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940 results

  • Non-domestic rates: decapitalisation rates for the 2023 revaluation

    The next revaluation of non-domestic property in Scotland is due to take effect from 1 April 2023 based on rental values as at 1 April 2022 (the 'tone date'). At revaluation Scottish Assessors review rateable values resulting in a new valuation roll for all non-domestic properties in Scotland. While most rateable values are based on estimated annual rent, around 9% of subjects, accounting for 22% of total rateable value are derived using the contractor's basis method of valuation. In the... More
    Opened 20 December 2021
  • A New Deal for Tenants - draft Rented Sector Strategy consultation

    The Scottish Government invites comments to this consultation on A New Deal for Tenants - Draft Rented Sector Strategy, which seeks to improve accessibility, affordability choices and standards across the whole rented sector in Scotland. The draft strategy consultation sets out and invites views on how we can deliver a new deal for tenants to progress the right to an adequate home and deliver our vision for Housing to 2040. It aims to ensure all tenants, whether living in private... More
    Opened 20 December 2021
  • Incineration in the waste hierarchy review: call for evidence

    Read the consultation paper Section 1: Overview The Scottish Government has committed to reviewing the role of incineration in the waste hierarchy in Scotland, to ensure that how residual waste is managed in Scotland aligns with Scotland’s carbon reduction ambitions. On 30 September, the Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity set out Scottish Government’s intention to appoint an independent chair to undertake the work, and for it to... More
    Opened 20 December 2021
  • An updated marine litter strategy for Scotland

    This consultation is one of the final stages in the process of updating the Marine Litter Strategy for Scotland. A large amount of work has already been undertaken with guidance from the Marine Litter Strategy Steering Group. Membership of the Marine Litter Strategy Steering Group includes representatives from academia, environmental charities and non-governmental organisations, terrestrial litter interests, the fishing industry, and public bodies that have responsibility for dealing with... More
    Opened 29 December 2021
  • Cancer Care: Review of Bladder Cancer Quality Performance Indicators

    We welcome your views on the Draft Revised Bladder Cancer Quality Performance Indicator Engagement Document. Please provide comments whether they be on all individual Quality Performance Indicators or only those relevant to you. In particular we are looking for comments on: The appropriateness of the QPIs that have been developed. The target levels that have been set. Feasibility of measuring... More
    Opened 11 January 2022
  • 20% car kilometre reduction route map

    In response to the global climate emergency, Scotland’s Climate Change Plan update in 2020 set out a world-leading commitment to reduce car kilometres by 20% by 2030. Transport accounts for a quarter of Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions, with cars making up almost 40% of transport emissions. Carbon-reduction modelling has concluded that it will not be possible to reach net-zero emissions through technological solutions alone. Reducing car use is essential in order for the transport... More
    Opened 13 January 2022
  • Consultation on the draft Joint Fisheries Statement

    We are seeking your views on the draft Joint Fisheries Statement (JFS). It has been developed by the four UK fisheries policy authorities (The UK Government’s Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Scottish Ministers, the Welsh Ministers, and the Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland), as required by the Fisheries Act 2020. The JFS is intended to set out the UK overarching policy direction from... More
    Opened 18 January 2022
  • Second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2)

    The second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) Final Summary Report , sets out transport recommendations for the next 20 years. STPR2 is one of the mechanisms for delivering the Vision, Priorities and Outcomes of the second National Transport Strategy (NTS2) . It is an important tool for achieving the Government’s commitment to 20% reduction in vehicle kilometres by 2030 and contributing to Scotland’s net zero greenhouse gas emissions target by 2045.... More
    Opened 20 January 2022
  • Introduction of mandatory digital waste tracking

    This consultation is seeking views on our proposals for the implementation of a mandatory digital waste tracking service. In particular, it seeks thoughts on: accessing the data on the waste tracking system fees and charges exemptions and alternative requirements for digitally excluded persons offences and sanctions Whilst waste policy is a devolved matter, the UK Government and devolved administrations have agreed to work together to develop a UK-wide waste... More
    Opened 21 January 2022
  • Wellbeing and living with COVID protection measures

    During the coronavirus pandemic, various protective measures and regulations have been introduced to limit the spread of the virus. These measures have changed the way we connect, shop, travel and work. People across Scotland have been doing their best to follow these measures to keep themselves and others safe. The Scottish Government knows that some people are finding the duration of the pandemic difficult and that people's individual circumstances will impact on their... More
    Opened 24 January 2022
  • Future pandemic Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) supplies in Scotland

