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915 results

  • A Connected Scotland: Tackling social isolation and loneliness and building stronger social connections

    In the last Parliamentary term, the Scottish Government welcomed The Equal Opportunities Committee report on Social Isolation which was the first of its kind anywhere in the world. The committee found that social isolation and loneliness was a problem in Scotland, and recommended that the Government developed a national strategy to tackle it. This consultation is an important part of the process. Social Isolation and loneliness is an issue that can affect anyone at any age... More
    Opened 16 January 2018
  • Consultation on Electoral Reform

    This is the Scottish Government’s consultation on Electoral Reform. The Scottish Government is committed to ensuring access to democratic participation for all citizens. The way we vote in elections has remained unchanged for over 100 years. Modernisation takes place across all aspects of society and now is a good time to think about the kinds of innovation people in Scotland would like to see in elections. View full consultation paper here . More
    Opened 19 December 2017
  • Review of Brain/CNS Cancer Quality Performance Indicators Consultation

    Under the auspices of the Scottish Cancer Taskforce, National Cancer Quality Performance Indicators (QPIs) were developed to drive continuous quality improvement in cancer care across NHSScotland. In December 2013, Brain and Central Nervous System Cancer QPIs were published, and following 3 years of national comparative data, these have now been subject to formal review. In order to ensure success of the National Cancer QPIs in driving quality improvement it is critical that QPIs continue... More
    Opened 18 December 2017
  • Review of the Plant Health (Export Certification) Fees as charged by the Scottish Government

    A recent review of the plant health export fees has established that the current charges set do not reflect the costs incurred of providing the service. There is a Government responsibility to remove the subsidy for exporters and subsequent financial cost to taxpayers. The proposed new fee arrangement looks at ways to reduce the discrepancy. View the full consultation paper here. An eight week consultation was deemed appropriate as it is relevant to a narrow and specific group of... More
    Opened 14 December 2017
  • Review of Ovarian Cancer Quality Performance Indicators Consultation

    Under the auspices of the Scottish Cancer Taskforce, National Cancer Quality Performance Indicators (QPIs) were developed to drive continuous quality improvement in cancer care across NHSScotland. In August 2013, Ovarian Cancer QPIs were published, and following 3 years of national comparative data, these have now been subject to formal review. In order to ensure success of the National Cancer QPIs in driving quality improvement it is critical that QPIs continue to be clinically relevant... More
    Opened 13 December 2017
  • Consultation on Digital Economy Act 2017: part 5 (data sharing codes and regulations) in relation to the delivery of Scottish public services

    We would like public bodies in Scotland to be able to make use of the new data sharing powers as set out in the part 5 of the UK Government’s Digital Economy Act for the purposes of public services delivery. The UK government has recently consulted on draft regulations which set out four specific objectives for which data can be shared under the public service delivery provisions and the specific, non-devolved bodies that can use these powers. The four objectives are: multiple... More
    Opened 12 December 2017
  • A Consultation on the Beavers in Scotland Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report

    This is a consultation about the policy to reintroduce beavers to Scotland and whether the appropriate mitigation measures have been identified. Views are also being sought on a Strategic Environmental Assessment that has been undertaken of this policy of reintroduction. View the full consultation paper here More
    Opened 12 December 2017
  • Registration and Licensing of Animal Sanctuaries and Rehoming Activities in Scotland

    This consultation is seeking views on animal sanctuaries and rehoming agencies to be required to hold a license or be registered to carry out these activities depending on the size of the undertaking. It looks to refine proposals surrounding thresholds for registration and licensing and enforcement. More
    Opened 11 December 2017
  • Consultation on a Draft Order extending coverage of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 to Registered Social Landlords

    Following previous consultation on extending coverage of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) to Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) the Scottish Government is now consulting on the terms of a draft order. The draft order proposes to designate RSLs (and RSL subsidiaries) in so far as they undertake functions for which they are already subject to regulation and oversight by the Scottish Housing Regulator. View full consultation paper here View... More
    Opened 6 December 2017
  • Improving Scotland’s Health: Minimum Unit Pricing of Alcohol

    This consultation document sets out information relating to Minimum Unit Pricing for alcohol, and the Scottish Government’s preferred price of 50 pence per unit of alcohol. More
    Opened 1 December 2017
  • Consultation on Proposed Sites to Host Inshore Fisheries Pilots 2017

