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915 results

  • British Sign Language National Plan 2023 - 2029 Consultation

    Ministerial Foreword - Jenny Gilruth MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills British Sign Language (BSL) is a vibrant and important language, with its own grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. It is a language that enables many Scottish Deaf and Deafblind citizens to learn, work, be creative and to make their contribution to our communities, our culture, and our economy. We are committed to making Scotland the best place in the world for BSL users to live, work, visit and... More
    Closed 3 September 2023
  • Scottish Government Review of Permitted Development Rights - Phase 3

    The Scottish Government is carrying out a review of permitted development rights (PDR) as part of our wider planning reform programme. The PDR review is being taken forward in phases, with each phase focussing on specific development types. Phase 3 of the review considers PDR in relation to renewables equipment, thermal efficiency improvements, development by electricity undertakers, reverse vending machines and the temporary use of land for shooting ranges. Read the consultation paper More
    Closed 23 August 2023
  • Disqualification criteria for councillors: consultation on updating disqualification criteria for local authority members

    Local authority members (i.e. councillors) take strategic decisions that affect all our lives. They decide how best to use taxpayers’ money and manage local authority resources, including property, land and assets. They also have a leading role to play in building and preserving a society where the rights and freedoms of individuals are respected. It is vital, therefore, that they have the trust of the communities they serve. The Scottish Government considers that there should be... More
    Closed 9 August 2023
  • New National Parks - appraisal framework

    There is increasing global consensus around the urgent need to address the interlinked crises of biodiversity loss and climate change. The natural environment underpins our economy and our society. It affects our jobs, our health, the food we eat and the water we drink. It supports food production and security and provides the blueprint for many modern medicines. Healthy biodiversity prevents soil erosion, purifies water and helps prevent and mitigate flooding. Nature... More
    Closed 4 August 2023
  • Scotland's pavement parking prohibitions - consultation on enforcement regulations for local authorities

    The Scottish Government has been working to improve parking legislation in Scotland in order to tackle the impact of inconsiderate and obstructive parking and ensure that our roads and pavements are accessible for all. As part of this work, the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 bans pavement parking, double parking and parking at dropped kerbs, and gives local authorities the relevant powers to enforce these new provisions. The Act also gives local authorities the power to exempt footways... More
    Closed 28 July 2023
  • New environmental quality standard (EQS) for emamectin benzoate (EmBz): consultation on the implementation timescales

    This paper sets out Scottish Government's directions to the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) on the application of a new EQS for EmBz. This ensures that SEPA exercise its regulatory and river basin management planning functions. Emamectin benzoate is widely used in the fish farm industry to control sea lice in marine finfish farming. The new standard for EmBz is lower than the standard SEPA has used previously to set discharge limits for marine finfish farms. We are... More
    Closed 24 July 2023
  • Local living and 20 minute neighbourhoods: draft planning guidance

    This consultation is seeking views and comments on the draft local living and 20 minute neighbourhood planning guidance. The guidance is intended to assist and support local authorities, communities, and others with an interest in local living and 20 minute neighbourhoods. It is expected to be of particular relevance in the preparation of Local Development Plans (LDPs), Local Place Plans (LPPs) and to support planning decision making. National Planning Framework (NPF4) ... More
    Closed 20 July 2023
  • Council tax on second and empty homes/ Non-domestic rates: consultation

    Our aim is for everyone in Scotland to live in safe, secure and warm homes. We want your views on how local taxation and existing housing can help achieve this. Your responses will help inform policy development and what actions we take next. The consultation asks whether councils should have additional powers giving them discretion to: charge up to 100% premium (double the full rate) on council tax for second homes charge more than 100% premium on... More
    Closed 11 July 2023
  • National Event Strategy review and refresh - Scotland: the perfect stage

    We wanted to hear your views on what a new National Events Strategy should look like. We asked a series of questions in the consultation paper and held a number of workshops. Your answers to these and more generally feedback from individuals and organisations are helping to inform the final Strategy. Both the on-line survey and regional engagement workshops led by VisitScotland had a crucial role in providing information on which the analysis was based. All of the... More
    Closed 30 June 2023
  • Reforming the criminal law to address misogyny

    In February 2021, the Scottish Government established an Independent Working Group on Misogyny and Criminal Justice in Scotland, chaired by Baroness Kennedy QC. The Working Group was tasked with considering how the Scottish criminal justice system deals with misogyny, including looking at whether there are gaps in the law that could be addressed by a specific criminal offence to tackle such behaviour. The Working Group published its final report in March 2022. That... More
    Closed 23 June 2023
  • Prescribing the minimum annual number of learning hours: consultation

