Response 162398212

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Smart Ticketing in Scotland

1. Do you think our intention to have a consistent smart payment option available across Scotland and on all main public transport modes would promote use of public transport in Scotland?

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Its a total no-brainer it has worked in most modern European and Asian cities for years. In Singapore a single ticket works across all modes and you pay for distance travelled no matter what mode.

2. Do you agree that the scope of smart ticketing should – for now – be limited to the modes and services outlined below?

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These seem reasonable and woudl allow multi-mode journeys within Scotland

Governance of Smart Ticketing in Scotland

6 (a). To ensure delivery of a consistent approach to meet the expectations of passengers now and in the future, should we establish a single governance group so that the technology implemented across Scotland for smart ticketing schemes is controlled?

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6 (b). Should such a governance group be established formally and supported by legislation?

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6 (c). Should such a governance group have a role in advising on development, implementation or administration of smart ticketing schemes?

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6 (d). Are there any other areas that a governance group should have a role in?

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If yes, please explain
Also need oversight of the rich data from travel analysis as there are governance concerns about this especially if the smart ticketing scheme is franchised to a private provider. The secondary use of data and privacy concerns will rightly need to be considered and public engaged and reassured.

Anything Else?

7. Do you have any other comments about the issues raised in this consultation? If so, please use the box below.

to be completed if anything to add
You simply have to get on with this we are beign left way behind by most European and international cities ,it is exciting to try and handle this across the country but even if it just works in the main central belt and cities it will be a huge breakthrough

About You

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