    On 25 May 2017, the Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy and Connectivity, Fergus Ewing MSP, announced the Inshore Fisheries Pilots initiative . The aim of this initiative is to explore alternative approaches to managing inshore fisheries, in order to ensure our coastal communities are making the most of our waters. The pilots will investigate two different methods of fisheries management: A localised approach to fisheries management, where fishing interests are involved in... More
    Opened 30 November 2017
  • Consultation on the introduction of mandatory Sheep Carcase Classification

    The Scottish Sheep Sector Review - ‘A pathway to a profitable future: a vision for the future of the Scottish sheep industry’ recommended the need for a comprehensive review of price and grade reporting protocols that would result in better reporting of carcase size, appearance and eating quality. Currently, the UK and Scotland do not enforce mandatory carcase classification or price reporting of sheep . However we are aware that the majority of Scottish Slaughterhouses do classify... More
    Opened 24 November 2017
  • Scotland's Energy Efficiency Programme: Second Consultation on Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategies, and Regulation of District and Communal Heating

    In January 2017, as part of the broader Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Programme, the Scottish Government published a high level policy scoping consultation paper on Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES), and regulation of district heating. It was part of a suite of consultations on the draft Climate Change Plan, the draft Energy Strategy and related activity. The consultation run between 24 January and 18 April 2017. Based on the evidence and views gathered from stakeholders... More
    Opened 14 November 2017
  • Review of the Gender Recognition Act 2004

    The Gender Recognition Act 2004 allows a transgender person to change their legally recognised gender. This consultation, which closed on 1 March 2018, sought views on whether and how the Gender Recognition Act 2004 should be amended in relation to the law in Scotland. The consultation covered establishing new arrangements for dealing with applications for legal gender recognition, the minimum age at which applications for gender recognition could be made and related matters. More
    Opened 9 November 2017
  • Fuel Poverty Strategy Consultation

    This consultation seeks views on proposals to tackle and diminish fuel poverty in Scotland. The consultation document seeks views on an approach that brings together actions from across government, and across society, to create a comprehensive strategy to deliver reductions in fuel poverty. The consultation also seeks views on how progress should be monitored and how our aim to tackle fuel poverty effectively is translated into an appropriate statutory framework. The Fuel Poverty... More
    Opened 9 November 2017
  • Empowering Schools: A consultation on the provisions of the Education (Scotland) Bill

    The Education (Scotland) Bill that is being introduced later this parliamentary year is to create a school and teacher-led education system. The Bill will establish a Headteachers’ Charter which sets out the right and responsibilities of the headteachers, empowering them to be the leaders of learning in their schools. The Bill will also improve parental and community engagement in school life and in learning outside of school, and strengthen the voice of children and young people, by... More
    Opened 7 November 2017
  • Practical Fire Safety Guidance for Existing Premises with Sleeping Accommodation

    This consultation is to seek comment on a revised volume of practical fire safety guidance. The guidance has been developed for dutyholders to help meet their responsibilities for fire safety under the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 in relation to existing premises with sleeping accommodation including small bed and breakfast and self-catering premises; small premises providing sleeping accommodation; and medium and large premises providing sleeping accommodation. The guidance does not seek... More
    Opened 7 November 2017
  • Consultation on Excellence and Equity for All: Guidance on the Presumption of Mainstreaming

    Excellence and Equity for All: Guidance on the Presumption of Mainstreaming aims to bridge the gap between legislation, policy and day-to-day experience, to ensure that local authorities have the guidance required to help their decision making in applying the presumption of mainstreaming. It is intended to provide guidance on applying the presumption and looks to encourage a child centred approach to making decisions about placement. As the implementation of the presumption of mainstreaming... More
    Opened 2 November 2017
  • Consultation on guidance on the provisions for licensing of sexual entertainment venues and changes to licensing of theatres

    The Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015 (the ‘2015 Act’) provides for the creation of a new non-mandatory licensing regime for sexual entertainment venues (SEV), such as lap dancing clubs. The provisions, when commenced, will allow local authorities to licence such venues under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (the “1982 Act”). This allows for greater local control over the provision of such venues by permitting local authorities to reflect the views of the... More
    Opened 1 November 2017
  • Consultation on Inshore Mackerel Fishery Trial

