938 results
A Consultation on Procedure of the First Tier Tribunal Housing and Property Chamber
The Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014 establishes an integrated structure of tribunals with a First-tier Tribunal (FTT) and an Upper Tribunal. Jurisdictions within the First-tier Tribunal will be organised into ‘chambers’ according to the nature of the dispute. On 1st December, the Private Rented the Private Rented Housing Panel/Homeowner Housing Panel transferred to the FTT –the first of the existing tribunals to move to the new structure. We are developing a single set of... MoreClosed 31 March 2017 -
Crown Estate: A Consultation on the Long Term Management of the Crown Estate in Scotland
The Crown Estate in Scotland includes a diverse portfolio of property, rights and interests that influence many aspects of rural and coastal life in Scotland. This consultation is an opportunity to help shape the long term framework for the devolved management of the Crown Estate in Scotland and how the revenue should be used to benefit Scotland and communities. The Scottish Ministers intend to put in place a new legislative framework for management of Crown Estate assets - accountable to the... MoreClosed 29 March 2017 -
Discussion Document - National Health and Social Care Workforce Plan
To ensure we have the right staff for our health and social care services now and in the future, we will publish a National Health and Social Care Workforce Plan in Spring 2017. This Discussion Document seeks comments and views from individuals and organisations about the issues the National Plan will need to cover. It sets out ideas on workforce planning at national, regional and local level. And it asks questions about a number of key areas, including governance, workforce planning... MoreClosed 28 March 2017 -
Councillor Code of Conduct Amendment
To seek an amendment to the code of conduct to allow councillors to continue to act as councillors and continue to represent their electorate without there being a conflict of interest if they represent the council on the board of an external organisation. MoreClosed 20 March 2017 -
Draft Head Teachers Education and Training Standards (Scotland) Regulations
The consultation looks for comments on draft regulations that define the education and training standards expected of teachers before they are appointed to their first head teacher post. MoreClosed 20 March 2017 -
A Scottish Government Consultation on the Draft Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Bill
The consultation seeks views on the practical application of the Scottish Government’s draft Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Bill provisions. It also offers consultees an opportunity to offer views on how the Bill might be strengthened. The purpose of the Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Bill is to redress gender imbalances on the boards of public bodies. The Bill seeks to achieve this by setting a gender representation objective for the... MoreClosed 17 March 2017 -
Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation - a consultation on increasing numbers of successful donations
This Consultation looks at two ways to potentially increase the number of deceased organ donation and tissues donors - by seeking to increase numbers of referrals and by seeking to increase the number of times when donation is authorised to proceed. The first chapter seeks views on alternative ways of potentially increasing the proportion of cases where organ and/or tissue donation is authorised. Specifically it looks at how an opt out system allowing authorisation to be deemed in certain... MoreClosed 14 March 2017 -
Consultation on Universal Credit (Claims and Payments) (Scotland) Regulations 2017
A consultation on the draft regulations to implement the two priority Universal Credit (UC) flexibilities: managed payments of rent to landlords; and more frequent payments of UC. Note: This consultation will last 8 weeks. As this is principally a technical consultation on the draft regulations and the policy has previously been extensively discussed with individuals and organisations the 8 week consultation period should be sufficient to gather required feedback. Note:... MoreClosed 13 March 2017 -
Consultation on Implementation of the Medium Combustion Plant Directive in Scotland
Consultation on proposals for transposing into Scottish legislation Directive EU 2015/2193 on Medium Combustion Plants. MoreClosed 10 March 2017 -
Land Rights and Responsibilities Statement: A Consultation
A consultation on the Land Rights and Responsibilities Statement, which is a set of principles with an overarching vision that will guide the development of public policy on the nature and character of land rights and responsibilities in Scotland. MoreClosed 10 March 2017 -
Practical Fire Safety Guidance for Existing Non-Residential Premises Consultation
This consultation is to seek comment on a revised volume of practical fire safety guidance. The guidance aims to help those responsible for fire safety in premises such as pubs, offices, shops, entertainment venues and transport hubs meet their legal duties. The guidance has been developed for duty holders to help meet their requirements under the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005, and covers existing non-residential premises without sleeping accommodation, such as offices, shops and entertainment... MoreClosed 6 March 2017 -
Consultation on Raising Planning Fees
