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915 results

  • Call for evidence: Single-use food containers and other single-use items

    Material consumption and waste are the primary drivers of nearly every environmental problem we currently face, from water scarcity to habitat and species loss. Around 75% of Scotland’s carbon footprint is caused by the production, consumption, and all too often waste, of goods, and services. In Scotland we use on average 18.4 tonnes of resources per person, well above the 6-8 tonnes per person considered to be sustainable. Cutting our material consumption is therefore one of the most... More
    Closed 30 June 2022
  • Mandatory calorie labelling in the out of home sector in Scotland

    Mandating calorie labelling at the point of choice can support our Out of Home (OOH) sector to make a key contribution in improving our dietary health. This consultation fulfils a pledge made in our 2021 Out of Home Action Plan . The Plan builds on the commitments made in the 2018 Diet and Healthy Weight Delivery Plan and recommendations made by Food Standards Scotland (FSS) to Scottish Ministers in 2019. We are consulting on: 1. whether the provision of calorie information in... More
    Closed 1 July 2022
  • Education - National Improvement Framework - A consultation on enhanced data collection for improvement

    In 2021, both the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD) and Audit Scotland published reports (links to both are in the related section further down this page) which made recommendations relating to data collection and the need to ensure it reflects the ambitions of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE). Audit Scotland recommended that the Scottish Government: “work with stakeholders to develop and publish consistent and robust national... More
    Closed 18 July 2022
  • Scottish Mental Health Law Review - Additional Proposals

    This consultation outlines some of the proposals for change to the law put forward by the Executive Team of the Scottish Mental Health and Incapacity Law Review. They have been developed in partnership with people with lived experience, including unpaid carers, and mental health practitioners through a series of Advisory Groups and Reference Groups. Aims of Consultation Our March 2022 consultation set out some of the proposals for change to mental health and incapacity... More
    Closed 22 July 2022
  • Bovine Tuberculosis: Proposals to amend The Tuberculosis (Scotland) Order 2007

    The Scottish Government seek to gather views on specific proposals relating to bovine tuberculosis, including diagnostic testing, cattle movements, isolation requirements and unclean cattle. Read the consultation paper Background Bovine tuberculosis (TB) is a notifiable disease of cattle, which can also affect other mammals. It continues to present a significant challenge to the farming sector across the UK. Scotland achieved Officially Tuberculosis Free Status... More
    Closed 1 August 2022
  • Onshore conventional oil and gas - call for evidence

    The Scottish Government is transitioning to a net zero emissions Scotland for the benefit of our environment, our people, and our prosperity, with Scotland’s ambitious climate change legislation setting a target date for net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045. This means that our contribution to climate change will end, definitively, within one generation. In line with this commitment, our Programme for Government 2021/22 states that “unlimited extraction of fossil... More
    Closed 2 August 2022
  • Coal extraction - call for evidence

    The Scottish Government is transitioning to a net zero emissions Scotland for the benefit of our environment, our people, and our prosperity, with Scotland’s ambitious climate change legislation setting a target date for net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045. This means that our contribution to climate change will end, definitively, within one generation. In line with this commitment, our Programme for Government 2021/22 states that “unlimited extraction of fossil... More
    Closed 2 August 2022
  • Review of permitted development rights - phase 2 consultation

    The Scottish Government is carrying out a review of permitted development rights (PDR) as part of our wider planning reform programme. The PDR review is being taken forward in phases, with each phase focussing on specific development types. Through Phase 2 of the PDR review programme, we are seeking views on proposed changes relating to: Electric vehicle charging infrastructure Changes of use in city, town and local centres Port development Read the consultation... More
    Closed 3 August 2022
  • Herring in the Firth of Clyde - setting the total allowable catch for 2022

    This consultation relates to the 2022 Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for herring in the Firth of Clyde. Marine Scotland is carrying out this consultation on behalf of the UK Fisheries Administrations, to seek views on the level of the 2022 TAC, to permit the allocation of Clyde herring quota to UK fishermen. Read the consultation paper More
    Closed 3 August 2022
  • Data Strategy for health and social care

    Why are we developing a Data Strategy? As set out in the Strategy for Care in the Digital Age , we believe that data should be harnessed to the benefit of the people of Scotland. This includes the delivery of better services, greater innovation, and ensuring the people of Scotland have greater access to, and greater control over, their health and social care information. The use of data has changed in the last few years and the pandemic has played a role in... More
    Closed 12 August 2022
  • The independent strategic review of funding and commissioning of violence against women and girls services: call for evidence

