romania and Bulgaria which are 24 months) over 48 months of age that... More
    Opened 28 September 2018
  • Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-29

    Diverse and versatile forests and woodlands are located across Scotland and serve both our rural and urban communities; they are valuable natural assets, providing a range of benefits which support sustainable and inclusive economic growth, sustain livelihoods, enhance our environment and improve people’s quality of life and well-being. The Scottish Government has committed to developing a Forestry Strategy for Scotland, to set out a long-term vision for Scottish forestry... More
    Opened 20 September 2018
  • Consultation on Young Carer Grant Regulations

    The Scottish Government is consulting on the development of the policy and regulations for the Young Carer Grant, a new benefit which will be delivered by Social Security Scotland. The grant will provide a £300 one-off payment, which can be applied for annually for young carers aged 16-17 (and 18 if still at school) with significant caring responsibilities. The Young Carer Grant aims to provide some financial support during a key transition period in young carers’ lives to help improve... More
    Opened 17 September 2018
  • Consultation on the Strategic Environmental Assessment for 15 proposed Special Protection Areas

    Marine Scotland is committed to a clean, healthy, safe, productive and biologically diverse marine and coastal environment that meets the long term needs of people and nature. This includes managing our seas sustainably to protect their rich biological diversity and to ensure that our marine ecosystems continue to provide economic, social and wider benefits for people, industry and society. This includes the classification of Special Protection Areas (SPAs) under the EU Wild Birds... More
    Opened 14 September 2018
  • Consultation on draft regulations transferring the Parking and Bus lane Adjudicators for Scotland to the Scottish Tribunals.

    Consultation on draft regulations transferring the Parking and Bus lane Adjudicators for Scotland to the Scottish Tribunals. More
    Opened 14 September 2018
  • Scottish 4G Infill Programme Consultation: Request for Information

    The Scottish Government (SG) and Scottish Futures Trust (SFT) have worked partnership to develop the Scottish 4G Infill Programme (S4GI). The S4GI programme’s aim is to deliver 4G LTE infrastructure and services to around 50-60 complete “notspots” in Scotland, and is backed with up to £25 million, which includes matched funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to support activity in the Highlands and Islands region of Scotland. The programme has undergone a... More
    Opened 10 September 2018
  • Consultation on Licensing of Dog, Cat and Rabbit Breeding Activities in Scotland

    This consultation is seeking views on proposals to introduce new regulations for the licensing of dog, cat and rabbit breeding activities in Scotland. This consultation covers the proposals for a modern system of licensing for dog, cat and rabbit breeding activities allowing for independent accreditation of applicants to reduce the burden on local authorities. The consultation considers how thresholds for licensing may be determined depending on the size of the undertaking and how... More
    Opened 7 September 2018
  • Scottish National Investment Bank

    The establishment of a Scottish National Investment Bank was a key measure announced in the Programme for Government 17-18 on 5 September 2017, with Benny Higgins, CEO of Tesco Bank, appointed by the First Minister to lead work on an Implementation Plan. More
    Opened 5 September 2018
  • Policing during miners' strike: independent review

    This is a general call for evidence on the impact of policing on affected communities in Scotland during the period of the miners’ strike from March 1984 to March 1985. Evidence is sought from affected individuals and representative groups. The evidence gathered in this exercise will help inform the report and any recommendations made by the Independent Review to the Cabinet Secretary for Justice, Humza Yousaf MSP. Responses are requested by Friday 30 November 2018. Please make... More
    Opened 3 September 2018
  • PVG Scheme for Members of Boards of Health Bodies: A Consultation

    We intend to make it a requirement for members of Boards of Health Bodies to be members of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme. This consultation paper provides information about current policy regarding background checks for Board Members - both executive and non-executive members and sets out the reasons why we would like to introduce this policy. More
    Opened 31 August 2018
  • Protecting Children: Review of section 12 of the Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1937 and section 42 of the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009

    This consultation seeks views on potential changes to two criminal offences related to the protection of children, namely: the offence of child neglect currently legislated for in section 12 of the Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1937; and the offence of sexual abuse of trust set out in section 42 of the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009. More
    Opened 22 August 2018
  • Regulation of felling and restocking: consultation

