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915 results

  • The Animal Health Act 1981 Amendment Consultation

    We are seeking views to strengthen animal health legislation to allow for more effective and proportionate enforcement provisions. More
    Opened 3 October 2019
  • Consultation on the Letter of Rights for Scotland

    The Letter of Rights is given to suspects and accused persons held in police custody in Scotland. Its purpose is to clearly explain their rights as provided for in domestic legislation. The Scottish Government introduced a non-statutory Letter of Rights for Scotland in 2013 which was updated in 2018 to take account of provisions under the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2016. Following the introduction of an updated Letter of Rights in January 2018, to coincide with commencement of... More
    Opened 1 October 2019
  • Carers Strategic Policy Statement

    The Carers Strategic Policy Statement maps the main policies across the Scottish Government which are particularly relevant to unpaid carers - alongside the outcomes these policies contribute towards and the Scottish Government’s overall ambitions for carers and carer support. It is intended to assist local and national strategic planning and policy development in the statutory, independent and third sector to understand the existing national policies and approaches in place to... More
    Opened 30 September 2019
  • Proposal to designate a Deep Sea Marine Reserve in Scottish waters

    The Scottish Government's vision for the marine environment is of clean, healthy, safe, productive and diverse seas; managed to meet the long term needs of nature and people. We would welcome your views on the creation of a Deep Sea Marine Reserve to the West of Scotland, as part of the Scottish Marine Protected Area (MPA) network. This consultation fulfils a Programme for Governemnt commitment. If taken forward to designation, the site would be underpinned by the powers in... More
    Opened 27 September 2019
  • Steps to Improve the Operational Effectiveness of the Control of Dogs (Scotland) Act 2010

    In February 2011, the Control of Dogs (Scotland) Act 2010 (“the 2010 Act”) came into force. This legislation was a Members’ Bill brought forward by Christine Grahame MSP which gave powers to local authorities to help control dogs within communities. In particular, powers were granted to local authorities to be able to impose dog control notices (DCNs) on dog owners who allowed their dogs to be out of control. A DCN contains a number of conditions aimed at requiring dog owners to... More
    Opened 27 September 2019
  • The role of Public Sector Bodies in tackling climate change: A Consultation

    This consultation is focussed on the role of public sector bodies in ending Scotland’s contribution to climate change, how the Public Sector Climate Change Reporting Duties should be revised to support that, and how Scottish Government and the wider public sector can work together to make a step-change in delivery. We want to hear from public bodies, but we also want to hear from other organisations and individuals about what you think public sector bodies should be doing to tackle... More
    Opened 11 September 2019
  • The Deposit and Return Scheme for Scotland Regulations 2020: accompanying statement and proposed regulations

    The Scottish Government recognises that fresh interventions are needed to bring about the systemic and behavioural change necessary to fulfil the aspiration of creating a more circular economy. Scottish Ministers have announced legislation to establish a Deposit Return Scheme which would enable consumers to take single-use containers back and redeem a 20p deposit from any retailer selling drinks covered by the scheme, including plastic bottles made from PET plastic, aluminium and steel... More
    Opened 10 September 2019
  • Consultation on The Principles of a Local Discretionary Transient Visitor Levy or Tourist Tax

    This consultation seeks to develop government understanding of the issues and concerns with regard to the introduction of a Transient Visitor Levy and help inform the development of legislation to enable local authorities to apply a visitor levy. In particular, the consultation seeks views to ensure that the legislation: supports the continuing success of the tourism industry in Scotland; provides the powers that are needed for local authorities to respond to... More
    Opened 9 September 2019
  • Financial Redress for Historical Child Abuse in Care - Pre-Legislative Consultation

    This consultation seeks views on the detailed design of a statutory financial redress scheme in Scotland, scheme administration issues, and views on financial redress as part of a package of wider reparations for survivors of historical child abuse in care. More
    Opened 2 September 2019
  • Consultation on widening the scope of the current victim statement scheme