    The independent Strategic Review of Funding and Commissioning of Violence Against Women and Girls Services, chaired by Lesley Irving, has been established by the Scottish Government to develop a new funding model that will ensure high quality, accessible specialist services across Scotland for those experiencing any form of violence against women and girls. This call for evidence is being issued to the public to help gather evidence on a number of key topics including: ... More
    Closed 15 August 2022
  • Police complaints, investigations and misconduct: a consultation on legislation

    This consultation looks at the publication of Dame Elish Angiolini’s independent review on Complaints Handling, Investigations and Misconduct Issues in Relation to Policing which recommended improvements to policing systems and structures. The Angiolini report mentions principles of improving fairness, transparency, accountability and proportionality to current policing systems and governance structures. These principles are key to the questions set out in this consultation. ... More
    Closed 16 August 2022
  • Environmental Standards Scotland - draft strategic plan

    Environmental Standard Scotland (ESS) is a new independent public body, established by the UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Continuity) (Scotland) Act 2021. ESS has been created to monitor the effectiveness of environmental law in Scotland and public authorities’ compliance with it, and to prevent enforcement gaps arising from the UK leaving the European Union. What are we seeking views on We want to improve the quality of the environment in Scotland and help... More
    Closed 17 August 2022
  • Improving victims' experiences of the justice system: consultation

    The Scottish Government’s new Vision for Justice in Scotland , published in February 2022, sets out our clear and compelling vision for a just, safe and resilient Scotland. We are committed to a transformational approach to justice reform to ensure the system meets the needs and values of today’s society, and the society we want to see in the future. This means putting people at its heart, redesigning historical processes where they no longer meet our needs and reforming in... More
    Closed 19 August 2022
  • Delivering Scotland’s circular economy: A Route Map to 2025 and beyond

    Through this consultation we set out our proposals for a Route Map to 2025, our strategic plan to deliver Scotland’s zero waste and circular economy ambitions. It is the start of a national conversation on how we deliver our vision for the circular economy. We are seeking your views on the feasibility and ambition of these proposals in order to reach our 2025 waste and recycling targets, and to achieve our long terms goal of net zero by 2045. Read the consultation... More
    Closed 22 August 2022
  • Delivering Scotland’s circular economy: a consultation on proposals for a Circular Economy Bill

    This consultation seeks views on the Scottish Government’s proposals for legislation to develop Scotland’s circular economy. A circular economy is one in which resources are kept in use for as long as possible. It can benefit the environment, by cutting waste and carbon emissions; the economy, by improving productivity and opening up new markets; and communities, by providing local employment opportunities. The consultation sets out a number of areas in which we are... More
    Closed 22 August 2022
  • Inclusion of Scottish public bodies in Transparency in Supply Chains (TISC) reporting

    This consultation is seeking your views on proposals to extend the reporting requirements to Scottish public bodies for the publication of modern slavery statements as part of work to improve Transparency in Supply Chains. It also seeks your views on the mechanisms for this reporting and associated enforcement regimes. Public Sector Alongside commercial organisations, the public sector has a crucial role to play in addressing the risks of modern slavery in its supply... More
    Closed 22 August 2022
  • A new Suicide Prevention Strategy for Scotland

    The Scottish Government and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) will publish a new Suicide prevention Strategy and Action Plan in September 2022. This will replace the current Suicide Prevention Action Plan: Every Life Matters which was published in 2018. Every Life Matters sets out ten actions which are driven by the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group (NSPLG) . The Plan continues to deliver a wide range of actions, including: campaigns to reduce stigma and... More
    Closed 23 August 2022
  • Home education guidance

    Why we are consulting This consultation seeks views on the draft updates to the existing Home education guidance , published in 2007. This guidance is published under Section 14 of the Standards in Scotland’s Schools Act 2000, and local authorities are to have regard to the guidance. The draft guidance sets out the roles and responsibilities of local authorities and parents in relation to home education. It provides information on... More
    Closed 31 August 2022
  • Scottish roadworks technical consultation 2022

    The aim of this consultation is to ask some specific technical questions regarding qualifications and reinstatement quality plans. Currently these elements are covered within Section 116 (Qualifications of supervisors and operatives) and Section 118 (Reinstatement Quality Plans) of The Transport (Scotland) Act 2019. We would like to engage with the public to determine if further Legislation is required regarding qualifications, and seek opinions on the proposals to define the timescales for... More
    Closed 8 September 2022
  • A new Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy - consultation