    This consultation seeks views on the proposals for regulating felling and restocking in Scotland from 1 April 2019. Forestry contributes almost £1 billion per year to the Scottish economy and supports more than 25,000 full-time equivalent jobs. Forests and woodland cover 18% of the land area of Scotland (approximately 1.4 million hectares). This represents 45% of the UK’s forests. More
    Opened 20 August 2018
  • Consultation on Draft Statutory Guidance on Funeral Costs

    This consultation seeks views on draft statutory guidance on funeral costs, which the Scottish Government will publish under Section 98 of the Burial and Cremation (Scotland) Act 2016. The draft guidance sets out steps that burial authorities (cemeteries), cremation authorities (crematoriums) and funeral directors can take to improve transparency and availability of funeral pricing information. There are public and private providers operating in this market. For this reason, the guidance... More
    Opened 16 August 2018
  • Local Governance Review: Democracy Matters: Your Community. Your ideas. Your Future.

    The way we live our lives is constantly changing; just think of all the changes that have happened in your lifetime. Democracy is changing too. It used to be that most citizens were content to cast their vote and then leave the decisions to others. Increasingly people want to share in making those decisions, or at least have a greater understanding as to why certain decisions have been made on their behalf. In order to make democracy work better for everyone, and especially for those... More
    Opened 10 August 2018
  • Open Government

    We want to live in a country where people and governments come together to solve the most pressing challenges we face; where the decision making process is transparent and accountable, and where we all have a say in the policies and services that shape our lives. Whether you would like more opportunities to be involved in public service decision making; to see more information or data released in areas such as transport or education; or want more information on how public money... More
    Opened 10 August 2018
  • Review of Acute Leukaemia Quality Performance Indicators Consultation

    Under the auspices of the Scottish Cancer Taskforce, National Cancer Quality Performance Indicators (QPIs) were developed to drive continuous quality improvement in cancer care across NHSScotland. In April 2014, Acute Leukaemia QPIs were published, and following 3 years of national comparative data, these have now been subject to formal review. In order to ensure success of the National Cancer QPIs in driving quality improvement it is critical that QPIs continue to be clinically... More
    Opened 7 August 2018
  • Consultation on the Investigation of Offences regulations and Code of Practice for Investigations

    The Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018 sets out social security offences that may be committed, at sections 71 - 73. These include obtaining social security assistance by deceit and failing (or causing another person to fail) to notify a change of circumstances. Social Security Scotland will be responsible for investigating allegations or suspicions of fraud, so it will be important to do this effectively in a way that is fair, objective, and presumes innocence. Section... More
    Opened 6 August 2018
  • Wholesalers: Minimum Unit Pricing of Alcohol and Trade Sales

    The Alcohol (Minimum Price per Unit) (Scotland) Order 2018 came into force on 1st May 2018 and set the minimum price at 50 pence per unit of alcohol. Minimum Unit Pricing is a mandatory condition of a premises and occasional licence. This means that, in order to comply with a premises and occasional licence, alcohol cannot be sold on those premises below the Minimum Unit Price. The Scottish Government is aware that there are differing views within the licensing community on... More
    Opened 3 August 2018
  • Introduction of Electronic Invoicing in Public Procurement

    This consultation document describes, and seeks views on, the Scottish Government’s plan to implement a change to the public procurement rules in Scotland. While the specific nature of Brexit arrangements may impact on obligations to implement this Directive, the Scottish Government is consulting on its implementation based on the business efficiencies and benefits eInvoicing is expected to provide to public sector bodies and suppliers. The change being introduced by the... More
    Opened 1 August 2018
  • Review of Bladder Cancer Quality Performance Indicators Consultation

    Under the auspices of the Scottish Cancer Taskforce, National Cancer Quality Performance Indicators (QPIs) were developed to drive continuous quality improvement in cancer care across NHSScotland. In January 2014, Bladder Cancer QPIs were published, and following 3 years of national comparative data, these have now been subject to formal review. In order to ensure success of the National Cancer QPIs in driving quality improvement it is critical that QPIs continue to be clinically... More
    Opened 17 July 2018
  • Consultation on enhanced oversight of biometric data for justice and community safety purposes

    This consultation sets out Government proposals on the establishment of a Commissioner to provide independent oversight of biometric data used by the police and others in Scotland and an associated statutory code of practice. More
    Opened 13 July 2018
915 results. Page 19 of 31