Sustaining culture
9. What is your view of the ambition, ‘Sustaining culture’?
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10. If you have further comments on the ambition, ‘Sustaining culture’ please provide them below. What do you like, or dislike, or what would you change?
If you have further comments on the ambition, ‘Sustaining culture’ please provide them below. What do you like, or dislike, or what would you change?
The public sector is looking to do business differently and recent changes to procurement regulations encourage innovation and new commissioning models. The third sector delivers a flexible service which local authorities in particular are now looking to deliver to meet current demand. Third / Private/ Public Sector partnership working can deliver services which address the SG priorities e.g. addressing inequality, collaboration and partnership working benefit from economies of scale, mutual support and a collective drive to improve service for the end user (as well as delivering efficiencies). Partnership for Procurement (P4P) is an innovative pilot grounded in the priorities set out the Social Enterprise Strategy which delivers a range of supports to third sector and social enterprise to access and win more of the public sector procurement market through partnership working and collaboration.
11. Please provide comments on the aims and actions under this ambition. What do you like, or dislike, or what would you change?
Please provide comments on the aims and actions under this ambition. What do you like, or dislike, or what would you change?
With increased competition for limited funding P4P supports Action 1 - Explore new funding models' and Action 5 'Strategic Ambition ... collaboration'
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