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924 results

  • Consultation on the draft Reservoirs (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2016 and the Reservoirs (Enforcement etc.) Order 2016

    This consultation seeks comments on the draft Reservoirs(Scotland)Amendment Regulations 2016 and the Reservoirs(Enforcement etc.)(Scotland)Order 2016. More
    Closed 4 December 2015
  • A consultation on working together for people who go missing in Scotland

    A consultation on working together for people who go missing in Scotland What is the purpose of this Strategy? Our aim is to reduce the harm related to people going missing. This Strategy provides a framework for how organisations can reduce that harm by working together, and seeks to raise the profile of the issues connected with people going missing. It doesn’t propose to create new systems alongside those that already exist, but to ensure that the prevention and handling of... More
    Closed 7 December 2015
  • Draft Order to revise the procedures for complaints about social work

    Consultation on Draft Order to Amend the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Act 2002 This consultation seeks your views on the draft Order to amend the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Act 2002 to allow the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (“the SPSO”) to investigate complaints in relation to the substance of social work decisions. The draft order also amends the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 in relation to the sharing of information by the Care Inspectorate with the... More
    Closed 14 December 2015
  • Review of Civil Partnership

    During the Parliamentary passage of the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Scotland) Act 2014, the Scottish Government said that we would carry out a review of civil partnership in Scotland. This consultation is part of that review and enables civic society across Scotland to contribute to the discussion.The three options are no change, so that civil partnership would remain available for same sex couples only; stopping new civil partnerships being registered at some date in the future; or... More
    Closed 15 December 2015
  • Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014 - Consultation on Draft Regulations for: 1) the Transfer of Functions and Members of (A) the Private Rented Housing Panel and (B) the Homeowner Housing Panel, to the Scottish Tribunals, and; (2) the Composition of the Scottish Tribunals when hearing Housing and Property cases

    Part One This consultation seeks your views on draft regulations to transfer the functions and members of the Private Rented Housing Panel (prhp), the Private Rented Housing Committee (prhc), the Homeowner Housing Panel (hohp) and the Homeowner Housing Committee (hohc) to the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland. Part Two This consultation seeks your views on draft regulations that determine the composition of the First-tier Tribunal when hearing Private Rented Sector... More
    Closed 15 December 2015
  • The Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014: Consultation on 2 sets of Draft Regulations which make provision for:1) a time limit within which to seek permission to appeal a decision of the Scottish Tribunals and Rules of Procedure for the Upper Tribunal; and 2) Offences in the Scottish Tribunals

    Part One This part seeks your views on draft regulations that prescribe a time limit within which permission to appeal a decision of the Scottish Tribunals must be sought. They also contain proposed rules of procedure for the Upper Tribunal for Scotland. Part Two This part seeks your views on draft regulations that create generic offences in relation to proceedings within the Scottish Tribunals created by the Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014 (the “2014 Act”). ... More
    Closed 15 December 2015
  • Consultation on Proposals to Strengthen the Presumption against Short Periods of Imprisonment

    This consultation paper seeks your views on proposals to extend the current presumption against short sentences of three months or less, along with other proposals to reduce the use of short-term imprisonment. These proposals are one part of the Scottish Government's ongoing and wide-ranging work to reduce the use of short-term imprisonment in Scotland. This also includes: a continued emphasis on community alternatives to custody; developing a strengthened electronic monitoring service;... More
    Closed 16 December 2015
  • Consultation on the development of a Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy for Scotland

    This consultation seeks views on the development of a Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy for Scotland. Digital technology has rich potential to support education in Scotland’s schools in a wide variety of ways, and it is vital to ensure that our children and young people are equipped with the essential digital skills they will need to flourish in the 21st century. A well-defined strategy will help to make sure that digital technology is embedded in learning and teaching across the... More
    Closed 17 December 2015
  • Consultation on Provisions for a Future Islands Bill

    The aim of this consultation is to seek the views of interested stakeholders on plans for more power and protection for Scotland’s islands. These views will help shape the development of a future Islands Bill that will allow the Islands to build a more prosperous and fairer future for their communities. More
    Closed 23 December 2015
  • The Specified Diseases (Notification) Amendment (Scotland) Order 2016