    The Covid-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges to the supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in Scotland. In response, the Scottish Government worked with partners to quickly establish new supply chains and put in place cross public sector collaboration with the NHS on PPE supply issues. Whilst acknowledging that the Covid-19 pandemic continues and the situation could change, the PPE market has now stabilised, and Scotland has both a resilient supply of PPE and an ample... More
    Opened 25 January 2022
  • Proposal to designate Red Rocks and Longay as a Marine Protected Area

    The Scottish Government's vision is for a marine environment that is clean, healthy, safe, productive and diverse seas; managed to meet the long term needs of nature and people. Scotland’s Marine Protected Area (MPA) network is being developed to help safeguard our most important natural and cultural heritage features on the principle of sustainable use. By doing so we are protecting the natural goods and services they provide for current and future generations to enjoy. ... More
    Opened 1 February 2022
  • Consumer Scotland draft workplan for energy, post and water 2022-23: Consultation

    Consumer Scotland will be the official, independent and expert voice of the consumer in Scotland. The Consumer Scotland Act 2020 gave it the general function of providing consumer advocacy and advice with a view to: reducing harm to consumers increasing confidence among consumers in Scotland in dealing with businesses that supply goods and services to consumers increasing the extent to which consumer matters are taken into account by public... More
    Opened 2 February 2022
  • Tightening rules on advertising and promoting vaping products

    Vaping products (electronic cigarettes) have become popular over the past decade as an alternative to smoking tobacco. While current evidence shows that vapes are less harmful than smoking tobacco, they are not harm-free and we do not know what damage they could cause to human health in the long-term. Lots of studies have looked into the question of whether vapes can damage human health after long-term use. Some have found they are relatively safe while others have found using these... More
    Opened 3 February 2022
  • Scottish Carer's Assistance

    Scottish Carer’s Assistance will replace Carer’s Allowance in Scotland. Launching Scottish Carer’s Assistance will be our highest priority following the delivery of Adult Disability Payment in August this year, the extension of Scottish Child Payment for 6 to 16 year olds by the end of this year (subject to the Department for Work and Pensions providing the necessary data) and our first low income winter heating benefit in winter 2022/23. As part of... More
    Opened 28 February 2022
  • Options to increase Mother and Baby Unit (MBU) capacity

    Currently, there are two regional Mother and Baby Units in Scotland. These are at St John’s Hospital, Livingston hosted by NHS Lothian and Leverndale Hospital, Glasgow hosted by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Each Mother and Baby Unit can take up to six women and their babies. Information from the existing Mother and Baby Units and data linkage show that, over the five years 2016-2020, there were an average of 115 Mother and Baby Unit admissions per year. However, there were... More
    Opened 28 February 2022
  • Health and Social Care Strategy for Older People

    The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has shone a spotlight on older people, who were amongst the worst affected by the virus in society. In fact, 73.3% or almost three quarters of those currently on the COVID-19 highest risk list are 55 years of age or over. As we rebuild and remobilise the NHS in Scotland, we have a significant opportunity to ensure that older people are placed at the centre of that recovery and focus on a preventative, joined up approach to healthy ageing in older... More
    Opened 8 March 2022
  • Enhancing sustainable fisheries management - Remote Electronic Monitoring

    This consultation sets out our overview of Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) and its application across the fishing fleet. The consultation seeks views on the rollout of REM to the scallop and pelagic fleet segments, and initial views on REM applied across other sections of the fleet. Read the consultation paper . More
    Opened 15 March 2022
  • Scotland's Future Catching Policy consultation

    This consultation seeks the views of stakeholders on Scotland’s Future Catching Policy (FCP), which will establish a new approach to managing sea fishing activities within Scottish waters and will ensure that the right management measures are in place to support reasonable and pragmatic decision making. Read the consultation paper . More
    Opened 15 March 2022
  • Scottish Mental Health Law Review consultation

    This consultation paper outlines some of the proposals for change to the law put forward by the Executive Team of the Scottish Mental Health and Incapacity Law Review. They have been developed in partnership with people with lived experience, including unpaid carers, and mental health practitioners through a series of Advisory Groups and Reference Groups. This consultation relates to all people who have been, or could in the future be, subjected to mental health legislation,... More
    Opened 17 March 2022
  • Tied Pubs - Scottish Pubs Code - part 2

