Response 302754281

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Consultation Questions: Domestic Energy Performance Certificate Metric Reform Proposals

Question 1. Do you agree with the set of metrics that we propose to display on the reformed Energy Performance Certificate?

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Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don’t know
Please provide further details here
Need to provide metrics on Operational Carbon and Embodied Carbon

Question 2. Are there additional metrics that you think should be included on the EPC, or metrics that you do not think should be included?

Should be included, please give reasons for your views
Embodied Carbon kgCO2e/m2.

75% of a building total emissions from a typical 60-year lifetime can come
from embodied carbon.

Embodied carbon needs to become regulated and subject to reducing targets.
UK Green Building Council, RIBA 2030 Challenge, LETI and ACAN agree on the need to regulate embodied carbon and that there are emerging benchmarks and methodologies which can be utilised across the construction sector.
Should not be included, please give reasons for your views

Question 3. Considering our proposal to include a Fabric Rating on EPCs, do you think this metric should include domestic hot water heat demand?

Should include, please give reasons for your views
Reduction of lifetime operational carbons is essential to meet our zero carbon target.
Should not include, please give reasons for your views

Question 4. Do you have a view on the way that the Fabric Rating mapped against a scale, for example, how ‘A’ or ‘G’ rated performance is determined?

Please provide further details here
In 2024, a new route for compliance should be developed which allows for calculations on building performance to be made and submitted with PHPP (Passivhaus Planning Package). Harmonisation of information produced by each calculation should be considered. For avoidance of doubt, this is based on using PHPP as an alternative method of comparing DER and TER (as currently specified within the building regulations).

Question 5. Do you agree with our proposal to give more prominence to the energy efficiency features of the home (such as the depth of loft insulation)?

Please provide further details here
Scotland must define a national retrofit standard for all house types in order to drive the national delivery of retrofit, the Scottish Technical Standards is the best place for this guidance.

Advice expanded to include Loft insulation, zero / low emission heating system, wall insulation, window replacement / improvement, under floor insulation, ventilation upgrade, airtightness works, renewables.

However current SAP/EPC Surveyors & Assessors have limined survey skills, training and knowledge and these need to be improved and expanded to harmonise with PAS2035.

Consultation Questions: Non-Domestic Energy Performance Certificate Metric Reform Proposals

Question 6. Do you agree with the set of metrics that we propose to display on non-domestic EPCs?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don’t know
Please explain you view further
Same as Domestic above

Question 7. Are there any additional metrics that you think should be displayed, or any in the proposed set that should not be included?

Should have additional metrics, please explain your view further
Same as Domestic above
Should not be included, please explain your view further
Particular emphasis on heating, ventilation and lighting.

Consultation Questions: EPC Purpose and Validity

Question 8. Do you agree with us that the primary role of the EPC should be to provide basic energy efficiency information for the purpose of comparison and act as a prompt to consider retrofit options?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don’t know
Please give details for your answer
The primary role of the EPC should be to assess, report or reduce operational and embodied carbon emissions in our building stock. This is the only cross-sector platform / tool that we have that is Consumer / market facing and we must optimise its use, validity and depth.

Question 9. If you disagree, or have further comments about the role of the EPC, please provide your comments.

Please give details for your answer
All retrofit should also tie in with Scottish Government Draft Heat in Buildings Strategy.

The building performance gap must be closed by regulation and associated quality assurance schemes. The Technical Standards through the production of EPC / SAP should propose a robust methodology, for assessing buildings (including in-situ U value, indoor air quality, energy) and a consistent reporting structure. This should be in line with PAS2035.

Question 10. Do you agree that the validity period of EPCs should be reduced from 10 to five years?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
Please give details for your answer
YES as this will incentivise renovation upgrading to increase future asset value.

Question 11. We welcome any views on the usefulness of our proposals for other relevant policy areas, such as fuel poverty or the delivery of government schemes. Please provide any comments you wish to share.

Please give details for your answer

Consultation Questions: Digital and Accessible EPC Format and Content

Question 12. Do you agree with our proposal that EPCs should move from PDF to webpage format?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Ticked Don’t know

Question 13. Do you agree with our proposal to improve signposting to further support and advice schemes on the EPC?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
Please provide further details here
Retrofit is a detailed, complex and technical process. Signposting should be to suitably qualified professional expertise & expanded to harmonise with PAS2035

Question 14. Do you agree historical EPCs should be publicly accessible on the EPC register (while clearly marked as historic)?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
Please give reasons for your view
Yes this is a public record of progress for the Scottish Government to regulate the upgrade of existing building stock to Zero Carbon standard. This is one of the few assessment tools that are in place to support these Policy Objectives.

Question 15. Do you agree that the EPC register should be accessible by API?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
Please give reasons for your view
14. above

Question 16. Do you have any further comments on our proposals to move to a digital and accessible EPC?

Please explain you view further

Consultation Questions: EPC Auditing and Assurance

Question 17. Do you agree with our proposals to review and update the auditing and assurance requirements for EPCs in Scotland?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
Please explain your view further
The building performance gap must be closed by regulation and associated quality assurance schemes.

Question 18. Please detail any additional assurance activity that you think would be appropriate to enhance the accuracy and reliability of EPCs.

Please give details for your answer
Calculations on building performance to be made and submitted with PHPP (Passivhaus Planning Package). Harmonisation of information produced by each calculation should be considered.

Consultation Questions: Legislating for EPC Reform and Timeline

Question 19. Do you have a view on our timeline for reform implementation?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
Please give details for your answer
EPC/ SAP is a core tool behind the future of the building regulations and the changes we foresee as essential to decarbonise construction and meet Scotland’s Zero Carbon target. This needs to happen and soon as possible to mitigate the impacts of the Climate Crisis.

About you

Are you responding as an individual or an organisation?

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Radio button: Ticked Organisation

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Coast2Coast Architects