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New organisational arrangements in Scotland
1. Our proposals are for a dedicated Forestry Division in the Scottish Government (SG) and an Executive Agency to manage the NFE. Do you agree with this approach?
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What's wrong with the existing FC arrangements? If aint broke don't fix it. This is just devolution for devolution's sake. Taking it away from Commissioners and into the SG is typically SNP centralising statist approach!
3. How should we ensure that professional skills and knowledge of forestry are maintained within the proposed new forestry structures?
How should we ensure that professional skills and knowledge of forestry are maintained within the proposed new forestry structures?
Don't fiddle around with the existing structures!
Effective cross-border arrangements
5. Do you agree with the priorities for cross-border co-operation set out above, i.e. forestry research and science, plant health and common codes such as UK Forestry Standard?
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6. If no to question 5, what alternative priorities would you prefer? Why?
If no to question 5, what alternative priorities would you prefer? Why?
There would be no need for all the expense involved in setting up new x-border protocols if you just kept the existing FC structure. If it aint broke don't fix it.
7. Do you have views on the means by which cross-border arrangements might be delivered effectively to reflect Scottish needs?
Do you have views on the means by which cross-border arrangements might be delivered effectively to reflect Scottish needs?
Keep the existing system
Legislation and regulation
8. Should the Scottish Ministers be placed under a duty to promote forestry?
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Assessing impact
12. Do you think that the proposals contained in this consultation are likely to increase or reduce the costs and burdens placed on any sector? Please be as specific as possible.
Do you think that the proposals contained in this consultation are likely to increase or reduce the costs and burdens placed on any sector? Please be as specific as possible.
More new regulations, red tape and bureaucracy for everyone to have to adjust to. It hasn't been shown that any of this is necessary. It's just devolution for devolution's sake.