Response 973577616

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New organisational arrangements in Scotland

1. Our proposals are for a dedicated Forestry Division in the Scottish Government (SG) and an Executive Agency to manage the NFE. Do you agree with this approach?

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Please explain your answer
Keep FCS, they are the experts. No other government organisation plans for the future in the same way, our forests would suffer from any other approach

3. How should we ensure that professional skills and knowledge of forestry are maintained within the proposed new forestry structures?

How should we ensure that professional skills and knowledge of forestry are maintained within the proposed new forestry structures?
Don't restructure

Effective cross-border arrangements

5. Do you agree with the priorities for cross-border co-operation set out above, i.e. forestry research and science, plant health and common codes such as UK Forestry Standard?

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Legislation and regulation

8. Should the Scottish Ministers be placed under a duty to promote forestry?

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