    The consultation paper provides a background to the creation of the inshore mackerel fisheries and reviews the impacts of the 2014-17 trial period of expanded access and quota allocation. Please click here to read the consultation document in full. More
    Opened 1 November 2017
  • Draft Code of Practice on the Exercise by Constables in Scotland of Searches for Cash and Listed Assets

    We are consulting on a draft code of practice. It is a code of practice for police constables in Scotland when they are searching people, premises or vehicles for cash or listed assets (a list in the Criminal Finances Act 2017 which includes precious stones, stamps, watches etc) which may have been obtained through unlawful conduct or be intended for use in unlawful conduct. The code replaces an existing code on searches for cash and has been expanded to include searches for listed assets... More
    Opened 1 November 2017
  • A healthier future - action and ambitions on diet, activity and healthy weight

    This consultation document proposes a range of actions to improve diet and weight in Scotland. It draws on experience of implementing the Obesity Route Map, the learning from tackling other public health challenges such as alcohol use and smoking, and a growing body of evidence on the action necessary to improve the health of the whole population. Tackling obesity has already been identified as a priority in Programme for Government with key commitments to limit the marketing of food... More
    Opened 26 October 2017
  • Consultation on the financial accounting arrangements for Regional Transport Partnerships

    An effective and efficient transport system is vital for Scotland’s economy and necessary for its people to go about their daily lives. The Regional Transport Partnerships (“RTPs”) strengthen the planning and delivery of regional transport developments, and in doing so regularly invest in projects. For financial planning purposes, there is a need to ensure RTPs have the ability to have a surplus or deficit on their Income and Expenditure accounts, and hence the ability to have a General... More
    Opened 20 October 2017
  • Scottish National Investment Bank

    The establishment of a Scottish National Investment Bank was a key measure announced in the Programme for Government 17-18 on 5 September 2017, with Benny Higgins, CEO of Tesco Bank, appointed by the First Minister to lead work on an Implementation Plan. More
    Opened 20 October 2017
  • Consultation on Scottish Court Fees 2018-2021

    The consultation proposes that court fee levels are increased by 2.3% with effect from 1 April 2018 to reflect inflationary pressures. This would be followed by further increases of 2% with effect from 1 April 2019 and a further 2% from 1 April 2020. More
    Opened 20 October 2017
  • Consultation on The Continuing Care (Scotland) Amendment Order 2018

    Section 67 of The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 inserts a new section 26A into the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 in relation to continuing care. Continuing care is defined in new section 26A(4) of the 1995 Act as meaning the same accommodation and other assistance as was being provided for the eligible person by the local authority, immediately before the person ceased to be looked after. Continuing care reflects the philosophy of care set out in the Scottish... More
    Opened 16 October 2017
  • A consultation on a draft revised code of conduct for registered property factors

    The code was introduced by the Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011 (the Act), which requires Scottish Ministers to prepare a code of conduct setting out minimum standards of practice for registered property factors and related amendments to the Act.. The current code came into force on 1 October 2012 and applies to all registered property factors as defined by section 2 of the Act. The Act requires that Scottish Ministers must from 'time to time' prepare a draft code which should be... More
    Opened 6 October 2017
  • Improving the Protection of Wild Mammals in Scotland

    We recognised concerns about whether legislation on fox-hunting in Scotland is working properly. That is why we asked the Right Honourable Lord Bonomy to undertake a review to ascertain whether the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002 is providing a sufficient level of protection for wild mammals, while at the same time allowing effective and humane control of mammals, such as foxes, where necessary. Lord Bonomy’s report is an important milestone and represents a considered,... More
    Opened 6 October 2017
  • National Improvement Framework: Consultation on measuring the attainment gap and milestones towards closing it

    The Scottish Government has been clear about its commitment to closing the poverty-related attainment gap between children and young people from the least and most disadvantaged communities. Ministers are committed to making demonstrable progress in closing the gap during the lifetime of this Parliament, and to substantially eliminate it in the next decade. We have undertaken to consult on proposals for measuring the gap and milestones towards closing it, and to publish our proposals as part... More
    Opened 4 October 2017
  • Consultation on regulations under Section 10 of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act 2015

    This consultation offers the opportunity to comment on the support that will be provided to victims of slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour - the offence under section 4 of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act 2015. More
    Opened 15 September 2017
915 results. Page 22 of 31