938 results
Short Term Lets: Consultation on a licensing scheme and planning control areas in Scotland
This consultation seeks views on the Scottish Government's detailed proposals for the regulation of short-term lets which will form the basis for secondary legislation to be laid in Parliament in December. MoreClosed 16 October 2020 -
Prescription (Scotland) Act 2018 - Consultation on Commencement Regulations
The doctrine of prescription serves a vital function in the civil justice system. Negative prescription sets time-limits for when obligations (and rights), such as obligations under a contract, are extinguished. The Prescription (Scotland) Act 2018, when commenced, will make a number of changes to the rules of negative prescription, addressing certain issues which have caused or may cause difficulty in practice. The purpose of this consultation is to seek the views of interested... MoreClosed 14 October 2020 -
Coronavirus (COVID-19): our shared role in containing the virus
We have been through many months of lockdown, with broad restrictions on everyone’s activities to slow down the spread of coronavirus. We have tried to open up as much of society as we can and this a difficult balance to strike. In recent days we have re-imposed some broader restrictions. What are the issues that should inform future decisions on our approach? What will help and support people to live with the adjustments we all have to make to our daily lives, so that we can have as... MoreClosed 11 October 2020 -
Scottish Planning Policy and Housing: Technical Consultation on Proposed Policy Amendments
The Scottish Government is committed to a plan-led planning system. Development plans form the basis of planning decision-making to enable the right developments in the right locations. We want the planning system to support the delivery of good quality homes in the right locations. This is of even greater importance now, as it has become even clearer that the quality of our homes can contribute a great deal to our health and wellbeing, and that housing delivery will play a key role in... MoreClosed 9 October 2020 -
Energy Consumers Commission - Draft Work Plan 2020/21
The Energy Consumers Commission has been established to strengthen the voice of energy consumers in Scotland. The Commission is independent from Government, consisting of representatives with a wealth of experience in national consumer advocacy and advice bodies, academia and local groups serving energy consumers in their communities. This work plan sets out the overall aims of this body alongside the key issues it will look to address over 2020/2021 ahead of the establishment of... MoreClosed 9 October 2020 -
Budget 2021/22: Supporting the COVID-19 Recovery - Scotland's Taxes and Fiscal Framework
In advance of the Scottish Budget 2021-22, the Scottish Government is seeking views on the role of Scotland’s devolved taxes and Fiscal Framework in supporting the COVID-19 economic recovery. MoreClosed 8 October 2020 -
Raising the age of referral to the principal reporter
The 2019-20 Programme for Government made a commitment to consult on ‘enabling joint reporting to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service and the Principal Reporter of all 16 and 17 year olds’ offence cases’. Ministers have since agreed to widen the consultation to seek views on increasing the age at which children can be referred to the Reporter for care, protection and offence grounds. This includes young people at risk of exploitation, abuse or harm due to their own... MoreClosed 7 October 2020 -
A Consultation on the Draft Respiratory Care Action Plan for Scotland
The purpose of the draft Respiratory Care Action Plan is to highlight the Scottish Government’s vision for driving improvement in the diagnosis, care, treatment and support of people living with respiratory conditions in Scotland. This draft Plan identifies key priorities and commitments. It is intended to support continuous improvement and encourage people to test new approaches and to share best practice. It is not intended as a replacement of current clinical guidance. MoreClosed 3 July 2020 -
Parental Involvement Act - Statutory Guidance
We have come a long way since the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 was passed; setting out the rights of parents to be involved and engaged with their children’s education. This new draft guidance explains the purpose of the legislation and the duties placed upon Education Authorities, schools and headteachers to involve and engage parents in their children’s learning and the life and work of our schools. The Scottish Government invites views from... MoreClosed 30 June 2020 -
Just Transition Commission - call for evidence
The Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets)(Scotland) Act 2019 recently passed by the Scottish Parliament contains some of the most ambitious statutory emission reduction targets in the world. The transition required to meet these targets will be one of a number of long-term structural changes to the economy that will require a response and active management from the Scottish Government. Against this backdrop of increasingly ambitious emission reduction targets, calls for fairness... MoreClosed 30 June 2020 -
Consultation on the Regulation of Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures in Scotland