    Porcine epidemic diarrhoea (PED) is a highly infectious disease of pigs that spreads very easily. Representatives of the pig industry have requested that Scottish Government make PED notifiable to an industry led body. This would allow an incursion of PED to be identified as soon as possible and help support the industry’s voluntary contingency plan to control and eradicate any incursion of PED. This consultation applies to Scotland only. More
    Closed 24 December 2015
  • A Consultation on Landfill Tax Loss on Ignition Testing for Waste Fines

    Scottish Ministers have committed to introducing a statutory testing regime for fine residual waste/trommel fines entering landfill sites for the purposes of Scottish Landfill Tax (SLfT). The purpose of this consultation is for Scottish Government to gather views from landfill operators, waste managers, waste and resource sector companies, local authorities and other interested stakeholders on the introduction of such a statutory testing regime. More
    Closed 29 December 2015
  • Scotland's Census 2021 - Topic Consultation

    National Records of Scotland is already planning the 2021 Census in Scotland and we need your help. To inform our planning, we have launched this public consultation which is open to everyone. We want to know which topics the census should cover. A lot changes in the 10 years between each census. Our society is constantly evolving and the information our users want from the census also may change. This is why your feedback is so important. You can submit responses until 15 January 2016. More
    Closed 15 January 2016
  • Review of Nomenclature of Units for Territorial Statistics (NUTS) Boundaries

    The Nomenclature of Units for Territorial Statistics (NUTS) is a set of geographical boundaries set and regulated by the European Union. The core purpose of NUTS boundaries is the reporting of regional statistics to Eurostat, however those statistics are often used to inform regional policy development and determine regional funding allocations. Eurostat are carrying out a review of NUTS boundaries. The purpose of this consultation is to help... More
    Closed 15 January 2016
  • Supporter Involvement in Scottish Football Clubs

    The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill, was introduced in the Scottish Parliament on 11 June 2014, and reached Stage 3 on 17 June 2015. When the bill was debated, the amendments relating to supporter involvement in football were unanimously passed, creating a Part 7 of the now ‘Act’ on this area. This provides a framework to develop legislation to enhance the rights of football supporters. Scottish Ministers recognise that there are different views on what... More
    Closed 15 January 2016
  • United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD): The Scottish Government’s Draft Delivery Plan 2016-2020

    United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD): The Scottish Government’s Draft Delivery Plan 2016-2020 The Scottish Government has a clear aim: for disabled people to have the same equality and human rights as non-disabled people. This means disabled people having the same freedom, dignity, choice and control over their lives as everyone else, with rights to practical assistance and support at home, at work and in the wider community. However, for... More
    Closed 18 January 2016
  • Consultation towards Scotland’s Rail Freight Strategy

    The Scottish Government’s vision is for a competitive, sustainable rail freight sector playing an increasing role in Scotland’s economic growth by providing a safer, greener, and more efficient way of transporting products and materials. We are consulting on a range of issues towards the development of a high level strategy on rail freight in Scotland. The consultation paper primarily focusses on the opportunities and actions for growth in new and existing rail freight markets, the... More
    Closed 22 January 2016
  • Getting the best from our land, consultation on a draft Land Use Strategy for Scotland 2016 - 2021

    The first Land Use Strategy was published in March 2011. It initiated a step change towards a more integrated and strategic approach to land use. It is a requirement of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 that the Strategy is reviewed every five years and that a revised Strategy is laid before the Scottish Parliament. This consultation draft Land Use Strategy 2016-2021 builds on the first Strategy and retains the strategic Vision, Objectives and Principles for Sustainable Land Use.... More
    Closed 29 January 2016
  • Potential controls or prohibition of electronic training aids in Scotland

    This consultation seeks views on whether some or all electronic training aids should be subject to tighter controls in Scotland or whether they should be banned outright. It also seeks evidence to support these views. More
    Closed 29 January 2016
  • Consultation on the proposals for the introduction of the role of an Independent National (Whistleblowing) Officer (INO)

    In response to the ‘Freedom to Speak Up Review’ the Scottish Government has made a commitment to develop and establish the role of an Independent National Whistleblowing Officer to provide an independent and external level of review on the handling of whistleblowing cases in NHSScotland. More
    Closed 10 February 2016
  • Consultation on the introduction of regulatory concessions for huts and bothies in the Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004