The Scottish Government recognises the importance of planning in supporting economic growth, in the delivery of quality homes and in community empowerment. We have committed to consulting on enhanced fees, following the independent review of planning recommendation that fees for major applications should be increased substantially so that the service moves towards full cost recovery. MoreClosed 27 February 2017 -
Transport Scotland's Rail Infrastructure Strategy from 2019
Transport Scotland is seeking views on its proposed approach to the rail infrastructure investment strategy from April 2019. The results from this consultation will help to inform the Scottish Ministers’ High Level Output Specification (HLOS). The HLOS is a blueprint aimed at improving performance, reducing journey times and increasing capacity and capability of the Scottish rail network. It sets out a programme of investment in Scotland’s railway to enable Network Rail to operate,... MoreClosed 24 February 2017 -
Extending Coverage of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 to Registered Social Landlords
The consultation sets out proposals to extend coverage of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) to Registered Social Landlords (RSLs). Extending coverage of FOISA would give the same 'access to information' rights to tenants of RSLs as local authority housing tenants currently have. RSLs would have a statutory responsibility to reply to information requests within set timescales. Under FOISA, if an applicant is dissatisfied with how an authority responds they can ultimately... MoreClosed 23 February 2017 -
Digital Transformation: Next Steps
Registers of Scotland (RoS) is developing a variety of new digital services. Part One of the consultation sets out detailed proposals for the introduction of these new services and the necessary changes to the Land Register Rules that would be required to facilitate them. Part Two sets out further proposals for simplifying and streamlining the land registration application form to make it easier to use; and also proposes that the content of the form should no longer be prescribed by the Rules... MoreClosed 22 February 2017 -
Consultation on Wild Seaweed Harvesting
Seaweed is a significant resource for Scotland, very important environmentally and historically but harvested at a small scale at present. There is considerable potential for growth and development of its exploitation and use. The UK currently has no large-scale harvesting of seaweed, but in Scotland there are businesses harvesting seaweed at a small scale. The seaweed harvesting sector has recently indicated aspirations to develop large-scale wild seaweed harvesting around the coasts of... MoreClosed 15 February 2017 -
Review of HPB Cancer Quality Performance Indicators Consultation
Under the auspices of the Scottish Cancer Taskforce, National Cancer Quality Performance Indicators (QPIs) were developed to drive continuous quality improvement in cancer care across NHSScotland. In August 2012, HPB Cancer QPIs were published, and following 3 years of national comparative data, these have now been subject to formal review. In order to ensure success of the National Cancer QPIs in driving quality improvement it is critical that QPIs continue to be clinically relevant and... MoreClosed 10 February 2017 -
Draft Proposals for Requirements for Static Gear Deployed Within 12 Nautical Miles of Scottish Baselines
In December 2015, the Cabinet Secretary announced r ecommendations on dealing with gear conflict . These included looking at good practice and possible legislative changes to the marking of static gear inside 12 nautical miles. Over the past few months, Marine Scotland has held discussions with three industry working groups, formed specifically to consider options on this topic – one east coast, one west and one for the Western Isles, Orkney & Shetland. The outcome of these... MoreClosed 3 February 2017 -
Delivering Scotland’s River Basin Management Plans: The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 Proposed Amendments
This consultation invites stakeholders to respond to proposed changes to The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (CAR). There are 4 key elements to this consultation: proposed points of clarification and consolidation to the general binding rules in Schedule 3 of CAR proposed new general binding rule regarding bank reinforcement proposed integration of the Water Environment (Oil Storage) (Scotland) Regulations 2006 into CAR as... MoreClosed 1 February 2017 -
A STEM Education and Training Strategy for Scotland
The Government is consulting on our approach to delivering a high quality Science Technology Engineering and Maths (STEM) education and training offering, across the education system. Our draft STEM Education and Training Strategy for Scotland has two aims: 1. To improve levels of STEM enthusiasm, skills, and knowledge in order to raise attainment and aspirations in learning, life and work 2. To encourage the uptake of more specialist STEM skills required to gain employment in the growing... MoreClosed 31 January 2017 -
Consultation on the New National Health and Social Care Standards
Following on from the consultation of the National Care Standards in 2014, the next phase of the National Care Standards Review is to develop a set of Standards linked to the overarching Principles which were approved by the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport in February 2016. MoreClosed 23 January 2017 -
