39 results
The Scottish Road Worker Consultation 2024
Transport Scotland are holding a public consultation to seek views on the road worker experience of using plans of underground apparatus to dig safely, with a view to set guidance later in the year on this topic. We specifically welcome responses from persons who use ‘apparatus plans’ also known as ‘plant information’, to work in the road network. Read the consultation paper . The consultation paper contains full background information for this... MoreOpened 11 July 2024 -
Islands Connectivity Plan: Strategic Approach and Vessels and Ports Plan
The Islands Connectivity Plan (ICP) will set out a long term vision of how ferry services, supported by other transport modes, will be delivered and improved in the future. It will replace the current Ferries Plan but will be wider in scope, also taking account of aviation and fixed links, as well as onward and connecting travel. The ICP will comprise an overarching Strategic Approach, and a number of delivery plans. The Strategic Approach paper proposes our overall... MoreClosed 6 May 2024 -
Guidance on inclusive design for town centres and busy streets
When the design of town centres and busy street environments does not fully take into account the needs of all members of the community, people may become excluded from these areas and the essential functions that they provide. Potential barriers to access should be removed and not included in any scheme. This national guidance has been developed to support the design of town centres and busy streets that are inclusive. It is based on the premise that if the area is designed... MoreClosed 29 March 2024 -
Clyde and Hebrides Ferry Services (CHFS3)
The Clyde & Hebrides Ferry Services play a crucial role in our transport system, providing vital links for residents, businesses, and tourists across the west coast of Scotland. We are currently developing the new Clyde & Hebrides Ferry Services contract (CHFS3) and would welcome the views of communities and service users on their expectations for the service. To date our focus for the new CHFS3 contract has been to review and reflect on the existing feedback from our... MoreClosed 8 March 2024 -
Amendments to Scottish Road Works Regulations 2024
Minor amendments are needed within the Road Works (Qualifications of Operative and Supervisors (Scotland) Regulations 2017 and a replacement Stautory Instrument is required to replace the Scottish Road Works Register (Prescribed Fees) Regulations 2022. This consultation seeks views on both proposed changes. Scottish Road Works Register (Prescribed Fees) Regulations: The proposal is to revoke the 2022 Regulations, and create new Regulations to account for the running costs of ... MoreClosed 15 January 2024 -
Scotland's pavement parking prohibitions - consultation on enforcement regulations for local authorities
The Scottish Government has been working to improve parking legislation in Scotland in order to tackle the impact of inconsiderate and obstructive parking and ensure that our roads and pavements are accessible for all. As part of this work, the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 bans pavement parking, double parking and parking at dropped kerbs, and gives local authorities the relevant powers to enforce these new provisions. The Act also gives local authorities the power to exempt footways... MoreClosed 28 July 2023 -
Cycling framework for active travel
This Cycling Framework and Delivery Plan for Active Travel in Scotland builds on the progress made through three iterations of the Cycling Action Plan for Scotland (CAPS) between 2010 and 2020. It reflects our aim to progress from CAPS and to develop an ambitious plan for Scotland for the next 5-10 years. The Cycling Framework for Active Travel sets out our strategic priorities and shared actions to maximise cycling’s contribution in realising the Scottish Government’s long term ... MoreClosed 19 December 2022 -
Scottish roadworks technical consultation 2022
The aim of this consultation is to ask some specific technical questions regarding qualifications and reinstatement quality plans. Currently these elements are covered within Section 116 (Qualifications of supervisors and operatives) and Section 118 (Reinstatement Quality Plans) of The Transport (Scotland) Act 2019. We would like to engage with the public to determine if further Legislation is required regarding qualifications, and seek opinions on the proposals to define the timescales for... MoreClosed 8 September 2022 -
Second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2)
The second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) Final Summary Report , sets out transport recommendations for the next 20 years. STPR2 is one of the mechanisms for delivering the Vision, Priorities and Outcomes of the second National Transport Strategy (NTS2) . It is an important tool for achieving the Government’s commitment to 20% reduction in vehicle kilometres by 2030 and contributing to Scotland’s net zero greenhouse gas emissions target by 2045.... MoreClosed 15 April 2022 -
20% car kilometre reduction route map
