Response 734314375

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Part A - Section Two: Scottish Biodiversity Delivery Plan - Chapter 2

2a. Have we captured the key actions needed to deliver the objective: accelerate restoration and regeneration?

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2b. Are the key actions, to support the objective: accelerate restoration and regeneration, sufficient to put Scotland on track to ending the loss of biodiversity by 2030?

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Please explain the reasons for your response
More stringent targets and actions required eg deer density in woodland of 2/km2 if fine but 5-8 in Cairngorms is not - max should be 5. Across Scotland generally 10 km2 is not a target, it's what we have now, so it needs to be 8 max.

2c. Which actions do you think will have most impact?

Please state the actions and explain the reasons for your response
Supporting and financially incentivising land owners to change away from practices and land use that are damaging to ecology and biodiversity.

Part A - Section Two: Scottish Biodiversity Delivery Plan - Chapter 3

2d. Have we captured the key actions needed to deliver the objective: protect nature on land and at sea across and beyond protected areas?

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Because you are not tackling the need to protect nature on land by effectively regulating agricultural land use and farming practices.

2e. Are the key actions, to support the objective: protect nature on land and at sea across and beyond protected areas, sufficient to put Scotland on track to ending the loss of biodiversity by 2030?

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Radio button: Ticked Unsure

2f. Which actions do you think will have most impact?

Please state the actions and explain the reasons for your response
Effectively regulating marine protected areas.
Incorporating biodiversity and water control into local planning.

Part A - Section Two: Scottish Biodiversity Delivery Plan - Chapter 4

2g. Have we captured the key actions needed to deliver the objective: embed nature positive farming, fishing and forestry?

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Radio button: Unticked Unsure

2h. Are the key actions, to support the objective: embed nature positive farming, fishing and forestry, sufficient to put Scotland on track to ending the loss of biodiversity by 2030?

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Radio button: Unticked Unsure

Part A - Section Two: Scottish Biodiversity Delivery Plan - Chapter 5

2j. Have we captured the key actions needed to deliver the objective: protect and support the recovery of vulnerable and important species and habitats?

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Radio button: Unticked Unsure

2k. Are the key actions, to support the objective: protect and support the recovery of vulnerable and important species and habitats, sufficient to put Scotland on track to ending the loss of biodiversity by 2030?

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Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Unsure

2l. Which actions do you think will have most impact?

Please state the actions and explain the reasons for your response
Develop seabird strategy to enhance populations by protecting habitat and feeding areas. This is a priority otherwise we are in danger of some species going extinct.

Part A - Section Two: Scottish Biodiversity Delivery Plan - Chapter 6

2m. Have we captured the key actions needed to deliver the objective: invest in nature?

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Radio button: Unticked Unsure

2n. Are the key actions, to support the objective: invest in nature, sufficient to put Scotland on track to ending the loss of biodiversity by 2030?

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Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Ticked Unsure

Part A - Section Two: Scottish Biodiversity Delivery Plan - Chapter 7

2q. Are the key actions, to support the objective: take action on the indirect drivers of biodiversity loss, sufficient to put Scotland on track to ending the loss of biodiversity by 2030?

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Radio button: Ticked Unsure
Please explain the reasons for your response
Timescales are very tight.

2r. Which actions do you think will have most impact?

Please state the actions and explain the reasons for your response
Mainstream and integrate biodiversity policy across government. It will be difficult/impossible to achieve objectives without sound government buy-in.

Part A - Section Three: Nature Networks Policy Framework

3a. Do you have any comments on the Nature Networks Framework?

Please provide any comments
An excellent idea but local political decisions may need to be 'policed' to achieve the objectives.

Part B – Section Six: Statutory Targets for Nature Restoration

6a. Placing Targets on a Statutory Footing

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Please explain the reasons for your response
It keeps political and policy focus on biodiversity and nature.

6b. The Targets Framework

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Please explain the reasons for your response
You may need to slim down the list of criteria to avoid getting bogged down in excessive detail and requirements.

6c. The Form of Targets

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Please explain the reasons for your response
Input based targets are crude and unfocussed.

6d. Examples of Potential Target Topics

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Radio button: Unticked Unsure
Please explain the reasons for your response. If you answered “No”, please provide details of any target areas which you think are missing from the list.
If anything it is too long - might be more effective to prioritise.

6e. Do you have any other comments on the list of potential target topics?

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Radio button: Ticked No

6f. Number of Targets

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Radio button: Unticked Unsure
Please explain the reasons for your response
More focus equals more likelihood of achieving good outcomes.

6g. Timescale for Statutory Targets

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Not overly ambitious.

6h. Process for Reviewing Statutory Targets

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Radio button: Unticked Unsure

6i. Process for Reporting on Targets

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Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Unsure

6j. Independent Review Body

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Radio button: Unticked Unsure
Please explain the reasons for your response
Government can't mark its own homework!

Part B - Section Seven: National Parks

7a. Purpose of National Park Authorities

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Please explain the reasons for your response
Because they are currently failing almost completely in this role.

7b. Aims of National Parks - First National Park aim

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These two aims can easily become contradictory. Example: currently damaging land use such as grouse moors and (most) deer stalking estates need to change their business models to enhance their ecosystems but if these are perceived as 'cultural heritage' then no change will take place. So the enhancement of nature and ecosystems must have priority.

7c. Second National Park aim

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Please explain the reasons for your response
The emphasis needs to be on 'sustainable' and not maximising short term economic gains.

7d. Third National Park aim

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Radio button: Unticked Don’t know

7e. Fourth National Park aim

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Please explain the reasons for your response
Getting local people on board is essential for achieving the new aims and emphasis.

7f. The National Park ‘principle’

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This aim must be paramount otherwise it will be subverted by competing influences.

7g. Relevance of the National Park aims and the National Park principle to other public bodies operating within National Parks

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Needs fine tuning eg management of NNR's by NatureScot may not always align with NP aims.

7h. Do you agree that public bodies operating within the National Park should have regard to the National Park principle?

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Radio button: Unticked Partially disagree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Don’t know

7i. Duty on public bodies to support implementation of National Park Plans

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Radio button: Unticked Partially disagree
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Tricky to manage though to avoid 'turf wars'

7j. General powers of National Park Authorities

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Please explain the reasons for your response
These penalties need to have serious teeth where the consequences of byelaw breaches could be disastrous eg wildfires caused by campers open fires.

7k. Do you think that any other changes should be made to the general powers of National Park authorities?

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Radio button: Unticked Partially disagree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Ticked Don’t know

7l. Governance of National Parks

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Radio button: Unticked Partially disagree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Don’t know
Please explain the reasons for your response
Current board functionality needs overhauling to meet the new objectives.

About you

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