    In Scotland, victims of the most serious crimes may be eligible to make a victim statement . This is a written statement that gives a victim the chance to tell the court – in their own words – how a crime has affected them physically, emotionally and financially. In reaching their sentencing decision the Judge or Sheriff will take into account a number of different factors, reports and other information available to them, including the victim statement. We have committed to... More
    Opened 1 September 2019
  • Crown Estate Scotland draft 2020-23 Corporate Plan Consultation

    Crown Estate Scotland as an organisation is less than three years old but can trace a history going back centuries. This consultation comes when Crown Estate Scotland is still a very new Scottish public sector body, established less than three years ago. New legislation, the Scottish Crown Estate Act 2019, provides for the assets to be managed in a way which delivers greater value beyond financial return and enables other bodies to take on management responsibilities. Now, with... More
    Opened 31 August 2019
  • Freedom of Information extension of coverage

    This consultation will help the Scottish Government to understand whether there is a need to extend the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 to further entities by making an order under section 5 of the Act. It focuses on organisations that provide services on behalf of the public sector that are not currently subject to the FOI legislation. More
    Opened 30 August 2019
  • Scottish Crown Estate: Strategic Management Plan

    The Strategic Management Plan has been developed for the Scottish Crown Estate which includes a set of property, rights and other interests (or assets) that are owned by the Crown. These assets include: 37,000 hectares of rural land with agricultural tenancies, residential and commercial properties and forestry on four rural estates (Glenlivet, Fochabers, Applegirth and Whitehill); Rights to fish wild salmon and sea trout in river and coastal areas; Rights to naturally... More
    Opened 30 August 2019
  • Out of School Care in Scotland - a draft framework for consultation

    Our draft framework on Out of School Care sets out what we know about the out of school care sector in Scotland and asks questions about what the Scottish Government can do to support families in accessing high quality, flexible and affordable services which benefit children and parents and carers. More
    Opened 30 August 2019
  • Consultation on Judicial Factors

    The Report on Judicial Factors (Scot Law Com, No. 233, 2013) including a draft Bill was published by the Scottish Law Commission (“the Commission”) The main aim of the Bill is to update, simplify and clarify the law relating to judicial factors so that it is fit for purpose and will be of benefit to all those involved, in any capacity, in judicial factories. In addition, it also seeks views on two issues that were not raised as a part of the Commissions project. The first is the... More
    Opened 28 August 2019
  • Independent Child Trafficking Guardians

    This consultation is seeking views on the appointment, role and responsibilities of Independent Child Trafficking Guardians and other wider operational details. More
    Opened 26 August 2019
  • The Stone of Destiny

    The following material is being published by the Scottish Government on behalf of the Commissioners for the Safeguarding of the Regalia The Commissioners for the Safeguarding of the Regalia are seeking views on factors relevant to the future location of the Stone of Destiny. Perth & Kinross Council, and its delivery partner, Culture Perth & Kinross, have submitted to the Commissioners a proposal for the Stone to be relocated to Perth to form the centre-piece of Perth City... More
    Opened 15 August 2019
  • A Consultation on Information sharing agreements between NHS Scotland boards and Police Scotland

    The aim of the national information sharing agreement is to provide clarity and consistency to NHS Scotland Boards on how and what information in relation to victims of rape and sexual assualt is shared between the NHS boards and Police Scotland. The information sharing agreement also aims to ensure national alignment with data protection legislation. More
    Opened 7 August 2019
  • Handling of waste: amendment to legislation: consultation

    The version of section 57 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA 1990) that applies in Scotland enables Scottish Ministers to, by notice in writing, direct the holder of any waste management licence to accept and keep, or accept and treat or dispose of, controlled waste at specified places, and on specified terms. It also enables Ministers to direct a person keeping controlled waste to deliver that waste to a specified person, and for the waste holder to pay reasonable costs to the... More
    Opened 5 August 2019
  • A Consultation on Scotland's National Transport Strategy

