Response 673714248

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Dundee City Council, Protecting People Team
Organisation/Group address**
Dundee House
50 North Lindsay Street
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Consultation Questions

1. Are the guiding principles right for this strategy?

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Are there any other principles that should be considered when continuing to develop this strategy?
We also have to ensure that individuals who are vulnerable (through ill health, age, mental health, disability issues) are safeguarded - especially as those using technology are likely to rise in number as the years go on. Issues such as dementia, fluctuating mental health, need to be part fo the safer online environment.

2. Do you agree with the vision?

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Should also link to National Health and Wellbeing outcomes: Framework
People who use health and social care services are safe from harm.

3. Do you agree with the three strategic outcomes?

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Are there additional outcomes that should be considered? If yes, what are they and why?
Do not feel bullet point three should specify young people - all people should fit into this area.

4. Do you think these are the right objectives to focus on?

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Are there additional objectives that should be considered?
In terms of no2 again we should be especially focused on those more vulnerable.

5. Do you agree with the main areas of focus for effective leadership and promoting collaboration?

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6. Do you agree with the main areas of focus for raising awareness and ensuring effective communication?

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Are there any other areas that should be considered?
Plus specific consideration should be given to individuals who are/may be more vulnerable to financial harm/scams online. With increasing digitisation of services and pension liberation, older people could be targetted even more than they are now.

7. Do you agree with the main areas of focus for developing education and skills in cyber resilience?

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Are there any other areas that should be considered?
Every child, young person, adult and older person must have cyber skills for learning, life and work?
Those retiring now, will use technology more that those retiring 30 years ago. They also need education and skills.

8. Do you agree with the main areas of focus for strengthening research and innovation?

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9. Are there actions that will help us achieve making Scotland and its people more cyber resilient?

Do you have suggestions of any actions that will help us to make Scotland more cyber resilient?
Educating adults and older people, not just children and young people.
Link into Financial Harm National Coordination Group for their views.

10. Do you think the monitoring and evaluating arrangements are sufficient?

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11. Have you ever experienced cyber crime ?

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If yes, did you report it? Please provide details.
Attempts at scams through email and online.
None succeeded.
Am part of the Nationa Financial Harm Coordination Group and work daily with scams information and our local Financial Harm Group which reports to the Adult Support and Protection Committee in Dundee.

12. Would you be willing to share your experiences with us?

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