    This consultation seeks views on the Scottish Government’s plans to set a legal minimum number of hours of school education school pupils should receive each year. Traditionally, Scottish primary schools provide around 25 learning hours per week, and Scottish secondary schools around 27.5 hours per week. However, w hile local authorities are required to have their schools open for 190 days each year, the number of learning hours is not prescribed. Our schools have... More
    Closed 13 June 2023
  • Review of National Outcomes: call for evidence

    The Scottish Government are undertaking a review of the National Outcomes. This is a requirement within every five years, under the Community Empowerment Act (2015). The National Outcomes are laid out in the National Performance Framework. This is Scotland’s wellbeing framework, which sets out the type of Scotland we want to see, and measures progress towards the National Outcomes. Find out more about the National Outcomes. We want to know whether the existing National... More
    Closed 12 June 2023
  • Review of the National Outcomes

    The Scottish Government are undertaking a review of the National Outcomes. This is a requirement within every five years, under the Community Empowerment Act (2015). The National Outcomes are laid out in the National Performance Framework. This is Scotland’s wellbeing framework, which sets out the type of Scotland we want to see, and measures progress towards the National Outcomes. Find out more about the National Outcomes. We want... More
    Closed 12 June 2023
  • Herring in the Firth of Clyde - setting the total allowable catch for 2023

    This consultation relates to the 2023 Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for herring in the Firth of Clyde. Marine Scotland is carrying out this consultation on behalf of the UK Fisheries Administrations, to seek views on the level of the 2023 TAC, to permit the allocation of Clyde herring quota to UK fishermen. Read the consultation paper Stakeholder event We're delighted to hold an open meeting for any stakeholders who wish to discuss the options included in the... More
    Closed 9 June 2023
  • Strategic environmental assessment of draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan

    To realise our climate change ambitions, we need to transform the way Scotland generates, transports and uses energy. We must seize the huge opportunity this presents and deliver maximum benefits to Scotland’s people, workers, communities and economy from our vast renewable energy resource. The draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan was published on 10 January 2023 and was open for consultation until 9 May 2023. As part of the process for developing the Energy Strategy... More
    Closed 22 May 2023
  • International Culture Strategy

    Updated 28 March 2024 On Thursday 28 March the Scottish Government published its International Culture Strategy, available here: Inspiring Connections: Scotland's International Culture Strategy . Fulfilling a Programme for Government commitment, the strategy considers the importance of international activity to the sector, sets out how the Scottish Government can support its development and outlines the ambition that international engagement should be central to the... More
    Closed 12 May 2023
  • The Land and Buildings Transaction Tax: proposed relief for Green Freeports

    The Scottish and UK governments have worked together constructively to develop a Green Freeport model that reflects the unique conditions in Scotland, and ensures businesses, ports and communities across Scotland can benefit from the Green Freeport opportunity. On 13 January 2023, following a rigorous assessment and selection process, the Scottish and UK governments announced that Inverness and Cromarty Firth Green Freeport and Forth Green Freeport had been selected as Green... More
    Closed 12 May 2023
  • Ending the sale of peat in Scotland

    Scotland’s peatlands have a critical role to play in responding to the twin crises of the global climate emergency and loss of biodiversity. In good condition, peatlands are a significant natural carbon store. They hold around 1.8 billion tonnes of carbon, equivalent to around 145 years’ worth of Scotland’s total net carbon emissions. Covering about a third of our country, peatlands support important ecosystems and biodiversity, improve water quality and reduce flood risk. ... More
    Closed 12 May 2023
  • Community wealth building consultation

    The Scottish Government has adopted the internationally recognised Community Wealth Building (CWB) approach to economic development as a key practical means by which progress can be made towards realising our wellbeing economy vision outlined in the National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET) . What is Community Wealth Building (CWB) More Information CWB is an approach designed to tackle long-standing economic challenges and transform... More
    Closed 9 May 2023
  • Draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan consultation

    Overview To realise our climate change ambitions, we need to transform the way Scotland generates, transports and uses energy. We must seize the huge opportunity this presents and deliver maximum benefits to Scotland’s people, workers, communities and economy from our vast renewable energy resource. The draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan sets out the scale of that opportunity and provides clarity on how Scotland will prepare for a just energy transition. ... More
    Closed 9 May 2023
  • Rural and Islands College Merger proposal: Consultation