    This consultation seeks your views on the Scottish Government's proposals on the Scottish Pubs Code for tied pubs. It seeks your views on what else the Scottish Pubs Code should contain beyond Market Rent Only leases and guest beer agreements (which were subject to a separate Scottish Pubs Code Consultation – Part 1 earlier this year). This consultation includes proposals for information to be provided to new tenants and at lease renewals, proposals on rent reviews and rent... More
    Opened 17 March 2022
  • Guidance on Providing Community Equipment and Housing Adaptations

    We are consulting on revised guidance on the provision of community equipment and housing adaptations, which will replace the current guidance, published in 2009, available through the link below: Guidance on the provision of equipment and adaptations, 2009. Defining Community Equipment and Housing Adaptations Community equipment can include, but is not limited to: Equipment to support people with more significant health needs to be nursed or cared for,... More
    Opened 21 March 2022
  • Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014 consultation on regulations allocating the new Transport Appeals to the General Regulatory Chamber

    A consultation on the allocation of functions to the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland General Regulatory Chamber, and amendments to the composition and Rules of Procedure in the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland and the Upper Tribunal for appeals relating to: Low Emission Zone Schemes Workplace Parking Licensing Schemes the prohibition of Dropped Footway Parking the prohibition of Pavement Parking the prohibition of Double Parking The Tribunals (Scotland) Act... More
    Opened 22 March 2022
  • Home education guidance

    Why we are consulting This consultation seeks views on the draft updates to the existing Home education guidance , published in 2007. This guidance is published under Section 14 of the Standards in Scotland’s Schools Act 2000, and local authorities are to have regard to the guidance. The draft guidance sets out the roles and responsibilities of local authorities and parents in relation to home education. It provides information on... More
    Opened 23 March 2022
  • Social Security: safeguarding data sharing consultation

    Social Security Scotland is a public body which has daily interaction with the public and, where appropriate, their representatives. The Scottish Government is very much aware that Social Security Scotland supports some of the most vulnerable people in society. To adequately support these clients the Scottish Government must have clear and robust processes in place. This includes where information is presented leading Social Security Scotland to conclude whilst undertaking their duties... More
    Opened 25 March 2022
  • Proposed changes to fees charged for applications under the Electricity Act 1989

    This consultation document sets out proposals for changes to fees to be charged for applications submitted under sections 36, 36C and 37 of the Electricity Act 1989 ("the Electricity Act"). Read the consultation paper . More
    Opened 30 March 2022
  • Children’s Care and Justice Bill - consultation on policy proposals

    Scotland’s ambition is to be the best place in the world to grow up. To achieve this Scotland is adopting a progressive, and continually improving, approach to supporting our children and young people to achieve the best outcomes possible. This consultation covers potential legislative reforms to promote and advance the rights of all children and people who have been harmed. In particular, the objectives of these proposals are to safeguard and support Scotland’s children... More
    Opened 30 March 2022
  • University of Strathclyde – Further Education Teaching Programme Consultation

    The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on the proposed further education teaching programme to be delivered by the University of Strathclyde. The Scottish Ministers are proposing to make a determination under article 30 of the 2011 Order to specify that the University of Strathclyde course constitutes a recognised teaching qualification for individuals seeking registration as a further education teacher. The Teaching Qualification in Further Education (or... More
    Opened 4 April 2022
  • Call for evidence: Single-use food containers and other single-use items

    Material consumption and waste are the primary drivers of nearly every environmental problem we currently face, from water scarcity to habitat and species loss. Around 75% of Scotland’s carbon footprint is caused by the production, consumption, and all too often waste, of goods, and services. In Scotland we use on average 18.4 tonnes of resources per person, well above the 6-8 tonnes per person considered to be sustainable. Cutting our material consumption is therefore one of the most... More
    Opened 7 April 2022
  • Mandatory calorie labelling in the out of home sector in Scotland

    Mandating calorie labelling at the point of choice can support our Out of Home (OOH) sector to make a key contribution in improving our dietary health. This consultation fulfils a pledge made in our 2021 Out of Home Action Plan . The Plan builds on the commitments made in the 2018 Diet and Healthy Weight Delivery Plan and recommendations made by Food Standards Scotland (FSS) to Scottish Ministers in 2019. We are consulting on: 1. whether the provision of calorie information in... More
    Opened 8 April 2022
940 results. Page 23 of 32