In response to the global climate emergency, Scotland’s Climate Change Plan update in 2020 set out a world-leading commitment to reduce car kilometres by 20% by 2030. Transport accounts for a quarter of Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions, with cars making up almost 40% of transport emissions. Carbon-reduction modelling has concluded that it will not be possible to reach net-zero emissions through technological solutions alone. Reducing car use is essential in order for the transport... MoreClosed 6 April 2022 -
Scotland's pavement parking prohibitions: pre-implementation directions and regulations for local authorities
The Scottish Government has been working to improve parking legislation in Scotland in order to tackle the impact of inconsiderate and obstructive parking and ensure that our roads and pavements are accessible for all. As part of this work, The Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 bans pavement parking, double parking and parking at dropped kerbs, and gives local authorities the relevant powers to enforce these new provisions. The Act also gives local authorities the power to exempt areas... MoreClosed 11 March 2022 -
Aviation strategy
This consultation seeks your views on how to realise our vision for aviation: "For Scotland to have national and international connectivity that allows us to enjoy all the economic and social benefits of air travel while reducing our environmental impact." It covers the transition to low and zero emission aviation, Scotland's international connectivity, Scotland's domestic connectivity and air freight. As the Aviation Strategy will consider both short and long term goals, we... MoreClosed 21 January 2022 -
Scotland's National Transport Strategy Impact Assessments
Scotland’s National Transport Strategy 2 (NTS2) sets out the vision for Scotland’s transport system to the year 2040. The NTS2 outlines the four priorities for our transport system: Reduces inequalities Takes climate action Helps deliver inclusive economic growth Improves our health and wellbeing The first NTS2 Delivery Plan sets out strategic policies and the broad actions the... MoreClosed 5 January 2022 -
Scottish Road Works Register (Prescribed Fees) Regulations 2022
As in previous years, we intend to create a new Scottish Statutory Instrument accounting for the target cost of operating the Scottish Road Works Register , for the financial years 2022/23 and 2023/24. The intention is to revoke the 2021 Instrument, and replace with a single Instrument in 2022 covering both financial years. This consultation seeks your views on making this change. Please also provide any relevant information you feel important for future exercises. MoreClosed 19 November 2021 -
Membership of the National Smart Ticketing Advisory Board
Smart ticketing is an important element of a modern public transport system and is increasingly prevalent in major cities in the UK and in countries around the world. During 2017, Transport Scotland sought the views of stakeholders and the wider public through a consultation into various aspects of smart ticketing, such as the scope of smart ticketing schemes, what forms of transport should be included and what arrangements should be in place to oversee the development of smart ticketing... MoreClosed 13 October 2021 -
Implementing the bus provisions of the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019
Bus Services are an economic and social cornerstone for Scotland. The sector accounts for three quarters of all public transport journeys and is set to play an increasingly important role in achieving a just transition to net zero by 2045. However, bus patronage in Scotland (and the UK) has been declining since the 1960s with the trend continuing through and beyond the privatisation of the sector following deregulation in 1985. Set against this backdrop, the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019... MoreClosed 6 October 2021 -
Workplace Parking Licensing Regulations and Guidance
The Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 introduced a discretionary power for local authorities to implement Workplace Parking Licensing (WPL) schemes. The Act provides the legislative framework for WPL and confers powers on Scottish Ministers to make regulations in relation to certain elements. This consultation provides an opportunity for stakeholders and the general public to offer their views on the key aspects of WPL regulations and guidance that will derive from the Transport (Scotland) Act... MoreClosed 6 September 2021 -
A9 North Kessock to Tore Study - Preliminary Appraisal
The first phase of this study, the Initial Appraisal (Case for Change), was published in March 2021 and concluded that there was evidence for a ‘Case for Change’ within the study area. We are now progressing through the Initial Appraisal stage of this process which involves reviewing the four Transport Planning Objectives agreed with stakeholders against a number of potential short, medium and long term interventions and consulting with the public to understand wider views on each of... MoreClosed 27 August 2021 -
Impact on Islands Communities of Free Bus Travel for Young People Under 22
This consultation seeks views on the impact on island communities of the introduction of free bus travel throughout Scotland for those under age 22 . MoreClosed 25 June 2021 -
Consultation on the M8 and M9 Trunk Roads (Newbridge to Hermiston Gait) (Actively Managed Hard Shoulder and Speed Limit) Regulations
