Response 357242831

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Strategic Interventions

Circular economy strategy obligation

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Statutory targets – consumption reduction, reuse and recycling

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4. Do you have any comments in relation to proposals to set statutory targets?
Voluntary systems never produce enough results.

Establishment of circular economy public body

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6. Please provide evidence to support your answer to question 5
A public body would be transparent and held accountable for results.
7. If a Circular Economy public body were to be established, what statutory functions should it fulfil?
It should have legal powers. It should monitor and enforce the changes we need to help save the planet.

Reduce and Reuse

Measures to ban the destruction of unsold durable goods

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9. Do you have any comments in relation to proposals to ban the destruction of unsold durable goods?
It is outrageous that unsold durable goods were ever destroyed. It is an abomination.
10. Are there particular product categories that you think should be prioritised?
Start with those most damaging to the environment.
11. Are there product categories that should be excluded from such a ban?
No absolutely none.

Environmental charging for single-use items

12. The previous consultation showed broad support for the proposal that Scottish Ministers should have the power to set charges for environmentally harmful items, for example single-use disposable beverage cups. Is there any new context or evidence that should be taken into account in relation to this proposal?
Surely all single use items must be banned.
13. Do you have any further comments on how a charge on environmentally harmful items should be implemented?
just grasp the nettle and ban them.

Mandatory reporting of waste and surplus

14. The previous consultation showed broad support for the proposal that Scottish Ministers should have the power to require mandatory public reporting of unwanted surplus stock and waste. Is there any new context or evidence that should be taken into account in relation this proposal?
Wasteful companies should be penalised. Companies must be responsible for the end life of their products not the customer.
15. The previous consultation showed broad support for the proposal that food waste should be a priority for regulations. Is there any new context or evidence that should be taken into account in relation this proposal?
Food waste continues to be a big problem. Meanwhile, millions of people in the world are starving and dying of hunger. There is enough food in the world to feed everyone in the current population. If the human race cannot sort this single issue there is no hope for the future of the planet or the human race.
16. Are there other waste streams that should be prioritised?
All the earth's natural resources which we have over used eg the fish in the ocean(bycatch).


Strengthening approach to household recycling collection services

17. The previous consultation showed broad support for the proposal that Scottish Ministers should have powers to place additional requirements on local authorities in order to increase rates and quality of household recycling. Is there any new context or evidence that should be taken into account in relation to the proposal?
We must stop sending our waste abroad. It is abhorent. Recycling measures in this country must be upgraded. Why aren't we using recycled plastic to repair roads etc?
18. The previous consultation showed broad support for the principle that there should be greater consistency in household recycling collections. Is there any new context or evidence that should be taken into account?
Different councils have different systems. This does not help the public to comply. You have to work to the lowest denominator and make it beneficial for them to comply eg money back for plastic and glass bottles.
19. The previous consultation showed broad support for the principle of moving away from the current voluntary approach to Scotland’s Household Recycling Charter towards a more mandated approach, whereby implementation of the Charter and its supporting Code of Practice becomes a statutory obligation. Is there any new context or evidence that should be taken into account?
Well it hasn't worked has it? There is your answer.

The role of targets to support recycling performance

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22. Please explain your answer
Nothing in the world achieves compliance like a financial incentive. You are dealing with human beings. There has to be financial consequences for failure.

The Duty of Care for households

23. The previous consultation showed broad agreement that householders’ existing obligations are not sufficient. Is there any new context or evidence that should be taken into account?
Good compliance should be reflected in individuals' council tax and vice versa.
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25. Please add any additional comments
Enforcement would raise the subject in individuals' life priorities.

Incentivising waste reduction and recycling (households)

26. Are there further powers, if any, for Scottish Ministers, and/or local authorities, that should be considered in order to incentivise positive household behaviours, to support waste reduction and increased recycling in Scotland?
See above answers.
Also every company small , medium and large must show evidence of top notch recycling measures or pay a penalty. It must be part of business licensing.
27. Are there any other legislative measures that you consider Scottish Government should take to strengthen recycling and reuse at a household level, helping accelerate the rate and quality of household recycling in Scotland?
Every step of the process must be by legal requirement, monitored and enforced. We must start seeing it on a par with paying your taxes. It is a civil duty. It should be taught in schools. Name and shame companies who under perform in this area.

Business recycling collection zoning

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Littering and Improving Enforcement

New penalty for littering from vehicles

31. The previous consultation showed broad support for the proposal that Scottish Ministers should have the powers to introduce a new fixed penalty regime for littering from vehicles. Is there any new context or evidence that needs to be taken into account?
Deal with abandoned vehicles themselves also. They are a blight on the Scottish Islands.
32. The previous consultation showed broad support for the principle that the registered keeper of a vehicle bears primary responsible for offences such as littering from or in relation to their vehicle (for example by passengers or people using that vehicle at that time). Is there any new context or evidence that needs to be taken into account?
I agree and landowners should be held responsible for crimes committed on their land. They would then self enforce.

Seizure of vehicles

33. The previous consultation showed broad support for the principle that enforcement authorities should be given powers to seize vehicles linked to waste crime. Is there any new context or evidence that should be taken into account?
Good measure

Assessing impact of bill proposals


34. Taking into account the accompanying EQIA, are there any additional likely impacts the proposals contained in this consultation may have on particular groups of people, with reference to the ‘protected characteristics’ listed above?
People with disabilities etc must always be given support to enable compliance with civil responsibilities.

Business and regulation

35. Taking into account the accompanying BRIA, do you think that the proposals contained in this consultation are likely to increase or reduce the costs and burdens placed on any business or sector?
How are you measuring the cost?
The only cost worthy of concern is the cost to the survival of the planet.

Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment

36. Taking into account the accompanying CRWIA, do you think that the proposals contained in this consultation are likely to have an impact on children’s rights and wellbeing?
No but we must ensure inclusion in school curricula.

Islands Communities Impact Assessment

37. Taking into account the accompanying ICIA, do you think that the proposals contained in this consultation are likely to influence an island community significantly differently from its effect on other communities in Scotland?
Island communities may have extra difficulties eg the cost of disposing of dead vehicles but these issues must be tackled head on. Crofters have a long history of dumping in lochs for example. These dangerous traditions must be stopped. At the moment these issues are ignored by the authorities.Do

Fairer Scotland Duty

38. Taking into account the accompanying Fairer Scotland Assessment summary template, do you think that the proposals contained in this consultation are likely to have an impact in relation to the Fairer Scotland Duty?
not sure


39. Do you think that the proposals contained in this consultation are likely to have an impact on the environment?
If they do not improve the environment there is no point


40. Do you have any other comments that you would like to make, relevant to the subject of this consultation, that you have not covered in your answers to other questions?

please specify
I am old enough to recall a charity (RSPCA Stockport East Cheshire and West Derbyshire Branch) collecting used newspapers from the public. A shed would be filled. When full they would be collected by a company that recycled them and paid the Branch by the ton. It was a win win. I guess it ended when the sums did not add up.
Imagine if charities could operate a similar system for plastic bottles!

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