Questions Part 1
1. Do you agree with the overall aim that people living in adult care homes have the right to see and spend time with those who are important to them in order to support their health and wellbeing?
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I don't know
Please explain your answer in the text box below
This shouldn't even be a question. How dare ANYONE deny loved ones the chance to see and spend time with each other. I am a care home manager and while we complied with the disgusting instruction to lock our home down, at no time were we prepared to refuse entry to a family member, luckily we had/have a great relationship with them so when we announced the lockdown and the measures we would be taking to keep everyone safe, all families were fully behind us and we kept them up to date every day so we never had to refuse entry. Yes elderly are vulnerable but that did not stop us being allowed to go home and see our loved ones so why should it have been any different. Then when the staffing became a problem we were suddenly advised to allow agency and volunteers to come in but still not relatives. . it was an utter shambles and we got the blame for it.
2. What do you think should be the main aims of Anne’s Law?
Please explain your answer in the text box below
To promote the rights of residents to be able to see family and friends who have known and loved them all their lives.
To prevent relatives from adding to the stress and worry of having a loved one in a care home by making them regret the very choice they made of which care home they live in.
To prevent care home providers, managers and staff from using a pandemic as an excuse and work as a team to find the best solution for their particular home to allow safe visits at any time.
To relieve pressure on the above who have worked on those solutions and are not vilified or criminalised should a resident become positive with covid.
To prevent Government ministers from having a platform to point fingers of blame at innocent and undervalued carers and to recognise these carers for the professionals that they are.
To show society that care homes ARE safe places to be where loved ones are looked after well and their families are afforded the comfort of knowing they are in safe hands regardless of whatever virus they may contract.
To prevent the need for any further action in relation to this nonsense. I cannot believe we live in a country where people need to spend a year of their lives fighting for a LAW in order to be able to see their own damn mother, father, wife or husband.
To prevent relatives from adding to the stress and worry of having a loved one in a care home by making them regret the very choice they made of which care home they live in.
To prevent care home providers, managers and staff from using a pandemic as an excuse and work as a team to find the best solution for their particular home to allow safe visits at any time.
To relieve pressure on the above who have worked on those solutions and are not vilified or criminalised should a resident become positive with covid.
To prevent Government ministers from having a platform to point fingers of blame at innocent and undervalued carers and to recognise these carers for the professionals that they are.
To show society that care homes ARE safe places to be where loved ones are looked after well and their families are afforded the comfort of knowing they are in safe hands regardless of whatever virus they may contract.
To prevent the need for any further action in relation to this nonsense. I cannot believe we live in a country where people need to spend a year of their lives fighting for a LAW in order to be able to see their own damn mother, father, wife or husband.
3. Do you think this should be a right for residents or for the visitor (s)?
Please select one item
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For resident
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For visitor(s)
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For both
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I do not think there should be rights for either resident or visitor
Please explain your answer in the text box below
Questions Part 2
4. How can the rights of residents be balanced against the rights of other people in the setting for example other residents, staff, visiting professionals?
Please explain your answer in the text box below
If you look closely you will see there is a perfect balance around the world between risk and rights for everyone. Anne's Law is not about favouring one resident over another it is about equality for all citizens regardless of their place in society. Don't forget, relatives of residents in care homes can also be staff in other care homes and professionals who visit other care homes. it makes no logical sense that they can pull on a uniform or flash a badge and be any less of a risk than if they were visiting their mum.
5. What do you see as the main benefits, challenges and risks of the proposal to develop legislation to support people living in adult care homes to have the right to see and spend time with those who are important to them?
Benefits - Please explain your answer in the text box below
being able to see your mum is NOT a benefit it is a god given right. you CANNOT legislate for love.
Challenges - Please explain your answer in the text box below
imbecilic ministers with no clue about human feelings and needs making decisions on their behalf.
Risks - Please explain your answer in the text box below
about the same as the risk of being knocked down when you go outside.
About you
What is your name?
brian murray
Are you responding as an individual or an organisation?
Please select one item
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What is your organisation?
ScotsCare Ltd