    The consultation is on the new draft National Transport Strategy (NTS) for Scotland, which aims to set out a compelling vision for the future of transport for the next twenty years. More
    Opened 31 July 2019
  • Practical Fire Safety Guidance for existing Specialised Housing and other supported domestic accommodation

    What is this consultation about? The Scottish Government is gathering views on draft Fire Safety Guidance for Specialised Housing (and other supported domestic accommodation). We will use the responses to further develop and refine the guidance. The Guidance has been drafted to deliver on the sixth recommendation from the Review of the Fire Safety Regime for High Rise Domestic Buildings in Scotland . The Review’s other recommendations relate to fire safety in high rise... More
    Opened 31 July 2019
  • Wildlife crime penalties

    This consultation is seeking views on strengthening wild animal welfare legislation by increasing the maximum penalties available for certain wildlife cruelty offences. More
    Opened 19 July 2019
  • Review of Strategic Police Priorities: Consultation

    The Strategic Police Priorities (SPPs) relate to the direction for policing in Scotland, and the carrying out of the Scottish Police Authority’s functions. They are set by Scottish Ministers, and fit within a broader planning framework for the police service in Scotland. The SPPs were last set in 2016. Following a Programme for Government commitment, we are reviewing the SPPs this year to reflect developments in policing in Scotland. More
    Opened 15 July 2019
  • Social security advocacy service standards

    Section 10 of the Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018 requires Scottish Ministers to ensure that independent advocacy services are available to support disabled people who because of their disability, need an advocacy worker’s help to make a claim to Social Security Scotland. In this context advocacy services are independent if they are provided by a person other than the Scottish Ministers. Section 11 of the Act also requires Scottish Ministers to set service standards.... More
    Opened 11 July 2019
  • A consultation on how Official Statistics present information on recorded crime and related topics

    The Scottish Crime Recording Board would like to consult users on how the National Statistics on police recorded crime are presented. Scottish Government statisticians produce a National Statistics bulletin once a year on crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland. Police recorded crime in Scotland has fallen over the past decade, with the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey showing a similar trend for comparable crimes. Over this time there have been larger than... More
    Opened 8 July 2019
  • Falls and Fracture Prevention Strategy for Scotland, 2019-2024

    The Scottish Government aims to help people sustain and improve their health, independence and wellbeing. This Strategy will provide an opportunity to present an achievable vision of a joined up, whole system approach to falls and fracture prevention and management which will help to deliver on strategic objectives to support people to age well. More
    Opened 8 July 2019
  • Legal Aid Reform in Scotland: Consultation

    Three overarching foundations of reform have been identified, namely that legal aid: i) has the user voice at its centre; ii) has flexibility to address and adapt to user need; and iii) should be regarded as a public service. Views are firstly invited on these foundations for change, which could promote a major shift in how legal aid policy is formulated, how legal aid services can be delivered, and how legal aid is perceived. The consultation explores the rationale to move away... More
    Opened 27 June 2019
  • Consultation on the Right to Buy Land to Further Sustainable Development

    A consultation on regulations to bring into force Part 5 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016, the right to buy land to further sustainable development. More
    Opened 26 June 2019
  • Consultation on the Enhanced Heating Regimes within the new definition of Fuel Poverty

    The Fuel Poverty (Targets, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill was passed by Parliament on 11 June 2019 and is currently awaiting Royal Assent. The underlying data on households used in the calculation of fuel poverty rates is drawn from the annual Scottish House Conditions Survey (SHCS). The Enhanced Heating Regimes are a set of assumptions, laid out in the Bill and used in the calculation of fuel poverty rates, about the room temperatures and hours of heating which are appropriate... More
    Opened 24 June 2019
  • Funeral Director: Code of Practice Consultation

    This is a consultation on a statutory Funeral Director: Code of Practice. Funeral directors will be inspected against this Code once it comes into force and will be legally obliged to meet its requirements. The Code was developed with input from a funeral director industry working group chaired by the Inspector of Funeral Directors, and including funeral director representatives. More
    Opened 21 June 2019
915 results. Page 16 of 31