    The Scottish Government is seeking views on a proposal put forward by the boards of management of North Highland College (UHI North Highland), West Highland College (UHI West Highland) and Lews Castle College (UHI Outer Hebrides) to merge into a single, incorporated college. The merging parties have suggested a “host” model, whereby the assets and liabilities of West Highland College and Lews Castle College are transferred to North Highland College to create the... More
    Closed 5 May 2023
  • Amendments to the regulation of independent health care

    The providers of independent health care in Scotland and the UK are many and varied, and the complexity of this area of health care provision continues to increase. The Scottish Government wants all health care provided to people in Scotland to be safe, appropriate and carried out by those with the right qualifications. To achieve this vision, we need to ensure that independent health care services provided in Scotland are effectively regulated. We want the regulation of independent... More
    Closed 26 April 2023
  • Adult Disability Payment: Review of the mobility component

    Adult Disability Payment has replaced Personal Independence Payment (PIP) in Scotland. In designing this new payment, we have carefully listened to the views of disabled people, stakeholders, and the public. We have made several improvements to Adult Disability Payment over PIP. These include substantial improvements to the application and decision-making process. The eligibility rules for Adult Disability Payment have remained largely the same as under PIP as part of... More
    Closed 25 April 2023
  • Scottish Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs)

    The Scottish Government’s vision for the marine environment is for clean, healthy, safe, productive and diverse seas, managed to meet the long term needs of nature and people. Through the Bute House Agreement , Scottish Ministers have committed to designate at least 10% of Scotland’s seas as Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs), by 2026. These sites will provide high levels of protection by placing strict limits on some human activities, such as fishing and... More
    Closed 17 April 2023
  • Pitch fee uprating under the Mobile Homes Act 1983 - Proposal to change from Retail Price Index to Consumer Price Index.

    The Scottish Government wants to make sure that the protections relating to pitch fee uprating for residents of residential mobile homes remain fair, appropriate and in line with development of statistical measures. This is of particular importance in light of recent increases in the cost of living. We are therefore gathering views about a possible change from Retail Prices Index to Consumer Prices Index as the measure for pitch fee uprating under the Mobile Homes Act 1983 and options for... More
    Closed 7 April 2023
  • Additional Dwelling Supplement: Proposals for Change

    This consultation seeks views on proposed legislative amendments to the arrangements for the Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) Additional Dwelling Supplement (ADS). The proposals seek to amend Schedule 2A of the Land and Buildings Transaction (Scotland) Act 2012 (“the Act”) and insert new Schedule 6A to the Act. This consultation follows on from the Scottish Government’s call for evidence and views on the ADS. The call for evidence and views closed on... More
    Closed 5 April 2023
  • Changes to residency criteria for access to financial support in Further and Higher Education

    Following a judicial review hearing at the Court of Session, the Court issued a decision in the case of Ola Jasim v Scottish Ministers [2022] CSOH 64 on 9 September 2022. The Court declared paragraph 1(c)(ii) and (iii) of schedule 1 of the Students’ Allowances (Scotland) Regulations 2007 (“the 2007 Regulations”) (known as ‘long residence rules’) to be unlawful in light of Article 14 of, and Article 2 of the Protocol 1 to, the European Convention on Human Rights. ... More
    Closed 31 March 2023
  • Quality standards for adult secondary mental health services

    We want to hear your views on the draft quality standards for adult secondary mental health services. We have asked a series of questions, and your answers to these will help us write the final standards and develop how we measure if these standards are being met. Read the consultation paper Read the easy read consultation paper What are adult secondary mental health services? Secondary mental health care services are usually services... More
    Closed 17 March 2023
  • Delivery of psychological therapies and interventions: national specification

    We want to hear your views on the draft specification for psychological therapies and interventions. A 'specification' is a document which sets out the standards that someone should expect when accessing or delivering psychological therapies or interventions. These standards are quite specific to psychological therapies and interventions. They are based on evidence about what should happen. Read the consultation paper and national specification Read the easy... More
    Closed 17 March 2023
  • Electoral reform consultation

    Overview Our consultation on electoral reform considered possible improvements to electoral law. It set out a number of areas where the government identified issues requiring action, including candidacy, voting, and electoral administration. The full consultation paper can be read here. Analysis The results from the Scottish Government’s consultation on electoral reform have now been analysed and a report published. The analysis of the... More
    Closed 15 March 2023
915 results. Page 5 of 31