    Consultation on the introduction of regulatory concessions for huts and bothies in the Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004 More
    Closed 12 February 2016
  • Consultation on Proposals for Regulations Supporting the New Licensing System for Mobile Home Sites with Permanent Residents

    PURPOSE OF THIS CONSULTATION 1. The Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 creates a new licensing system for mobile home sites that are licensed to have permanent residents. Some of the key parts of the new licensing system will be: a requirement that someone holding a licence, and/or managing a site, is a fit and proper person to do so; a wider range of powers for local authorities to enforce licence conditions and tackle unscrupulous site owners; a requirement that... More
    Closed 12 February 2016
  • Outer Hebrides Inshore Fisheries Group - Consultation on inshore fishing prohibitions in the Outer Hebrides

    There are a number of closed areas in the Outer Hebrides’ inshore waters where mobile and/or static gear fishing has been prohibited on either a seasonal or year-round basis. These prohibitions were introduced over the past 30 years using the powers of the Inshore Fishing (Scotland) Act 1984 and have been reviewed on a regular basis by government. The Outer Hebrides Inshore Fisheries Group (IFG) has developed management measures to update the prohibitions in effect in its area, as it... More
    Closed 26 February 2016
  • National Records of Scotland: Consultation on Proper Arrangements for Archiving Public Records

    The Public Records (Scotland) Act, 2011 requires each public authority named in the Act to agree a Records Management Plan with the Keeper of the Records of Scotland, setting out the proper arrangements for the management of its records. One part of these arrangements is to make provision for transferring records selected for permanent preservation on administrative or historical grounds to suitable archive facilities. These records are not just official bureaucracy. They underpin all... More
    Closed 14 March 2016
  • Discussion Paper - Early Learning and Childcare 1140 hours expansion

    Early Learning and Childcare has a huge role to play in securing positive futures for our children. The Scottish Government is committed to increasing the Early Learning and Childcare entitlement to 1140 hours per year by 2020. High quality will be at the heart of ELC provision, especially in more disadvantaged areas, as will providing the flexibility parents need to work, train or study. We are establishing trials that will test a variety of models for delivering Early Learning... More
    Closed 18 March 2016
  • The Scotland Bill – Consultation on Draft Order in Council for The Transfer of Specified Functions of the Employment Tribunal to the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland

    This consultation seeks your views on a draft Order in Council that makes provision to transfer specified functions of the Employment Tribunal to the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland. The proposed transfer of functions would allow the First-tier tribunal to hear Scottish employment cases (as defined in the draft Order), along with a number of cases that do not fit within that category but which have a sufficient link to Scotland and should therefore be heard in a Scottish tribunal. ... More
    Closed 24 March 2016
  • Scottish Law Commissions Report on Adults with Incapacity

    In October 2014, the Scottish Law Commission ( ‘the Commission’) published a report on Adults with Incapacity which focussed on the question of deprivation of liberty as it relates to persons who may be subject to the Adults with Incapacity legislation and associated issues. The report made a number of recommendations and contained a draft Bill, amending the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 (‘the 2000 Act’) and the Mental Health (Care and Treatment)(Scotland) Act 2003... More
    Closed 31 March 2016
  • A criminal offence of domestic abuse

    A consultation seeking views on a draft provision which creates a specific offence of 'abusive behaviour in relation to a partner or ex-partner'. Click here to download the consultation paper More
    Closed 1 April 2016
  • Tenements (Scotland) Act 2004 (Heating Services) Regulations

    The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on draft regulations under section 19 of the Tenements (Scotland) Act 2004. These would prescribe district heating and communal heating. As a result, an owner of a flat would be entitled to lead through, or fix to, common parts of a tenement pipes in relation to those services. The owner would need to follow the procedures laid down in the regulations. Click here to download a copy of the consultation document More
    Closed 14 April 2016
  • The Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007: Section 35 (2) and (3)

    This consultation paper discusses possible new regulations made under section 35(2) and (3) of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 which would revoke and replace the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 (Removal of Barred Individuals from Regulated Work) Regulations 2010. More
    Closed 19 April 2016
  • Scottish Household Survey (SHS) - Consultation on 2017 Survey

    As part of Scotland's Spending Plans and Budget for 2016/17, the Scottish Government requires to make changes to the design of the Scottish Household Survey (SHS). More
    Closed 19 April 2016
924 results. Page 3 of 31