940 results
Good Food Nation Proposals for Legislation
Scottish Ministers remain committed to the concept and reality of Scotland as a Good Food Nation. A great deal of work is already happening now to make a real and positive difference to the lives of the people of Scotland: helping to improve their access to, and understanding of, the benefits of healthy local foods; ensuring sustainability of our wonderful food industry; and looking to grow Scotland’s reputation as a Good Food Nation from which other countries can learn. We... MoreOpened 21 December 2018 -
Mesothelioma Quality Performance Indicators Consultation
Under the auspices of the Scottish Cancer Taskforce, National Cancer Quality Performance Indicators (QPIs) were developed to drive continuous quality improvement in cancer care across NHSScotland. In order to ensure success of the National Cancer QPIs in driving quality improvement it is critical that QPIs are clinically relevant and focus on areas which will result in improvements to the quality of patient care. MoreOpened 7 January 2019 -
Consultation on Scottish Charity Law
This consultation seeks views on potential improvements to the statutory charity regulation framework in Scotland, in light of proposals put forward by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR). The proposals broadly focus on improvements to charity law that would increase transparency and accountability in order to maintain public trust and confidence in charities and OSCR. MoreOpened 7 January 2019 -
Defamation in Scots law
In December 2017 the Scottish Law Commission (“the Commission”) published their Report on Defamation which aimed to reform Scots law on defamation. This consultation seeks views on some recommendations made by the Commission in the following areas: The statutory threshold test of serious harm; Proceedings against secondary publishers; The defence of honest opinion; Offers to make amends; Malicious publications; and, Limitation and the multiple publication... MoreOpened 14 January 2019 -
Proposals for Changes to Protected Trust Deeds
The Scottish Government has a range of statutory debt solutions to help those dealing with debt - bankruptcy, protected trust deeds (PTDs) and the Debt Arrangement Scheme (DAS). The consultation seeks views on proposals to help address some concerns identified with the operation of PTDs. This includes proposed measures that promote the granting and protection of a trust deed only where it is the appropriate solution in the circumstances. The proposals also seek to ensure that the system... MoreOpened 16 January 2019 -
Job Grant Consultation
The Scottish Government is consulting on its key eligibility criteria and format of the Job Grant, a new benefit which will be delivered by Social Security Scotland to support young people moving back into employment. The grant will be paid to 16-24 year olds (up to 26 years old for care leavers) who have been out of paid employment and who have been in receipt of a qualifying benefit specified by the Scottish Government. MoreOpened 16 January 2019 -
Inshore Fisheries Pilot: Inner Sound of Skye - A Consultation
The Scottish Government launched the Inshore Fisheries Pilots initiative in July 2017 with the aim of exploring alternative approaches to managing inshore fisheries. The initiative seeks to explore two approaches to fisheries management: a more localised approach where fishing interests are central to the development of fisheries management arrangements; and spatial separation of fishing operations, such as static (creeling) and mobile (trawling) within specified areas. ... MoreOpened 17 January 2019 -
Timescales for adult carer support plans and young carer statements for carers of people who are terminally ill
The Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 extends and enhances the rights of unpaid carers in Scotland by giving ALL carers the right to an adult carer support plan or young carer statement. These documents identify the outcomes that are important to the carer; their needs; and any support to be provided. The Act requires Scottish Ministers to set timescales for preparing adult carer support plans and young carer statements for carers of people who are terminally ill, with a life expectancy of up to 6... MoreOpened 18 January 2019 -
A consultation on local connection and intentionality provisions in homelessness legislation
This Scottish Government consultation paper invites your views on implementing the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group (HARSAG) recommendation to commence the Local Connection and Intentionality provisions in the Homelessness etc. (Scotland) Act 2003. The HARSAG also recommended narrowing the definition of intentionality to focus on ‘deliberate manipulation’ of the homelessness system. The Scottish Government are currently considering the options regarding this element of the... MoreOpened 31 January 2019 -
Animal Health & Welfare Act Amendment Consultation 2019
Seeking views on proposals to strengthen the enforcement of animal welfare legislation by; increasing the maximum available penalties for certain animal cruelty offences (including offences involving attacks on service animals); enabling secondary legislation to be made that will allow Fixed Penalty Notices to be used in relation to lesser animal welfare offences; and making it easier for approved bodies to quickly make the best arrangements for animals after they have... MoreOpened 1 February 2019 -
