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New organisational arrangements in Scotland
1. Our proposals are for a dedicated Forestry Division in the Scottish Government (SG) and an Executive Agency to manage the NFE. Do you agree with this approach?
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Please explain your answer
A customised, localised approach is always going to be preferable to a one-size-fits-all group of policies. The situation is different in Scotland compared to England, so a dedicated division is the way to go.
2. In bringing the functions of FCS formally into the SG, how best can we ensure that the benefits of greater integration are delivered within the wider SG structure?
In bringing the functions of FCS formally into the SG, how best can we ensure that the benefits of greater integration are delivered within the wider SG structure?
A holistic approach where forestry policies are made with consideration to other areas of responsibility is crucial. Climate change, the environment, agriculture, leisure, wildlife policy, renewable energy & trade are all intricately linked.
What additional benefits should we be looking to achieve?
An improvement to the biodiversity of our forestry land - providing space for nature for its own sake.
3. How should we ensure that professional skills and knowledge of forestry are maintained within the proposed new forestry structures?
How should we ensure that professional skills and knowledge of forestry are maintained within the proposed new forestry structures?
By restricting any job losses to those who have generic skills & experience. Managers & administrators can find work in other industries, but those with specific knowledge need to be retained.
4. What do you think a future land agency for Scotland could and should manage and how might that best be achieved?
What do you think a future land agency for Scotland could and should manage and how might that best be achieved?
In conjunction with land taxation & transparency of ownership, we can be much smarter about how Scotland's land is managed for the benefit of its population & natural inhabitants.
Effective cross-border arrangements
5. Do you agree with the priorities for cross-border co-operation set out above, i.e. forestry research and science, plant health and common codes such as UK Forestry Standard?
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6. If no to question 5, what alternative priorities would you prefer? Why?
If no to question 5, what alternative priorities would you prefer? Why?
-tree health
-contiguous wildlife protection & wildlife crime cooperation
-forestry science and research
-land ownership transparency
-common codes
-contiguous wildlife protection & wildlife crime cooperation
-forestry science and research
-land ownership transparency
-common codes
7. Do you have views on the means by which cross-border arrangements might be delivered effectively to reflect Scottish needs?
Do you have views on the means by which cross-border arrangements might be delivered effectively to reflect Scottish needs?
- Scottish/English committees dedicated to specific regions
- Clarification of legal issues arising from the different systems
- Clarification of legal issues arising from the different systems
Legislation and regulation
8. Should the Scottish Ministers be placed under a duty to promote forestry?
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9. What specifically should be included in such a general duty?
What specifically should be included in such a general duty?
Preventing deforestation through the planning process & an aim to massively increase cover of native tree species
10. Recognising the need to balance economic, environmental and social benefits of forestry, what are your views of the principles set out in chapter 3?
Recognising the need to balance economic, environmental and social benefits of forestry, what are your views of the principles set out in chapter 3?
"maintaining biodiversity .. vitality ", etc should be replaced by "increasing biodiversity", etc
"does not cause damage to other ecosystems" should be removed. Even dysfunctional, artificial, unsustainable & damaging ecosystems could block reafforestation given this principle.
"does not cause damage to other ecosystems" should be removed. Even dysfunctional, artificial, unsustainable & damaging ecosystems could block reafforestation given this principle.
Assessing impact
11. Are there any likely impacts the proposals contained in this consultation may have on particular groups of people, with reference to the ‘protected characteristics’ listed in chapter 4? Please be as specific as possible.
Are there any likely impacts the proposals contained in this consultation may have on particular groups of people, with reference to the ‘protected characteristics’ listed in chapter 4? Please be as specific as possible.
Can't see how any of these groups would be adversely affected
12. Do you think that the proposals contained in this consultation are likely to increase or reduce the costs and burdens placed on any sector? Please be as specific as possible.
Do you think that the proposals contained in this consultation are likely to increase or reduce the costs and burdens placed on any sector? Please be as specific as possible.
Improving access & biodiversity will increase revenue in surrounding areas due to leisure activities. Very ecologically damaging practices such as driven grouse moors should be disincentivised & replaced by more accessible, less damaging leisure opportunities.
13. Are there any likely impacts that the proposals contained in this consultation may have upon the privacy of individuals? Please be as specific as possible.
Are there any likely impacts that the proposals contained in this consultation may have upon the privacy of individuals? Please be as specific as possible.
Obscure ownership by corporations, foreign entities, tax evaders & individuals hidden behind other organisations should no longer have the benefit of being beyond scrutiny or punishment for transgressions.
14. Are there any likely impacts that the proposals contained in this consultation may have upon the environment? Please be as specific as possible
Are there any likely impacts that the proposals contained in this consultation may have upon the environment? Please be as specific as possible
Anything that is done should reverse the serious declines we have seen in the levels of wildlife & wilderness. I can only see positives as long as the government has an everlasting commitment to protecting Scotland's forests from destruction, over-commercialisation & ecologically-damaging practices.
Any other comments
15. Do you have any other comments that you would like to make, relevant to the subject of this consultation, that you have not covered in your answers to other questions?
Do you have any other comments that you would like to make, relevant to the subject of this consultation, that you have not covered in your answers to other questions?
Rewilding less productive areas & those areas important for wildlife corridors is a serious option & these area should be given special status.