The regulations will allow the introduction of an Actively Managed Hard Shoulder (AMHS), for use by certain buses, over a four mile section of the M8 and M9 motorways. This will extend over a four mile section from a point south of the Hillwood Rail overbridge (south of Junction 1 of the M9) in an eastbound direction to the Hermiston Gait Roundabout (Junction 1 of the M8). In a supplementary measure, to extend the 50 mph speed limit on the M9 to M8 eastbound interchange link... MoreClosed 13 January 2021 -
Scottish Road Works Register (Prescribed Fees) Regulations 2021
As in previous years, we intend to create a new Scottish Statutory Instrument accounting for the target cost of operating the Scottish Road Works Register in the 2021-22 financial year. The intention is to revoke the 2020 instrument, and replace with a new instrument for 2021. This consultation seeks your views on making this change. MoreClosed 18 December 2020 -
Consultation on free bus travel for people resident in Scotland aged under 19
The Scottish Government intends to launch a new statutory national concessionary travel scheme providing free bus travel for young people resident in Scotland up to their 19th birthday (referred to as ‘under 19s’ or ‘under 19’ throughout this consultation). We anticipate that legislation to underpin the scheme would be required to be laid in Parliament in early 2021 and the scheme would come into effect later in 2021. The consultation will run for six weeks and we are... MoreClosed 7 December 2020 -
Scotland's Road Safety Framework to 2030 Draft Public Consultation
The Road Safety Framework to 2030 sets out a compelling long-term vision for road safety, Vision Zero, where there are zero fatalities and injuries on Scotland’s roads by 2050. The journey to achieving this vision will also include ambitious interim targets where the number of people being killed or seriously injured on our roads will be halved by 2030. Views are being sought to inform proposals for achieving the targets which will be crucial to Scotland having the best road... MoreClosed 1 December 2020 -
Scottish Low Emission Zones: Consultation on Regulations and Guidance
This consultation on Scotland's Low Emission Zones: Regulations and Guidance gives us an opportunity to seek your opinions on issues of a technical nature that underpin the operation and delivery of Low Emission Zones (LEZs), including the substantive issue of emission standards, exemptions and penalty charges. MoreClosed 24 February 2020 -
Scottish Road Works Register (Prescribed Fees) Regulations 2020
As in previous years, we intend to create a new Scottish Statutory Instrument accounting for the target cost of operating the Scottish Road Works Register in the 2020-21 financial year. The intention is to revoke the 2019 instrument, and replace with a new instrument for 2020. This consultation seeks your views on making this change. Please also provide any relevant information you feel important for future exercises. MoreClosed 24 January 2020 -
A Consultation on Scotland's National Transport Strategy
The consultation is on the new draft National Transport Strategy (NTS) for Scotland, which aims to set out a compelling vision for the future of transport for the next twenty years. MoreClosed 23 October 2019 -
Amendments to Scottish Road Works Regulations 2018
Minor amendments are need to both the Road Works (Qualifications of Operative and Supervisors (Scotland) Regulations 2017 and the Scottish Road Works Register (Prescribed Fees) Regulations 2017. This consultation seeks views on both proposed amendments. MoreClosed 8 March 2019 -
Motorsports On Closed Public Roads
Scotland has a long and proud tradition in the world of motorsports and the Scottish Government recognise the need to balance the potential for economic benefit and public enjoyment from such events with a high degree of safety, both for spectators and road users. Local authorities currently have the power to authorise a road closure for sporting and leisure events on public roads under the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 (RTRA). This does not currently extend to the closure of public... MoreClosed 28 January 2019 -
Transportation Noise Action Plan
The Environmental Noise Directive (END) was adopted in 2004 and requires member states to bring about measures which are intended to avoid, prevent or reduce, on a prioritised area basis, the harmful effects, including annoyance due to the exposure to environmental noise. The Directive was transposed through the Environmental Noise (Scotland) Regulations 2006. This consultation applies to Scotland only and seeks the views of those individuals and / or organisations that hold an... MoreClosed 16 January 2019 -
Consultation on the use of narrow trenching in Scotland's roads
This consultation seeks opinion on a proposed revision to the code which is made under Section 130 of the New Road and Street Works Act 1991(“NRSWA”). The Scottish Government believe a revision to the code is now necessary to take into account the increasing use of narrow trenching as a method of installing new apparatus – particularly broadband apparatus throughout Scotland. MoreClosed 7 December 2018
39 results.
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