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915 results

  • Consultation on reforming the non-domestic rates system: proposals, the draft valuation roll, content of valuation notices, etc.

    The report of the independent Barclay Review of Non-Domestic Rates was published in August 2017 and made a number of recommendations to reform the non-domestic rates system including the appeals process. The Non-Domestic Rates (Scotland) Act 2020 creates the requirement for assessors to publish a draft valuation roll and issue draft valuation notices before revaluation, the power for Ministers to set out what (draft) valuation notices must contain, and a two-stage appeals system which is... More
    Opened 22 September 2021
  • Local taxation - Valuation Appeals Committees etc: transfer of functions

    A consultation on draft regulations regarding the transfer of the functions of the Council Tax Reduction Review Panel and the functions of the Valuation Appeals Committees to the new Local Taxation Chamber in the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland, and transferring the relevant functions of the Lands Tribunal for Scotland to the Upper Tribunal for Scotland (in relation to valuation appeals). The Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014 ("the 2014 Act") creates a new, simplified statutory framework... More
    Opened 20 September 2021
  • Adult care homes: strengthening Health and Social Care Standards

    This consultation seeks your views on the Scottish Government’s proposals for strengthening the Health and Social Care Standards to enable people living in adult care homes to maintain family and friendship connections to support their health and wellbeing. These proposals form part of work to take forward Anne’s Law, ensuring that people who live in adult care homes have rights to see and spend time with the people who are important to them. A second consultation on proposals for... More
    Opened 16 September 2021
  • A Consultation on a Consumer Duty for Public Bodies

    The Consumer Scotland Bill was introduced to the Scottish Parliament in June 2019, passed in May 2020, and received Royal Assent in June 2020. The Act now requires the Scottish Government to establish a consumer body – Consumer Scotland – to represent the needs of consumers. Consumer Scotland will be a small, nimble organisation investigating the most serious areas of consumer detriment in Scotland. It will look at a small number of issues each year, and will focus on understanding... More
    Opened 3 September 2021
  • Tax policy and the Budget - a framework for tax

    Building on 2020’s Scottish Budget consultation exercise, the Scottish Government has been exploring ways to enhance its approach to tax policy making at the beginning of this new session of the Scottish Parliament. This consultation seeks views on our overarching approach to tax policy, through Scotland’s first Framework for Tax, and how the Scottish Government should use its devolved and local tax powers as part of the Scottish Budget 2022-23. This is considered to be a... More
    Opened 31 August 2021
  • Coronavirus (Compensation for Self-isolation) Bill

    This consultation has now closed. A full analysis of responses will be published in due course. This consultation concerned a legal liability that arises as a result of the Public Health Etc. (Scotland) Act 2008. This Act includes a provision for Health Boards to provide compensation to those isolating as a result of an infectious disease. This provision for compensation was intended to support people who find themselves isolating as a result of a small-scale outbreak, rather than a... More
    Opened 27 August 2021
  • Cancer care: Review of Head and Neck Cancer Quality Performance Indicators

    As part of the National Cancer Quality Programme, Cancer Quality Performance Indicators (QPI's) were developed to drive continuous quality improvement in cancer care across NHSScotland. The Head and Neck Cancer QPIs were first published in April 2014. The QPI's undergo formal review every 3 years , therefore the second cycle of review has now been undertaken following analysis of Year 6 national comparative data. To ensure success of the National Cancer QPIs in... More
    Opened 25 August 2021
  • Agricultural transition in Scotland

    Following on from the period of simplicity and stability we are moving forward to put in place a successor to the Common Agriculture Policy that will guide farming, food production and land use for many years to come. Our approach will support farmers and crofters to ensure their economic sustainability as we deal with the twin global emergencies of climate change and biodiversity whilst also continuing to produce high quality food. Reforming our approach to land use and... More
    Opened 25 August 2021
  • Sectoral Marine Plan - innovation and targeted oil and gas decarbonisation, offshore wind

    The Scottish Government is committed to ensuring secure, reliable and affordable energy supplies within the context of long-term decarbonisation of energy generation. Continued growth of the renewable energy sector in Scotland is an essential feature of the future cle an energy system and a potential key driver of economic growth. The development of a new Sectoral Marine Plan for offshore wind energy, specifically for smaller innovation projects and projects targeting the... More
    Opened 25 August 2021
  • Local food for everyone

