Response 158257195

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1a Improvement

1. What would be the benefits of the National Care Service taking responsibility for improvement across community health and care services? (Please tick all that apply)

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Unticked Better co-ordination of work across different improvement organisations.
Checkbox: Unticked Effective sharing of learning across Scotland.
Checkbox: Unticked Intelligence from regulatory work fed back into a cycle of continuous improvement.
Checkbox: Ticked More consistent outcomes for people accessing care and support across Scotland.
Checkbox: Unticked Other – please explain below
Please add any comments in the text box below
Important not to have an umbrella term for health and social care, each unique service must be recognized in improvement framework

2. Are there any risks from the National Care Service taking responsibility for improvement across community health and care services?

Please add any comments in the text box below
Not recognizing uniqueness of services. Health and social care is a broad sector.

1b Access to Care and Support

3. If you or someone you know needed to access care and support, how likely would you be to use the following routes if they were available?

Speaking to my GP or another health professional. Not at all likely Radio button: Not checked Not at all likely Speaking to my GP or another health professional. Unlikely Radio button: Checked Unlikely Speaking to my GP or another health professional. Neither likely nor unlikely Radio button: Not checked Neither likely nor unlikely Speaking to my GP or another health professional. Likely Radio button: Not checked Likely Speaking to my GP or another health professional. Very likely Radio button: Not checked Very likely
Speaking to someone at a voluntary sector organisation, for example my local carer centre, befriending service or another organisation. Not at all likely Radio button: Not checked Not at all likely Speaking to someone at a voluntary sector organisation, for example my local carer centre, befriending service or another organisation. Unlikely Radio button: Checked Unlikely Speaking to someone at a voluntary sector organisation, for example my local carer centre, befriending service or another organisation. Neither likely nor unlikely Radio button: Not checked Neither likely nor unlikely Speaking to someone at a voluntary sector organisation, for example my local carer centre, befriending service or another organisation. Likely Radio button: Not checked Likely Speaking to someone at a voluntary sector organisation, for example my local carer centre, befriending service or another organisation. Very likely Radio button: Not checked Very likely
Speaking to someone at another public sector organisation, e.g. Social Security Scotland Not at all likely Radio button: Not checked Not at all likely Speaking to someone at another public sector organisation, e.g. Social Security Scotland Unlikely Radio button: Not checked Unlikely Speaking to someone at another public sector organisation, e.g. Social Security Scotland Neither likely nor unlikely Radio button: Checked Neither likely nor unlikely Speaking to someone at another public sector organisation, e.g. Social Security Scotland Likely Radio button: Not checked Likely Speaking to someone at another public sector organisation, e.g. Social Security Scotland Very likely Radio button: Not checked Very likely
Going along to a drop in service in a building in my local community, for example a community centre or cafe, either with or without an appointment. Not at all likely Radio button: Not checked Not at all likely Going along to a drop in service in a building in my local community, for example a community centre or cafe, either with or without an appointment. Unlikely Radio button: Checked Unlikely Going along to a drop in service in a building in my local community, for example a community centre or cafe, either with or without an appointment. Neither likely nor unlikely Radio button: Not checked Neither likely nor unlikely Going along to a drop in service in a building in my local community, for example a community centre or cafe, either with or without an appointment. Likely Radio button: Not checked Likely Going along to a drop in service in a building in my local community, for example a community centre or cafe, either with or without an appointment. Very likely Radio button: Not checked Very likely
Through a contact centre run by my local authority, either in person or over the phone. Not at all likely Radio button: Not checked Not at all likely Through a contact centre run by my local authority, either in person or over the phone. Unlikely Radio button: Not checked Unlikely Through a contact centre run by my local authority, either in person or over the phone. Neither likely nor unlikely Radio button: Not checked Neither likely nor unlikely Through a contact centre run by my local authority, either in person or over the phone. Likely Radio button: Checked Likely Through a contact centre run by my local authority, either in person or over the phone. Very likely Radio button: Not checked Very likely
Contacting my local authority by email or through their website. Not at all likely Radio button: Not checked Not at all likely Contacting my local authority by email or through their website. Unlikely Radio button: Not checked Unlikely Contacting my local authority by email or through their website. Neither likely nor unlikely Radio button: Checked Neither likely nor unlikely Contacting my local authority by email or through their website. Likely Radio button: Not checked Likely Contacting my local authority by email or through their website. Very likely Radio button: Not checked Very likely
Using a website or online form that can be used by anyone in Scotland. Not at all likely Radio button: Not checked Not at all likely Using a website or online form that can be used by anyone in Scotland. Unlikely Radio button: Not checked Unlikely Using a website or online form that can be used by anyone in Scotland. Neither likely nor unlikely Radio button: Not checked Neither likely nor unlikely Using a website or online form that can be used by anyone in Scotland. Likely Radio button: Checked Likely Using a website or online form that can be used by anyone in Scotland. Very likely Radio button: Not checked Very likely
Through a national helpline that I can contact 7 days a week. Not at all likely Radio button: Not checked Not at all likely Through a national helpline that I can contact 7 days a week. Unlikely Radio button: Not checked Unlikely Through a national helpline that I can contact 7 days a week. Neither likely nor unlikely Radio button: Not checked Neither likely nor unlikely Through a national helpline that I can contact 7 days a week. Likely Radio button: Checked Likely Through a national helpline that I can contact 7 days a week. Very likely Radio button: Not checked Very likely
Please add any comments in the text box below
Too many methods of contacting involve long waits for feedback/ decisions or passing the buck to someone else

