Response 908767150

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Questions Part 1

1. Do you agree with the overall aim that people living in adult care homes have the right to see and spend time with those who are important to them in order to support their health and wellbeing?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked I don't know
Please explain your answer in the text box below
Family contact is so important, my mother dementia has went down due to Covid.,, window visits are not possible to show live and care for some one who doesn't under stand.

2. What do you think should be the main aims of Anne’s Law?

Please explain your answer in the text box below
Give us the family the right to be with our loved ones.. We would never put them in any danger. They need the love and comfort that they are loved!! And not forgotten about

3. Do you think this should be a right for residents or for the visitor (s)?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked For resident
Radio button: Unticked For visitor(s)
Radio button: Ticked For both
Radio button: Unticked I do not think there should be rights for either resident or visitor
Please explain your answer in the text box below
My mother is a human being and deserves to be treated like them.
Not locked up away for the care she receives for her family.. EVERY DAY.

Questions Part 2

4. How can the rights of residents be balanced against the rights of other people in the setting for example other residents, staff, visiting professionals?

Please explain your answer in the text box below
If my mother was in jail she would have the rights to visitors..
Carehome are not jails.. Its our families homes.

5. What do you see as the main benefits, challenges and risks of the proposal to develop legislation to support people living in adult care homes to have the right to see and spend time with those who are important to them?

Benefits - Please explain your answer in the text box below
I would love to share photos of our mum with visitors family members and photos of her keopt in her bedroom..
Challenges - Please explain your answer in the text box below
We can tests.. We can wait on results.. We will do anything to have seen our mother in lockdown.
Her husband died he last seen her thought a small glass window.. Would you like. Photos?
Risks - Please explain your answer in the text box below
We would never risk our family members any harm. Or anybody else in a carehome.

6. Should the proposals apply only to people who live in an adult care home (residential and nursing) registered with the Care Inspectorate?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Radio button: Unticked I don't know
Please explain your answer in the text box below
Every body has a right.. Were you are in carehome, hospital, ect.

Questions Part 3

7. Please provide any further comments on the proposals

Please explain your answer in the text box below
Our family went through mental distress not being able to comfort our mother or father though this time.
Her dementia wouldn't of went hill so fast if she had her family, her weight loss and appearance was shocking.. She was given no respect. We couldn't see what was happening in the care home.

About you

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Radio button: Ticked Individual
Radio button: Unticked Organisation