    Scotland has some of the best food and drink in the world, enjoyed around the globe and creating jobs the length and breadth of the country. Since 2007 the Scottish Government has dramatically improved the landscape for food in Scotland, from school lunches to whisky exports, from allotment provision to agricultural innovation. The people of Scotland deserve to have access to the best produce Scotland has to offer, whether they’re growing it themselves, buying it directly... More
    Opened 20 August 2021
  • Covid recovery: a consultation on public health, public services and justice system reforms

    As one of the steps to harness lessons from the Covid pandemic, the Scottish Government is committed to reviewing the impact of Covid on the Scottish statute book. The Government wants to remove measures no longer needed in order to respond to the pandemic whilst keeping those where there is demonstrable benefit to the people of Scotland. The Scottish Government’s consultation paper on " Covid recovery: a consultation on public health, public services and justice system... More
    Opened 17 August 2021
  • Minimum Income Guarantee

    What is a Minimum Income Guarantee? A Minimum Income Guarantee (MIG) is an assurance that no one will fall below a set income level that would allow them to live a dignified life. A MIG can be delivered through employment, targeted welfare payments and also through other types of support or services to be provided or subsidised by the state. A report by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) in March 2021 proposes that Scotland should have a MIG by 2030. The report put... More
    Opened 16 August 2021
  • Membership of the National Smart Ticketing Advisory Board

    Smart ticketing is an important element of a modern public transport system and is increasingly prevalent in major cities in the UK and in countries around the world. During 2017, Transport Scotland sought the views of stakeholders and the wider public through a consultation into various aspects of smart ticketing, such as the scope of smart ticketing schemes, what forms of transport should be included and what arrangements should be in place to oversee the development of smart ticketing... More
    Opened 10 August 2021
  • A National Care Service for Scotland

    This consultation sets out our proposals to improve the way we deliver social care in Scotland. The importance of our social care services has never been clearer than during the pandemic. In future, we want to make sure that our social care system will consistently deliver high quality services to everyone that needs them, throughout Scotland. Social care is an investment in our communities and our economy. We want to change the system from one that supports people to survive to... More
    Opened 9 August 2021
  • Consultation on Penalty Charge Notices for Parking Enforcement

    Since 1997, 21 local authorities in Scotland have introduced decriminalised parking enforcement regimes into their areas. These regimes enable local authorities to administer their own parking policies and penalty charge schemes to control on-street parking. We believe parking policies are an essential part of a local authority’s traffic management strategy as they are designed to effectively manage the traffic network, improve and maintain traffic flows whilst reducing... More
    Opened 4 August 2021
  • Development of the Islands Bond

    Population decline is a real threat to the sustainability of many, although not all, of Scotland’s island communities. During the consultation for the National Islands Plan, depopulation was the top priority issue identified by respondents. That is why, through the National Islands Plan, we have committed to address population decline and ensure a healthy, balanced population profile across our islands. T his commitment is underpinned by a range of actions including, but... More
    Opened 2 August 2021
  • Home energy efficiency: equity loan pilot

    Scotland’s long term climate change targets will require the near complete decarbonisation of our energy system by 2045, with renewable energy meeting a very significant share of our needs. The Scottish Government's draft Heat in Buildings Strategy sets out a pathway to zero emission buildings by 2045 and details a series of near-term actions as well as long term commitments to accelerate the decarbonisation of both existing and new buildings. The Energy Efficiency Equity Loan... More
    Opened 2 August 2021
  • Scottish Building Regulations: Proposed changes to Energy Standards and associated topics, including Ventilation, Overheating and Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

    Scottish building regulations set minimum standards applicable to new buildings and to new work to existing buildings. Our recent draft Heat in Buildings Strategy sets out our vision for decarbonising heat and reducing energy demand across all buildings in Scotland, setting out the scale of the investment opportunity and supporting our green recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. Following review in 2007, 2010 and most recently in 2015, these new proposals for the review of energy... More
    Opened 26 July 2021
  • Domestic Energy Performance Certificates reform

    Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) are a useful tool to help property owners, buyers and tenants compare information on the energy performance of a property. C onsidering how we use EPCs to regulate and encourage change is a key part of achieving net zero. This consultation forms the first part of the reform of the EPC framework by proposing a change to the way information, already gathered as part of an EPC assessment, is displayed on the EPC. The proposed change to the EPC also... More
    Opened 23 July 2021
  • Building standards (fire safety) - a consultation on external wall systems

    This consultation seeks to obtain the views and opinions of stakeholders on a review of building standards relating to the fire safety of cladding to help ensure the safety of people in and around Scotland's buildings. The consultation covers five main areas, as follows: the wording of mandatory standard 2.7 relating to fire spread on external walls; consideration of a definition and ban on the highest risk metal composite material (MCM) cladding panels; options to... More
    Opened 16 July 2021
  • Adult Support and Protection Guidance for General Practitioners and Primary Care Teams