4. How can we better co-ordinate care and support (indicate order of preference, with 1 being the most preferred option, 2 being second most preferred, and so on)?

Please rank these from 1 to 3
Have a lead professional to coordinate care and support for each individual. The lead professional would co-ordinate all the professionals involved in the adult’s care and support.
Have a professional as a clear single point of contact for adults accessing care and support services. The single point of contact would be responsible for communicating with the adult receiving care and support on behalf of all the professionals involved in their care, but would not have as significant a role in coordinating their care and support.
Have community or voluntary sector organisations, based locally, which act as a single point of contact. These organisations would advocate on behalf of the adult accessing care and support and communicate with the professionals involved in their care on their behalf when needed.

5. How should support planning take place in the National Care Service? For each of the elements below, please select to what extent you agree or disagree with each option:

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Strongly Agree
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Neither Agree/Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly Disagree
Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Strongly Agree
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Neither Agree/Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly Disagree
Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Strongly Agree
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Ticked Neither Agree/Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly Disagree
Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Strongly Agree
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Neither Agree/Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly Disagree
Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Strongly Agree
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Neither Agree/Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly Disagree
Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Strongly Agree
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Ticked Neither Agree/Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly Disagree
Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Strongly Agree
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Neither Agree/Disagree
Radio button: Ticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly Disagree
Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Strongly Agree
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Neither Agree/Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly Disagree
Please add any comments in the text box below
Detailed conversations should commence from the start to prevent duplicating information and ensure speed of progress if more care is needed.

6. The Getting It Right For Everyone National Practice model would use the same language across all services and professionals to describe and assess your strengths and needs. Do you agree or disagree with this approach?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree

7. The Getting It Right for Everyone National Practice model would be a single planning process involving everyone who is involved with your care and support, with a single plan that involves me in agreeing the support I require. This would be supported by an integrated social care and health record, so that my information moves through care and support services with me. Do you agree or disagree with this approach?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Please say why in the text box below
Important to get the right information to enable good decision making though. Presently some assessments are better than others.

8. Do you agree or disagree that a National Practice Model for adults would improve outcomes?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Please say why in the text box below
The model is only as good as though who use it and the services made available from its use.

1c Rights to breaks from caring

9. For each of the options below, please choose which factor you consider is more important in establishing a right to breaks from caring. (Please select one option from each part. Where you see both factors as equally important, please select ‘no preference’.)

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Personalised support to meet need
Radio button: Unticked Standardised levels of support
Radio button: Unticked No preference
Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Universal right for all carers
Radio button: Unticked Right only for those who meet qualifying thresholds
Radio button: Unticked No preference
Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Certainty about entitlement
Radio button: Ticked Flexibility and responsiveness
Radio button: Unticked No preference
Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Provides preventative support
Radio button: Unticked Meeting acute need
Radio button: Unticked No preference

10. Of the three groups, which would be your preferred approach? (Please select one option.)

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Group A - Standard entitlements
Radio button: Unticked Group B - Personalised entitlements
Radio button: Ticked Group C - Hybrid approaches
Please say why in the text box below
Everyone should have the same entitlement but that entitlement must be flexible and must be able to adapt to crisis.