A consultation on fireworks in Scotland: Your experiences, your ideas, your views
Fireworks are traditionally associated with festivities which celebrate events that are important to different communities across Scotland. Fireworks can bring colour and excitement to the special occasions that are important to us. However, fireworks are potentially dangerous and need to be used safely and handled with care to avoid serious injury. For some, the noise made by setting off fireworks can be a nuisance, and the disturbance can cause distress to both people and animals. ... MoreOpened 3 February 2019 -
Rural Assets Strategy Consultation
Crown Estate Scotland is a public corporation. We manage and innovate with land and property – seabed, coastline, rural estates and more – to deliver wider value. Collectively, the assets are referred to as the Scottish Crown Estate. We help families, businesses & communities to live, work and thrive on the assets and return all revenue profit to Scottish Government to benefit the public purse. The Scottish Crown Estate rural assets include 37,000 hectares (around 91,000 acres)... MoreOpened 11 February 2019 -
Scotland’s Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024
Scotland’s climate is warming, the growing season is getting longer, and we are facing more extreme weather and rising sea levels. We need to adapt to these changes, reduce risks and take advantage of new opportunities to safeguard our future and bring wide-ranging benefits to everyone in Scotland. We will build on the significant achievements of the past decade by continuing to strengthen the resilience of our communities, society, economy and environment to the effects of climate change. MoreOpened 12 February 2019 -
Equally Safe: A consultation on legislation to improve forensic medical services for victims of rape and sexual assault
This consultation explored how legislation might improve forensic medical services for victims of rape and sexual assault. It addressed recommendations made by the Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMICS) to strengthen the delivery of healthcare and forensic medical services and sought views from health and justice organisations, medical professionals, the third sector and survivors. Amongst other things the consultation invited views on “self-referral”, where a... MoreOpened 15 February 2019 -
Consultation on Environmental Principles and Governance in Scotland
The purpose of this consultation paper is to consider how we maintain effective environmental governance following an exit from the European Union. It seeks views on: Maintaining the role of environmental principles in developing future Scottish environmental policy and legislation; and Maintaining effective, appropriate and proportionate environmental governance in Scotland. Read the consultation paper. MoreOpened 16 February 2019 -
Consultation on the Law of Succession 2019
The paper focuses on intestacy. The key area is how an estate should be split where there are both a surviving spouse/civil partner and children. The paper seeks views on a fresh approach to reform of the law of intestacy with reference to regimes which operate elsewhere. The paper also seeks views on extending an alternative approach to cohabitants to test whether views on what cohabitants’ rights on intestacy should be, have shifted. There are a number of other discrete... MoreOpened 17 February 2019 -
Changing Places Toilets: Building Standards Consultation
Changing Places Toilets offer larger, supported facilities that address the needs of people for whom current accessible sanitary accommodation is inadequate. These facilities enable people with complex care needs to take part in everyday activities such as travel, shopping, family days out or attending a sporting event. The proposal is to require these larger sanitary facilities, through building standards, in certain types of larger new buildings. MoreOpened 18 February 2019 -
Scottish Sea Fisheries National Discussion Paper
The Sea Fisheries National Discussion Paper sets out, and seeks your views on, a vision for the future management of Scotland’s marine fisheries, how we will conduct ourselves in the International arena and what our guiding principles shall be. MoreOpened 4 March 2019 -
A Consultation on Improving Disability Assistance in Scotland
This consultation asks questions on whether the policy intent set out in the Scottish approach to Disability Assistance will meet the needs of the children and adults it is intended to help. We would like to gather views to ensure we have identified the best possible approach to delivering this assistance before we draft the benefit regulations. Building on our work with Experience Panels we are now keen to gather further views of people with a working knowledge of social security,... MoreOpened 5 March 2019 -
Code of Practice for the exercise of functions by Proper Persons under Chapter 3 of Part 8 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002
The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (“POCA”) contains a comprehensive package of measures to recover the proceeds of crime. This includes powers to require individuals and organisations to provide information that is of significant value to an investigation, or to search for such information under Part 8 of POCA. The revised Code, issued under section 410 of POCA, provides guidance on the exercise by Proper Persons, as defined at section 412, of functions conferred by Chapter 3 of Part 8... MoreOpened 11 March 2019 -
