Response 494675006

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1. How helpful is part 1 of the guidance in furthering the understanding of local living and 20 minute neighbourhoods in a Scottish context?

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Radio button: Ticked not at all helpful
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There is no climate crisis and I want the freedom to go where I want when I want in a car

2. How helpful is the framework diagram in encouraging flexible, place-based approaches to support local living?

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Radio button: Unticked very helpful
Radio button: Unticked somewhat helpful
Radio button: Ticked not at all helpful
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Show downsides of a 20 minute neighbourhood and how freedoms will be restricted

3. Looking at part 2 of the draft guidance: how helpful are the 'categories' and ‘key considerations for local living’ that are captured within this part of the document?

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Radio button: Unticked very helpful
Radio button: Unticked somewhat helpful
Radio button: Ticked not at all helpful
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All nonsense

4. How helpful is the proposed 'structured approach' for use?

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Radio button: Unticked very helpful
Radio button: Unticked somewhat helpful
Radio button: Ticked not at all helpful

5. Does part 3 of the guidance clearly communicate the importance of both qualitative and quantitative data in establishing a baseline for a place?

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Radio button: Unticked very useful
Radio button: Unticked somewhat useful
Radio button: Ticked not at all useful

6. How helpful is the 'collaborate, plan, design' section of part 3 in supporting collaborative practices?

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Radio button: Unticked very helpful
Radio button: Unticked somewhat helpful
Radio button: Ticked not at all helpful

7. How helpful is the 'implement and review' section of part 3 in assisting the delivery of collaborative approaches to support local living?

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Radio button: Unticked very helpful
Radio button: Unticked somewhat helpful
Radio button: Ticked not at all helpful

8. Looking at part 4 of the draft guidance: do the case studies provide a useful and appropriate range of examples of good practice?

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Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

9. Looking at the impact assessment update report: do you have any views about the initial conclusions of the impact assessment update report that accompany and inform this guidance?

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Radio button: Ticked yes
Radio button: Unticked no
Please tell us here
This is a waste of money. Who voted for this nonsense?

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Are you responding as an individual or an organisation?

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