1d Using data to support care

11. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

There should be a nationally-consistent, integrated and accessible electronic social care and health record. Strongly Agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Agree There should be a nationally-consistent, integrated and accessible electronic social care and health record. Agree Radio button: Checked Agree There should be a nationally-consistent, integrated and accessible electronic social care and health record. Neither Agree/Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree/Disagree There should be a nationally-consistent, integrated and accessible electronic social care and health record. Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree There should be a nationally-consistent, integrated and accessible electronic social care and health record. Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree
Information about your health and care needs should be shared across the services that support you. Strongly Agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Agree Information about your health and care needs should be shared across the services that support you. Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Information about your health and care needs should be shared across the services that support you. Neither Agree/Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree/Disagree Information about your health and care needs should be shared across the services that support you. Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Information about your health and care needs should be shared across the services that support you. Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree

12. Should legislation be used to require all care services and other relevant parties to provide data as specified by a National Care Service, and include the requirement to meet common data standards and definitions for that data collection?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Please say why in the text box below
There must be acknowledgement of duplication of data which currently exists and time pressure/ technological pressure on services in providing data.

13. Are there alternative approaches that would address current gaps in social care data and information, and ensure a consistent approach for the flow of data and information across the National Care Service?

Please add any comments in the text box below
Sharing of existing data, fine tuning this to ensure all required data is captured. Eg Care Inspectorate census and annual returns.

1e Complaints and putting things right

14. What elements would be most important in a new system for complaints about social care services? (Please select 3 options)

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Unticked Charter of rights and responsibilities, so people know what they can expect
Checkbox: Unticked Single point of access for feedback and complaints about all parts of the system
Checkbox: Unticked Clear information about advocacy services and the right to a voice
Checkbox: Ticked Consistent model for handling complaints for all bodies
Checkbox: Ticked Addressing complaints initially with the body the complaint is about
Checkbox: Ticked Clear information about next steps if a complainant is not happy with the initial response
Checkbox: Unticked Other – please explain
Please add any comments in the text box below
Services must also be protected from malicious complaints and the recording of these as 'complaints' on national data.

15. Should a model of complaints handling be underpinned by a commissioner for community health and care?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Please say why in the text box below
But this should only be used when all other avenues are exhausted.

16. Should a National Care Service use a measure of experience of those receiving care and support, their families and carers as a key outcome measure?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

1f Residential Care Charges

17. Most people have to pay for the costs of where they live such as mortgage payments or rent, property maintenance, food and utility bills. To ensure fairness between those who live in residential care and those who do not, should self-funding care home residents have to contribute towards accommodation-based costs such as (please tick all that apply):

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked Rent
Checkbox: Unticked Maintenance
Checkbox: Unticked Furnishings
Checkbox: Ticked Utilities
Checkbox: Ticked Food costs
Checkbox: Unticked Food preparation
Checkbox: Ticked Equipment
Checkbox: Ticked Leisure and entertainment
Checkbox: Unticked Transport
Checkbox: Ticked Laundry
Checkbox: Ticked Cleaning
Checkbox: Unticked Other – what would that be
Please add any comments in the text box below
I don't think anyone expects to live for free but there is a chasm between those who self fund and those who are assisted with funding. Nobody should know the difference. People have a right to care and hard earned money from a lifetime of work should be protected.

18. Free personal and nursing care payments for self-funders are paid directly to the care provider on their behalf. What would be the impact of increasing personal and nursing care payments to National Care Home Contract rates on:

Please add any comments in the text box below
Less money would be paid by the person/ their family.
Please add any comments in the text box below
More money available to improve care by providing more training and staff. More money to provide better facilities which meet the outcomes of individuals.

19. Should we consider revising the current means testing arrangements?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Please add any comments in the text box below
Means testing for care is unfair. We do not means test health care so why social care when ageing is inevitable.

Chapter 2: National Care Service

20. Do you agree that Scottish Ministers should be accountable for the delivery of social care, through a National Care Service?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No, current arrangements should stay in place
Radio button: Unticked No, another approach should be taken (please give details)

3b Healthcare

27. Do you agree that the National Care Service and at a local level, Community Health and Social Care Boards should commission, procure and manage community health care services which are currently delegated to Integration Joint Boards and provided through Health Boards?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Please say why in the text box below
Take away the postcode lottery

28. If the National Care Service and Community Health and Social Care Boards take responsibility for planning, commissioning and procurement of community health services, how could they support better integration with hospital-based care services?