Devolved taxes: a policy framework
The Scottish Government is consulting on a new approach to the planning, management and implementation of the fully devolved taxes in Scotland. MoreOpened 14 March 2019 -
Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 – Section 142 – Draft Revised Guidance for Licensing Boards
Under the terms of Section 142(1) of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005, Scottish Ministers may issue guidance to Licensing Boards as to the exercise of their functions under the Act, which they must have regard to. The current statutory guidance has recently been reviewed. The Scottish Government are seeking views on the draft revised guidance. MoreOpened 19 March 2019 -
Consultation: Children’s Services Planning: Provision of Statutory Guidance
The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 set out reforms to the way services for children and young people are designed, delivered and reviewed. As part of the Act, the Scottish Government provided statutory guidance on Part 3, Children’s Services Planning. The duties placed on Local Authorities and Health Boards under this part of the Act included provision of a "Children's Services Plan" be prepared and in place by 1 April 2017. Local Authorities and Health Boards submitted... MoreOpened 25 March 2019 -
The future of low carbon heat for off gas buildings: a call for evidence
Scotland's transition to a more prosperous, low carbon economy is already well underway. Decarbonising the way we heat our buildings is a fundamental part of this transition and important if we are to achieve our climate change targets and ambition for all Scotland's buildings to be near zero carbon by 2050. MoreOpened 26 March 2019 -
Energy Efficient Scotland: Consultation
This consultation seeks to gather evidence which might support a change to the proposed timeframe to deliver standards for all properties across Scotland. It builds on earlier consultations on energy efficiency and fuel poverty including, amongst others; the Consultation of Scotland's Energy Efficiency Programme; Energy Efficiency and Condition Standards in the Private Rented Sector; the Fuel Poverty Strategy Consultation; Energy Efficient Scotland Consultation: Making our homes and... MoreOpened 26 March 2019 -
National Islands Plan and Island Communities Impact Assessments
This consultation supports the development of the National Islands Plan as set out in Part 2 of the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018. We want the National Islands Plan to be a document that builds on what works well on Scottish islands, and addresses the challenges faced by islands and their communities. MoreOpened 6 April 2019 -
NHSScotland 'Once for Scotland' Workforce Policies - Core Policies: Consultation
The ‘Once for Scotland’ Workforce Policies Programme is designed to review and transform existing workforce policies (previously known as Partnership Information Network (PIN) Policies) in line with our vision: ‘Once for Scotland Workforce policies will promote NHSScotland as a modern, exemplar employer; showcasing our core values, and promoting consistent employment policy and practice that supports the implementation of the Staff Governance Standard and effective recruitment and... MoreOpened 17 April 2019 -
Consultation on adding new categories to the definition of a House in Multiple Occupation
Concerns have been raised with the Scottish Government regarding the accommodation that contract and transient workers reside in when they are required to work away from home. A number of local authorities have highlighted that these workers are often found staying in a range of accommodation such as Bed and Breakfasts and holiday lets - on a long term basis. They considered that the circumstances are equivalent to the properties being used as Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) and... MoreOpened 18 April 2019 -
The Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 – Consultation on reviewing the fee for occasional licences and considering a limit on the number and duration of occasional licences
The alcohol licensing regime is administered by Licensing Boards. The Boards carry out a range of functions including granting and reviewing licences. The regime operates on a cost recovery basis, with Board costs being covered by fees, including licence fees. The purpose of the occasional licence is to cater for the multitude of events which take place on premises which are not ‘fully’ licensed but feature the sale of alcohol, for example fetes, wedding receptions and arts events.... MoreOpened 23 April 2019 -
Strengthening Fire Safety for High Rise Domestic Buildings
The Scottish Government is gathering information and views on proposed actions to strengthen fire safety for people who live in high rise domestic buildings. We will use the responses to improve and refine the proposed actions on strengthening fire safety in high rise domestic buildings. The responses will also inform how these actions should best be implemented to ensure their effectiveness. The proposed actions are aimed at delivering the five recommendations from the Review of... MoreOpened 24 April 2019
940 results.
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