The number of non-surgical cosmetic treatments carried out across Scotland and the UK has risen considerably over the years and continues to do so. In Scotland, independent clinics run by a doctor, nurse, dentist, dental nurse, midwife or dental care professional and who provide these procedures are now regulated by Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS). However non-surgical cosmetic procedures that pierce/penetrate the skin, such as lip enhancement or... MoreClosed 30 June 2020 -
Scottish public authorities sharing data: consultation
The UK Digital Economy Act 2017 (“The Act”), Part 5 introduces new information sharing powers to reduce debt owed to, or fraud against, the public sector. To be able to use the information sharing powers, public authorities (and bodies which provide services to public authorities in Scotland) must be listed in Schedule 7 of the Act for the debt powers or Schedule 8 for the fraud powers. A listed public authority can only share data under these powers with other persons who are... MoreClosed 15 June 2020 -
Call for Views: Advisory Group on Economic Recovery
The Advisory Group on Economic Recovery has been established by the Scottish Government to provide independent expert advice on supporting the sectors and regions of Scotland's economy to recover from the impact of Covid-19. In establishing this Advisory Group, the Scottish Government has recognised that it must be prepared to act swiftly to mitigate the long-term economic impacts of Covid-19. But alongside the enormous challenges brought by Coronavirus there is also a strategic... MoreClosed 31 May 2020 -
Review of Mental Health Law in Scotland
A review is being carried out into the way mental health law is working in Scotland. This review was set up by the Scottish Government but it is independent from them. John Scott QC is leading the Review and wants to hear about your experience of mental health law in Scotland. Your views will help John and his team learn more about the way the law is working just now and what can be done to improve the way it works. If you would prefer to speak to someone face to face or over the... MoreClosed 29 May 2020 -
Determining the 2020 bathing season in light of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic
The aim of the Bathing Waters (Scotland) Regulations 2008 is to protect public health, by monitoring water quality at locations popular with large numbers of bathers; providing public information on that water quality; and taking steps to improve water quality where the necessary standards are not met. The Bathing Waters (Scotland) Regulations 2008 require that Scotland’s most popular beaches (86 in 2019) are designated each year by Scottish Ministers, along with the period of... MoreClosed 29 May 2020 -
The AI Of The Possible: Developing Scotland's Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy
The Scottish Government is committed to developing an Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategy for Scotland, as set out in Protecting Scotland's Future: the Government’s Programme for Scotland 2019-2020, published in September 2019. The strategy will help ensure that Scotland maximises the potential economic and social benefits of AI, and send a strong signal to the world about our ambition. The steering committee overseeing the strategy development process are keen to discuss and address... MoreClosed 22 May 2020 -
The practice of cash retention under construction contracts
There is evidence that some payment practices prevalent in the construction industry are a barrier to investment, productivity improvements and growth. Cash retention, where the process is misused or abused, can be one such practice . The retention system is a long-standing practice in the construction industry throughout the UK. A retention is money withheld from payment of a construction project. The purpose of a retention is to mitigate the risk of a failure to complete a... MoreClosed 13 May 2020 -
Coronavirus (COVID-19): framework for decision making
The emergence of Coronavirus (COVID-19) is the biggest global challenge that humanity has faced for generations. We want your views on how we overcome the challenges ahead. On 23 April 2020 we published Coronavirus (COVID-19): framework for decision making. This sets out the issues Scotland faces. It outlines the approach and principles that will guide us as we make decisions about transitioning out of the current lockdown arrangements. A new document - Coronavirus (COVID-19):... MoreClosed 11 May 2020 -
Wild Wrasse Harvesting: Consultation on Proposed new Mandatory Fishing Measures
The purpose of this consultation is to seek views about whether the Scottish Government should introduce mandatory measures to control the harvesting of live wrasse for the salmon farming industry. MoreClosed 10 May 2020 -
Consultation on Fees for Seed Testing, Seed Certification and Associated Seed Functions
The purpose of this consultation is to seek views from individuals and companies including Professional Operators (seed merchants, seed processors, seed packers), Licensed Crop Inspectors, Licensed Seed Samplers, Licensed Seed Testing Stations (LSTS), farmers and interested members of the public on the Scottish Government’s proposal to amend fees for seed certification, seed testing & associated seed functions to allow full cost recovery. MoreClosed 6 May 2020 -
European Territorial Cooperation programmes 2021-2027: consultation