Please say why in the text box below
Share information, share opportunities for staff. This will show respect for each other and reduce inappropriate care decisions.

29. What would be the benefits of Community Health and Social Care Boards managing GPs’ contractual arrangements? (Please tick all that apply)

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Unticked Better integration of health and social care
Checkbox: Unticked Better outcomes for people using health and care services
Checkbox: Unticked Clearer leadership and accountability arrangements
Checkbox: Ticked Improved multidisciplinary team working
Checkbox: Unticked Improved professional and clinical care governance arrangements
Checkbox: Unticked Other (please explain below)

30. What would be the risks of Community Health and Social Care Boards managing GPs’ contractual arrangements? (Please tick all that apply)

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Unticked Fragmentation of health services
Checkbox: Unticked Poorer outcomes for people using health and care services
Checkbox: Ticked Unclear leadership and accountability arrangements
Checkbox: Unticked Poorer professional and clinical care governance arrangements
Checkbox: Unticked Other (please explain below)

3c Social Work and Social Care

32. What do you see as the main benefits in having social work planning, assessment, commissioning and accountability located within the National Care Service? (Please tick all that apply)

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked Better outcomes for service users and their families
Checkbox: Ticked More consistent delivery of services
Checkbox: Unticked Stronger leadership
Checkbox: Unticked More effective use of resources to carry out statutory duties
Checkbox: Unticked More effective use of resources to carry out therapeutic interventions and preventative services
Checkbox: Unticked Access to learning and development and career progression
Checkbox: Unticked Other benefits or opportunities, please explain below

3d Nursing

34. Should Executive Directors of Nursing have a leadership role for assuring that the safety and quality of care provided in social care is consistent and to the appropriate standard? Please select one.

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Yes, but only in care homes
Radio button: Ticked Yes, in adult care homes and care at home
Please say why in the text box below
Executive Directors of Nursing overseeing social care MUST have experience in the sector.

35. Should the National Care Service be responsible for overseeing and ensuring consistency of access to education and professional development of social care nursing staff, standards of care and governance of nursing? Please select one.

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No, it should be the responsibility of the NHS
Radio button: Unticked No, it should be the responsibility of the care provider
Please say why in the text box below
There should be a level of access to education which is open to all and expected of all regardless of who employs someone. Skilled nursing staff assist health care.

36. If Community Health and Social Care Boards are created to include community health care, should Executive Nurse Directors have a role within the Community Health and Social Care Boards with accountability to the National Care Service for health and social care nursing?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Please add any comments in the text box below
Once again, at all levels, executive nurse directors MUST have experience of social care.

3h Mental Health services

52. What elements of mental health care should be delivered from within a National Care Service? (Tick all that apply)

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Unticked Primary mental health services,
Checkbox: Ticked Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services,
Checkbox: Ticked Community mental health teams,
Checkbox: Ticked Crisis services,
Checkbox: Ticked Mental health officers
Checkbox: Ticked Mental health link workers
Checkbox: Unticked Other – please explain
Please add any comments in the text box below
All elements of people living in the community requiring access to mental health services should be delivered.

53. How should we ensure that whatever mental health care elements are in a National Care Service link effectively to other services e.g. NHS services?

Please add any comments in the text box below
Share information. Professionals in either sector should be able to access information from the other.

6a Core principles for regulation and scrutiny

73. Is there anything you would add to these core principles?

Please add any comments in the text box below
Scrutiny and assurance should aim to reduce inequality - stop comparing one service to another. Some services have a lot more money to play with and this is unfair. Look at quality of life for the service users, their experience and that of the staff are most important to identify strengths and weaknesses not how old a sofa is!

6b Strengthening regulation and scrutiny of care services

76. Do you agree with the proposals outlined above for additional powers for the regulator in respect of condition notices, improvement notices and cancellation of social care services?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Please say why in the text box below
Where powers are enacted there should be an opportunity for regrading as soon as possible. There should also be independent inspection to ensure accuracy of report. For too long one Care Inspector's opinion can be totally different to another in the same service. This is dangerous practice.