    We want to hear your views on what a new Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Scotland should look like. We have asked a series of questions, and your answers to these will help us write the final Strategy. The Strategy will guide the work that the Government, and our partners, will do to improve mental health and wellbeing in Scotland. This will include an overall shared vision, a set of outcomes, and how we will achieve these to improve people’s mental health and wellbeing.... More
    Closed 9 September 2022
  • Salmon fishing: proposed river gradings for 2023 season

    We are seeking views on the proposed river gradings for the 2023 fishing season, which have been calculated from the annual assessment of the conservation status of wild Atlantic salmon populations in rivers across Scotland. Additionally, we are seeking views on proposals for achieving higher rates of catch and release and post-catch survivability. These include encouraging voluntary measures and the potential of mandatory measures through legislation change in future which... More
    Closed 9 September 2022
  • Scottish Biodiversity Strategy 2022

    The Scottish Government are seeking views for their Biodiversity Strategy, which is due for publication in 2022. The Strategy is the starting point in a process which will lead into the development of rolling delivery plans and, through the introduction of a Natural Environment Bill, statutory nature restoration targets. This consultation forms part of an engagement process with a wide range of stakeholders who have an interest in Scotland’s biodiversity, including land... More
    Closed 12 September 2022
  • Dialogue challenge: Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan

    The way we use and generate energy will continue to transform in the coming years, affecting our jobs, the way we live and the way we do business. This transformation can be an opportunity to build a wealthier, healthier and fairer Scotland, as well as helping us to meet our ambitious commitments to tackle climate change. Later this year, a refreshed Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan will be published in draft. This will provide a whole-system vision and route map for... More
    Closed 12 September 2022
  • Restricting promotions on food and drink high in fat, sugar or salt

    This consultation is open until 23 rd September 2022. If you are unable to respond by the deadline, please contact us at . Responses received up to 30 September will be accepted and included in the analysis of this consultation. If responding after the closing date, please complete the respondent information form and email to In 2021-22 Programme for Government (link will open in new window) , the Scottish... More
    Closed 23 September 2022
  • Devolved aspects of the review of the Scheme that provides relief to energy-intensive industries for a proportion of the costs of funding renewable energy generation, that includes the Renewables Obligation (Scotland)

    This consultation enables the Scottish Government to fulfil its obligation, in parallel with the UK Government which is seeking views on the exemption scheme that provides relief to energy-intensive industries (EII) for a proportion of the indirect costs of funding renewable electricity policies. This includes Contracts for Difference (CfD), Renewables Obligation (RO) and small-scale Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) schemes (collectively defined as the “Exemption Scheme” or “Scheme”). ... More
    Closed 23 September 2022
  • Fiscal framework review - stakeholder call for evidence

    Overview This call for evidence is seeking views on the design and operation of the Block Grant Adjustment mechanisms which form part of the Scottish Fiscal Framework. In particular, views are sought on how the Block Grant Adjustments allocate risk and deliver on principles described by the Smith Commission, and which are intended to underpin the Scottish Fiscal Framework. Changes to the Scottish Block Grant are largely calculated by the Barnett... More
    Closed 28 September 2022
  • Planning with People: Community engagement and participation guidance - service user questionnaire

    Did you know that people living in Scotland have the right to get involved in the design and delivery of new health or social care services, and to comment on changes to existing services? When it comes to designing or making changes to these services, it is important that NHS Boards, Health and Social Care Partnerships and Local Authorities listen to the views of people who might use them. The process of finding out your views is called community engagement. In March 2021, the... More
    Closed 30 September 2022
  • Scotland’s statutory debt solutions and diligence: policy review response

    The Scottish Government committed to a policy review of both formal debt recovery mechanisms (known as diligence) and the statutory debt solutions (moratorium protection, bankruptcy, Protected Trust Deeds and the Debt Arrangement Scheme) with the aim of further enhancing and improving our system. This consultation sets out the Scottish Government’s response to the second stage of the review. Stage 2 of the review has been stakeholder led and involved the creation of three... More
    Closed 7 October 2022
  • Equality Evidence Strategy 2023-25 consultation

    We are consulting on a draft plan to improve and strengthen Scotland's equality evidence base. The responses we receive through this consultation will help to shape this plan, which will form the basis of Scotland's new Equality Evidence Strategy. The development of Scotland's next Equality Evidence Strategy, covering the years 2023 to 2025 will mark the conclusion of the first phase of the Scottish Government's Equality Data Improvement Programme (EDIP). This phase was launched in April... More
    Closed 7 October 2022
915 results. Page 24 of 31