European Territorial Cooperation (otherwise known as Interreg) programmes are EU funding programmes that give money to organisations from different countries to work together on a project. These programmes cover different geographical areas and have different aims. Each of the projects funded by the programmes help the programme achieve its aims. The organisations doing the project must normally be from the geographical area covered by the programme. Non- EU countries... MoreClosed 24 April 2020 -
Energy Efficient Scotland: Improving energy efficiency in owner occupied homes
Improving energy efficiency and reducing the demand for heat in owner occupied homes will play an important part in helping to reduce both greenhouse gas emissions and fuel poverty. This consultation outlines proposals to tackle these issues. It sets out details of an energy efficiency standard for owner occupied homes to reach, and suggests that it should be legally binding. It also sets out how homeowners can be helped and supported to bring their homes up to the standard. MoreClosed 9 April 2020 -
Draft Offshore Wind Policy Statement
The Draft Offshore Wind Policy Statement aims to set out the Scottish Government's ambitions for the future of offshore wind policy in Scotland, in light of the recent net zero by 2045 commitment made by the First Minister. The Policy Statement will also set the context for Marine Scotland's draft Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind, which will be published for consultation in parallel with this document. MoreClosed 8 April 2020 -
Investing in and paying for your water services from 2021: final consultation
This updated consultation seeks views on drafts of the 2 statutory inputs Scottish Ministers must make to the Strategic Review of Water Charges for the regulatory period 2021-2027 and key issues arising. The documents are the Principles of Charging statement and the Investment Directions and they provide the general policy framework which will guide the detailed work on the strategic review by the Water Industry Commission for Scotland and Scottish Water. MoreClosed 5 April 2020 -
Consultation on the draft content of the Human Tissue (Authorisation) (Excepted Body Parts) (Scotland) Regulations
On 11 June 2019 the Scottish Parliament passed the Human Tissue (Authorisation) (Scotland) Act 2019 (‘the 2019 Act’). The 2019 Act provides for a deemed authorisation system of deceased organ and tissue donation for transplantation in Scotland. This is more commonly referred to as an ‘opt-out’ system, replacing the current ‘opt-in’ model. It is proposed that deemed authorisation will only apply to the commonly transplanted organs and tissue and will not apply to novel or rare... MoreClosed 27 March 2020 -
Draft Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy
The Scottish Government is committed to ensuring secure, reliable and affordable energy supplies within the context of long-term decarbonisation of energy generation. Continued growth of the renewable energy sector in Scotland is an essential feature of the future clean energy system and a potential key driver of economic growth. In November 2017, Crown Estate Scotland (CES) announced their intention to run a further leasing round for commercial scale offshore wind energy... MoreClosed 25 March 2020 -
Strategic Review of Irish - Scottish Relations
As part of the joint review of the Scotland – Ireland relationship—a collaborative first for both our Governments—this questionnaire is intended to gather the views of all those interested in how Ireland and Scotland associate, cooperate, and collaborate as close neighbours. Whatever your interest in Ireland – Scotland relations, we are keen to hear your views on how we work well together, what we might improve on, and how key aspects of the relationship might be suitably developed... MoreClosed 20 March 2020 -
Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill: A consultation
The consultation on the draft Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill closed for responses on March 17 2020. The Scottish Government thanks everyone who submitted a response. Just over 17,000 responses were received through Citizen Space or by post. An independent analysis of all responses to the consultation has now been published, alongside responses from organisations and groups that gave permission for this to be published. These can be found here: ... MoreClosed 17 March 2020 -
Marine Scotland offshore renewables decommissioning guidance: consultation
The decommissioning responsibilities and powers for Offshore Renewables Energy Installations in Scottish Waters transferred from the Secretary of State to Scottish Ministers in April 2017. Until then the UK Government's Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), was responsible for requiring decommissioning programmes and securities for such projects. Marine Scotland is seeking to establish robust policies and procedures to cover... MoreClosed 16 March 2020 -
Review of Lung Cancer Quality Performance Indicators Consultation
Under the auspices of the Scottish Cancer Taskforce, National Cancer Quality Performance Indicators (QPIs) were developed to drive continuous quality improvement in cancer care across NHSScotland. The Lung Cancer QPIs were first published in December 2012. The QPIs are subject to formal review every 3 years, therefore the second cycle of review has now been undertaken following analysis of Year 6 national comparative data. In order to ensure success of the National... MoreClosed 6 March 2020
938 results.
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