77. Are there any additional enforcement powers that the regulator requires to effectively enforce standards in social care?

Please add any comments in the text box below
Ensure inspectors have knowledge of social care and ideally experience of working in social care. The pandemic has shown that being inspected by parties with only NHS experience leads to consistent downgrading which is unwarranted.

6c Market oversight function

78. Do you agree that the regulator should develop a market oversight function?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

79. Should a market oversight function apply only to large providers of care, or to all?

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Unticked Large providers only
Checkbox: Ticked All providers

80. Should social care service providers have a legal duty to provide certain information to the regulator to support the market oversight function?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

81. If the regulator were to have a market oversight function, should it have formal enforcement powers associated with this?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

82. Should the regulator be empowered to inspect providers of social care as a whole, as well as specific social care services?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Please say why in the text box below
Providers can have a variety of services managed very differently.

6d Enhanced powers for regulating care workers and professional standards

83. Would the regulator’s role be improved by strengthening the codes of practice to compel employers to adhere to the codes of practice, and to implement sanctions resulting from fitness to practise hearings?

Please add any comments in the text box below
Employers do this already.

84. Do you agree that stakeholders should legally be required to provide information to the regulator to support their fitness to practise investigations?

Please add any comments in the text box below

86. What other groups of care worker should be considered to register with the regulator to widen the public protection of vulnerable groups?

Please add any comments in the text box below
Day care services, activity staff

7a Fair Work

87. Do you think a ‘Fair Work Accreditation Scheme” would encourage providers to improve social care workforce terms and conditions?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Please say why in the text box below
Many employers cannot improve terms and conditions as they do not have the financial ability to do so.

88. What do you think would make social care workers feel more valued in their role? (Please rank as many as you want of the following in order of importance, e.g. 1, 2, 3…)

Please rank these from 1 to 14
Improved pay
Improved terms and conditions, including issues such as improvements to sick pay, annual leave, maternity/paternity pay, pensions, and development/learning time
Removal of zero hour contracts where these are not desired
More publicity/visibility about the value social care workers add to society
Effective voice/collective bargaining
Better access to training and development opportunities
Increased awareness of, and opportunity to, complete formal accreditation and qualifications
Clearer information on options for career progression
Consistent job roles and expectations
Progression linked to training and development
Better access to information about matters that affect the workforce or people who access support
Minimum entry level qualifications
Registration of the personal assistant workforce
Other (please say below what these could be)

89. How could additional responsibility at senior/managerial levels be better recognised? (Please rank the following in order of importance, e.g. 1, 2, 3…):

Please rank these from 1 to 5
Improved pay
Improved terms and conditions
Improving access to training and development opportunities to support people in this role (for example time, to complete these)
Increasing awareness of, and opportunity to complete formal accreditation and qualifications to support people in this role
Other (please explain)

90. Should the National Care Service establish a national forum with workforce representation, employers, Community Health and Social Care Boards to advise it on workforce priorities, terms and conditions and collective bargaining?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Please say why or offer suggestions in the text box below
I do not think this would be beneficial due to the vast differences in services and their ability to change practice. This should be a voluntary and outside view.

7b Workforce planning

91. What would make it easier to plan for workforce across the social care sector? (Please tick all that apply.)

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Unticked A national approach to workforce planning
Checkbox: Ticked Consistent use of an agreed workforce planning methodology
Checkbox: Unticked An agreed national data set
Checkbox: Unticked National workforce planning tool(s)
Checkbox: Unticked A national workforce planning framework
Checkbox: Unticked Development and introduction of specific workforce planning capacity
Checkbox: Ticked Workforce planning skills development for relevant staff in social care
Checkbox: Unticked Something else (please explain below)
Please add any comments in the text box below
There is no formal recognized tool used to identify the number of staff required in social care. This tool must take into consideration the dependency of service users but also the environment they are being cared for in.

7c Training and development

92. Do you agree that the National Care Service should set training and development requirements for the social care workforce?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Please say why in the text box below
But there must be equity in access to this training both academically and financially.

93. Do you agree that the National Care Service should be able to provide and/or secure the provision of training and development for the social care workforce?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

About you

Are you responding as an individual or an organisation?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Individual
Radio button: Ticked Organisation

What is your organisation?

Rashielee Care Home