Response 626311351

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Smart Ticketing in Scotland

1. Do you think our intention to have a consistent smart payment option available across Scotland and on all main public transport modes would promote use of public transport in Scotland?

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Please explain your answer
Experience of oyster card in London. Works well. Current ticketing in Scotland is too complicated due to all the different operators, and can be confusing.

2. Do you agree that the scope of smart ticketing should – for now – be limited to the modes and services outlined below?

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Please explain your answer
I think it should include long distance buses.

E-purse and Regional Schemes

3 (a). Are you in favour of a clearly defined national epurse scheme?

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Radio button: Unticked No

3 (b). Should all relevant bus, rail, ferry, tram and subway operators be expected to participate in a national epurse scheme?

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Radio button: Unticked No

3 (c). Should participation in a national epurse scheme be monitored and controlled?

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Radio button: Unticked No

3 (d). Should sanctions be imposed for non-compliance in a national epurse scheme?

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Radio button: Ticked No

4 (a). Are you in favour of a clearly defined multi-modal, multi operator regional smart ticketing scheme?

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Radio button: Unticked No

4 (b). Should all relevant bus, rail, ferry, tram and subway operators be expected to participate in a multi-modal, multi operator regional smart ticketing scheme?

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Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

4 (c). Should participation in a multi-modal, multi operator regional smart ticketing scheme be monitored and controlled?

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Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

4 (d). Should sanctions be imposed for non-compliance in a multi-modal, multi operator regional smart ticketing scheme?

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Radio button: Ticked No

5. Are you in favour of new legislation that requires transport operators to participate in national and regional smart ticketing schemes?

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Radio button: Ticked No
Please explain your answer
It could be quite expensive. I think operators will participate voluntarily but maybe not immediately. If a voluntary system doesn't work legislation could be introduced later.

Governance of Smart Ticketing in Scotland

6 (a). To ensure delivery of a consistent approach to meet the expectations of passengers now and in the future, should we establish a single governance group so that the technology implemented across Scotland for smart ticketing schemes is controlled?

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Radio button: Unticked No

6 (b). Should such a governance group be established formally and supported by legislation?

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Radio button: Unticked No

6 (c). Should such a governance group have a role in advising on development, implementation or administration of smart ticketing schemes?

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Radio button: Unticked No

6 (d). Are there any other areas that a governance group should have a role in?

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Radio button: Ticked No

Anything Else?

7. Do you have any other comments about the issues raised in this consultation? If so, please use the box below.

to be completed if anything to add
I am in favour of taking public transport back into public ownership. This would also simplify ticketing.

Assessing Impact

8. Equality - Are there any likely impacts the proposals contained within this Consultation may have on particular groups of people, with reference to the ‘protected characteristics’ listed below?

Please be as specific as possible
I would not expect any problems.

9. Children's Rights - Do you think the proposals contained within this Consultation may have any additional implications on the safety of children and young people?

Please be as specific as possible
I would not expect any problems.

10. Business and Regulatory - Do you think the proposals contained in this Consultation are likely to increase or reduce the costs and burdens placed on any sector?

Please be as specific as possible
Implementation could be expensive, but once the systems are in place I would expect public transport use to increase as it will become more user-friendly.

11. Privacy - Are there any likely impacts the proposals contained in this Consultation may have upon the privacy of individuals?

Please be as specific as possible
It will become easier to track people's travel. The system must be designed to comply with data protection regulations.

About You

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