    The Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 is designed to protect those adults who are unable to safeguard their own interests and are at risk of harm because they are affected by: disability; mental disorder; illness; physical or mental infirmity.Harm means all harm including self-harm and neglect. Previous Adult Support and Protection guidance for GPs and Primary Care Teams was published in 2013. The updated guidance is for General Practitioners and primary care staff who... More
    Opened 15 July 2021
  • Gaelic Language Plan

    The Scottish Government recognises that Gaelic is an integral part of Scotland’s heritage, national identity and current cultural life. The Scottish Government has taken action and has put in place the necessary structures and initiatives to ensure that Gaelic has a sustainable future in a modern, growing and progressive Scotland. However, we are aware the position of Gaelic remains fragile. For Gaelic to have a sustainable future, there needs to be a concerted effort on the part... More
    Opened 15 July 2021
  • Implementing the bus provisions of the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019

    Bus Services are an economic and social cornerstone for Scotland. The sector accounts for three quarters of all public transport journeys and is set to play an increasingly important role in achieving a just transition to net zero by 2045. However, bus patronage in Scotland (and the UK) has been declining since the 1960s with the trend continuing through and beyond the privatisation of the sector following deregulation in 1985. Set against this backdrop, the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019... More
    Opened 14 July 2021
  • Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007: updated Code of Practice and Guidance for Adult Protection Committees

    The Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 (the Act) was implemented in 2008, at which time the Scottish Government published an Adult Support and Protection Code of Practice and also Guidance for Adult Protection Committees (APC). A revised Code of Practice was published in 2014. The Act places Scottish Ministers under a duty to review the Code of Practice from time to time and provides a power following such review to revise it. There has been no previous revision to the... More
    Opened 6 July 2021
  • A9 North Kessock to Tore Study - Preliminary Appraisal

    The first phase of this study, the Initial Appraisal (Case for Change), was published in March 2021 and concluded that there was evidence for a ‘Case for Change’ within the study area. We are now progressing through the Initial Appraisal stage of this process which involves reviewing the four Transport Planning Objectives agreed with stakeholders against a number of potential short, medium and long term interventions and consulting with the public to understand wider views on each of... More
    Opened 30 June 2021
  • NHSScotland 'Once for Scotland' Workforce Policies: Homeworking Policy

    The 'Once for Scotland' Workforce Policies Programme is designed to review and transform existing workforce policies (previously known as Partnership Information Network (PIN) Policies) in line with our vision: "'Once for Scotland' workforce policies will promote NHSScotland as a modern, exemplar employer; showcasing our core values, and promoting consistent employment policy and practice that supports the implementation of the Staff Governance Standard and effective recruitment and... More
    Opened 28 June 2021
  • Short Term Lets: Consultation on draft Licensing Order and Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA)

    This consultation seeks views on the Scottish Government's short-term lets draft Licensing Order and Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA). The Scottish Government intends to lay the Licensing Order at the Scottish Parliament in September 2021. More
    Opened 25 June 2021
  • Fish Farm Containment and Marine Mammal Interactions Code of Practice

    Section 7 of the Aquaculture and Fisheries (Scotland) Act 2007 (“2007 Act”) empowers the Scottish Ministers to approve a code of practice, in whole or in part, in order to give practical guidance to fish farmers, promoting desirable practices with respect to the containment of fish on fish farms and the prevention of escapes by farmed fish. This Code of Practice sets out the standards expected from Aquaculture Production Businesses in Scotland in order to provide for the containment of... More
    Opened 22 June 2021
  • Use and Sale of Fireworks in Scotland, and tackling the misuse of pyrotechnics

    What this consultation is about This consultation consists of two sections. The first considers changes to how fireworks can be sold and used in Scotland; while the second section considers the use of pyrotechnic devices. More specifically, Section 1 seeks views on four changes to how fireworks can be sold and used in Scotland to ensure fireworks are used safely, handled with care and do not cause harm, distress or injury; while Section 2 considers the use of... More
    Opened 20 June 2021
  • Scottish Social Housing Charter Review

    This consultation seeks views on the Scottish Social Housing Charter. The Charter was introduced by the Housing (Scotland) Act 2010, which requires Ministers to set standards and outcomes that social landlords should be achieving for tenants and other customers through their housing activities. It also requires Ministers to review the Charter standards and outcomes from time to time with the last review being undertaken in 2016. Consultation Events We are also looking to... More
    Opened 17 June 2021
915 results. Page 11 of 31