Consultation on Draft of The Continuing Care (Scotland) Amendment Order 2017
Section 67 of The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 inserts a new section 26A into the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 in relation to continuing care. Continuing care is defined in new section 26A(4) of the 1995 Act as meaning the same accommodation and other assistance as was being provided for the eligible person by the local authority, immediately before the person ceased to be looked after. Continuing care reflects the philosophy of care set out in the Scottish... MoreClosed 20 January 2017 -
Review of Upper GI Cancer Quality Performance Indicators Consultation
Under the auspices of the Scottish Cancer Taskforce, National Cancer Quality Performance Indicators (QPIs) were developed to drive continuous quality improvement in cancer care across NHSScotland. In November 2012, Upper GI Cancer QPIs were published, and following 3 years of national comparative data, these have now been subject to formal review. In order to ensure success of the National Cancer QPIs in driving quality improvement it is critical that QPIs continue to be clinically relevant... MoreClosed 20 January 2017 -
Consultation on regulations to modify Part 1 of the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2016 to deal with arrests which do not relate to criminal offences and arrests under warrant
The Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2016 (the Act) contains procedures and protections which will apply to all arrests. While the majority of arrests are of people suspected of a criminal offence, there are arrests for other reasons - for example an arrest for a breach of a protective court order or a witness arrested under warrant to ensure they attend court. For these arrests, not all the procedures and protections set out in the Act are appropriate. Section 60 of the Act allows Scottish... MoreClosed 16 January 2017 -
Consultation on a Draft Referendum Bill
The current Scottish Government was elected with a clear mandate that the Scottish Parliament should have the right to hold an independence referendum if there was clear and sustained evidence that independence had become the preferred option of a majority of the Scottish people – or if there was a significant and material change in the circumstances that prevailed in 2014, such as Scotland being taken out of the EU against our will. Given Scotland’s strong and unequivocal vote to... MoreClosed 11 January 2017 -
Building Warrant Fees
The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on increasing building warrant and other associated fees to make the building standards system achieve full cost recovery and place it on a sustainable footing for the future. The Scottish Government is committed to ensuring that building standards is adequately funded to deliver a system that is accessible, affordable and which provides a high-quality service to those who use it. A shorter consultation period of 8 weeks is required... MoreClosed 9 January 2017 -
A Blueprint for 2020: The Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare in Scotland
The Scottish Government’s aim is to make Scotland the best place in the world to grow up, and to give all of our children the best possible start in life. It is widely acknowledged that the provision of universally accessible and high quality early learning and childcare enriches children with the skills and confidence to carry into and multiply throughout school, and is a cornerstone for closing attainment and inequality gaps. That is why we will deliver a transformative change in... MoreClosed 9 January 2017 -
Empowering teachers, parents and communities to achieve excellence and equity in education: A Governance Review
This governance review seeks your views on how education in Scotland is run, including who should take decisions in relation to the education of children and young people, and how funding can be made fairer. It also asks about the support teachers and practitioners need to do their jobs well and how this can be improved. We want to hear from as many people as possible – from those with a formal role in Scottish education and those with a stake in its success. MoreClosed 6 January 2017 -
Consultation on New Controls in the Queen Scallop Fishery in ICES Divisions VIa and VIIa
**UPDATE** The figure used on page 18 of the consultation document should read that 147 vessels recorded any landings of queen scallops between 2010 and 2015 and not 140. This arises from updated data for 2015. The final tonnage of queen scallops landed into the UK by UK vessels for 2015 was 12,458.** This consultation seeks views on the introduction of new management measures in the queen scallop fishery in ICES divisions VIa (north coast of Northern Ireland and western... MoreClosed 3 January 2017 -
Consultation on proposals for regulations and policy supporting the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016
The Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016 creates the new private residential tenancy which will replace current assured and short assured tenancies. The purpose of the new tenancy is to improve security of tenure for tenants balanced with appropriate safeguards for landlords, lenders and investors. This consultation seeks views on the secondary legislation and further policy to support the new tenancy, which includes the following: the content of all of the prescribed... MoreClosed 25 December 2016
938 results.
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